Sunday, November 30, 2014

State of Wrestlementary December 2014

Hello All!

There have been a lot of changes in the Pro Wrestling world lately hasn’t there? The number one changed is TNA’s demise from the Spike airwaves, even if it was expected.

TNA will be back on TV in January though, so no worries.

Wrestlementary has had a few changes as well. I’m sure everyone has noticed the absence of a couple of columns, and that I myself have been late with materials lately.

The holidays, increased workloads, and personal issues have wrecked have on this blog, along with my arm injury. It also hasn’t helped that the WWE has been in a massive downward spiral and barely worth writing about.

Because of the rush of the holidays and that we are down to only two broadcasts a week (RAW and SMACKDOWN) for December I am cutting down the blog to only my Week in Review, and Dave’s Parrish’s upcoming piece.

In January that will change as we will return to a full schedule of commentary, with a new logo as well.

For now, let’s all enjoy the holidays; look forward to the TV return of TNA, the Coming of New Japan to American TV and hope that the WWE can do anything right soon.

Ace Masters.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Hello, All!

Well, the 28th annual Survivor Series has come and gone.

What do I have to say about it? It was far better than Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell. That much is easy.

It was on Par with Summer Slam, which is an okay thing. Good, but not great is what I am saying.

There were defiantly some noteworthy events. Two titles changes, and Dean Ambrose destroying Bray Wyatt.

The Miz and MizDow are the new World Tag Team Champions. I’m good with this. Sandow (MizDow) has put in a lot of good work and has earned a title run.

Nikki Bella won a squash over AJ Lee for the Divas title. A waste of time as I thought it would be, and played out exactly as I thought with Brie helping Nikki. I don’t mind the squash too much, but would have been better if Nikki has squashed AJ by herself.

Bray Wyatt won by DQ, but essentially lost. Dean Ambrose went berserk and destroyed Bray, leaving him lying under a pile of chairs.

What about that World Title Match? Huh? Huh?

Overall, the matches were okay, but nothing outside the main event shined. The Divas elimination match was horrendous. Why does the WWE even have women’s division anymore?

TEAM CENA versus TEAM AUTHORITY is what this show was all about. This match almost delivered on everything promised. That is good, considering the bar for this match was so high, reaching it was near impossible.

It was actually a good match, complete with a good story, drama and surprises!
 Big Show betrayed team CENA, KTFO John Cena! TEAM CENA decimated. Dolph Ziggler left by himself against Rusev, Harper and Rollins!

Dolph shined. This was his greatest moment in the WWE, eliminating Ruzev and Harper to make it one-on-one, or one-one-two. Dolph was closing in on the win, when HHH took over. After HHH was done, Dolph laid unconscious, Rollins on top for the pin and Scott Anderson running down in a ref’s shirt to make the count.

Cue Sting! Game not just OVER, GAME CHANGED.

Sting took out HHH, and set Dolph up for the Pin.


Sting has finally arrived. Does this mean there is a seismic shift in the universe itself?

FINAL THOUGHTS: Some good moments, but the main event saved the show.



Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ace's Answer: RAW 11/24/2014

I am going to be brief here. For this Blog only, I hope, I am renaming this column to RAW SUCKED.

Why? RAW did just that. Two words for you: RAW SUCKED.

We opened the show with a thirty-minute promo segment? Thirty minutes? I tuned in to watch professional wrestling, not Crossfire.

Yes, Daniel Bryan on the show was a surprise. No, it wasn’t good for the show.

They did nothing, nothing, to build off Survivor Series. Not one-step was taken forward. Massive steps were taken backwards.

You have the biggest match in the history of Survivor Series. A match that changes the course of the future, and the next night you put out a show built around juvenile revenge crap set up by Bryan? The worst choices that could have been made, were made.

The show ended with the worst thing the WWE could have done. They brought back the worst idea in the history of the WWE: the Anonymous General Manger.

There was one bright spot, Harper versus Ambrose. Even with Bray Wyatt’s attack on Ambrose, this was the best part of the show. In fact, as much as I have piled on Bray Wyatt, with this attack, he finally did something.

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was three hours not of filler, but of filth. This was the worst RAW of the year. The worst RAW I can remember in a long, long time.

RATING: RAW SUCKED. 2. And that is only for Harper versus Ambrose.

MATCH OF THE SHOW: Harper versus Ambrose


This will be my last Impact Commentary until 2015, as sadly this past Impact was the last first run Impact on Spike TV. I hope the move to Destination America will be positive. I will write about that soon.

This was another good broadcast of Impact, continuing their streak of good shows. However, I wanted more from this last broadcast. It should have been special. That is what happens when they tape weeks in advance.

It was a very eventful show, with two new champions, Kurt Angle taken out, MVP stepping up his game.

Taryn Terrell is the new TNA Knockouts champions, winning a three-way match with Havok and Gail Kim. The difference between the Knockouts and the Divas is that the Knockouts put on good matches; this was the best of the night.

I liked this match from start to finish, it was laid out smartly. Kim and Taryn doubled teamed Havok each chance they had, all three had periods of controlling the match. Tarn won with a surprise pin on Gail.

I am not a big Taryn fan. I honestly don’t think she is that good. TNA has built her up right though, and they have done it over the course of a year or more. She’s beaten Gail Kim in the past, but can she beat Havok in a one-on-one rematch?

Havok has been great since she came in. Used correctly she has greater potential.

Last week Joe vacated the X Division title. This week Low Ki won the X Division Title in a fatal four way. Low Ki is really good, and it is nice to see a title on him after his terrible WWE run. DJ Z was my pick to win; TNA has really screwed him up lately.

How good did Chris Melendez look in his match with Kenny King? Kenny King is great, and Melendez hung with him. That is hard for anyone to do, much less an amputee. Great Props to Sarge.

I hate the story line though, with MVP attacking him. I think it is a bad move.

It is perfectly fine for MVP to attack Kurt Angle though, and I have been waiting for it. MVP needed to step out and return to his bad self, and not just speak for others, as he said himself.

TNA needs that really strong, vicious Heel. MVP is it.

A damn good show. Can’t wait for TNA to resume on Destination America. I am glad I have the channel.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: TNA Knockout Title Match: Havok versus Gail Kim versus Taryn Terrell
WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: Sarge Chris Melendez.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Taryn’s TNA Knockout Title win.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Survivor Series Preview

Monday Night and Smackdown had me looking forward to tonight’s Survivor Series, which was always my favorite PPV when it held only elimination matches.

Then I looked at the card and realized there are only Six matches currently scheduled? Including the return of Fandango? My heart sank.

Then I learned that Bad News Barrett is returning at Survivor Series! On the Kickoff Show.

For the second longest PPV in the WWE and the PPV they are using to push the WWE Network, these six matches better deliver big time. They need to all by close to five-star matches.

I do expect a couple of filler matches to be thrown. Bad move if they do that.

Since this is, as stated, the PPV used for the Network and it’s free month, they need to entice people as much as possible. That involves stating everything up front; give the people a reason to sign up, even for free.

So far, this is the announced card:

  • Fandango versus TBA
  • WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Gold/Stardust (c) versus The Usos versus Los Matadores versus The Miz and Mizdow
  • Dean Ambrose versus Bray Wyatt
  • Team Fox (Alicia Fox, Emma, Naomi and Natty) versus Team Paige (Paige, Cameron, Layla and Summer Rae)
  • Divas Championship Match: AJ Lee (c) versus Nikki Bella, with Brie Bella
  • TEAM CENA (John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, Eric Rowan, Ryback) versus Team Authority (Seth Rollins, Kane, Mark Henry, Rusev, Luke Harper)

This could be a good card. I have high hopes for Ambrose versus Wyatt and Team Cena versus Team Authority. Team Fox versus Team Paige being removed from this lineup would improve the card drastically.

The Tag Title match could potentially steal the show.

My Predictions:
Fandango versus TBA – Who Cares?

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Gold/Stardust (c) versus The Usos versus Los Matadores versus The Miz and Mizdow

  • New Tag Team Champions: Los Matadores. The other teams will focus on each other, leaving Diego and the Bull getting a quick victory.

Dean Ambrose versus Bray Wyatt

  • No Winner. This should be thrown out.

Team Fox (Alicia Fox, Emma, Naomi and Natty) versus Team Paige (Paige, Cameron, Layla and Summer Rae)

  • I want to say, who cares, but I used that above. But I think Team fox will win, based on the Total Divas on the team.

Divas Championship Match: AJ Lee (c) versus Nikki Bella, with Brie Bella

  • Nikki wins the title because Brie turns heel and helps her.

TEAM CENA (John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, Eric Rowan, Ryback) versus Team Authority (Seth Rollins, Kane, Mark Henry, Rusev, Luke Harper)

  • Team Authority will Reign supreme with Rollins and Rusev surviving.

We will see how it turns out, and if I am anywhere close to what will happen.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ace's Answer - Monday Night Raw 11/18/2014


This past Monday Night Raw was the go home broadcast leading into this Sunday’s Survivor Series.

This was the best Go Home broadcast the WWE has done in MONTHS. It was also easily the best RAW since the night after Summer Slam.

This broadcast did what Raw should do leading into a PPV (aka Major Event), especially a go home show. It set up the event – specifically focusing on the two major matches, Ambrose versus Wyatt and Team Authority versus Team Cena. It also announced and set the framework for other matches, including the Divas Title (Yawn), and the Tag Titles.

There were three noteworthy events in the main event segment of Raw. The first involved Sheamus, and the announcement that he was out of Survivor Series completely. First, he loses the US Title, now he’s off the PPV. Is he off doing a project or is he injured?

The major noteworthy surprise involves the newest member of Team Cena, and that isn’t Ryback joining Team Cena. If that surprised you, pay more attention.

Eric Rowan joined Team Cena? Really? Awesome. I mean really Awesome. Is this a full face turn for Rowan? Are there issues between Harper and Rowan that will lead to a feud? Or is there a swerve in the works?

Monday was the first time that Harper and Rowan were referred to as ‘former’ members of the Wyatt Family.

The other noteworthy event? Am I the only one who noticed the contract was never signed? Could this lead to Team Authority pulling a fast one and screwing Team Cena?

The Divas. Yeah, I liked that AJ laid out both sisters. However, that is probably going to be the impetus for a Brie heel turn and a reuniting of Nikki and Brie as a team. Sorry AJ, but I think you might lose this weekend.

GRUMPY CAT. Why the #$%^ was this cat on Raw?

Why the @#$% is Larry, The Cable Guy on Raw next week?

Almost everything to do with Team Authority versus Team Cena. Team Authority is showing the right amount of desperation. Team Cena is showing the right amount of determination. Everything that Team Authority did on Raw was excellent. Taking out every member they could of Team Cena was the right call. The way they did it was near perfect. No one left unscathed.

Luke Harper’s IC Title win. Did anyone see that coming? I didn’t. Being a member of Team Authority has already paid off for Harper. Authority gained a big advantage in the mind games department here. Dolph may still be in the game physically, but mentally?

Dean Ambrose. Boy, did Ambrose get one over Bray. He also revealed WWE’s long held secret to ‘mysterious entrances.’ Great job by Ambrose. Bray, okay.

This is the first time I have said this in a long time, but I even enjoyed most of the matches on Raw.

The other Major Match announced on Raw is a Fatal 4-Way for the Tag Titles with Gold/Stardust defending against the Usos, Los Matadores and The Miz and Mizdow.
Everything seemed to play a part on Raw and lead into the PPV.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Raw delivered on this Go Home show and made Survivor Series interesting. It set things up and forced certain questions to be asked:
Is Bray Wyatt going to save Ambrose?
Will Nikki win the Divas Title? Will Brie help here?
Can Team Cena Vanquish The Authority? What will the repercussions be if Team Cena loses?

The best way to find out those answers is to watch Survivor Series.

RATING: 6.5. It loses points for Grumpy Cat.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Big Show versus Sheamus. Yes, there was no finish, but the match they did have stood out.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: TIE: Luke Harper winning the IC title. Eric Rowan joining Team Cena.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

WRESTLEMENTARY NOTE No Week in Review for 11/9 to 11/15

There is a very good reason that there was no Week in Review this past Sunday. I was only able to watch and comment on Monday Night Raw this week. It is hard to write and comment on Impact and Smackdown when I was unable to watch either.

For some reason my DVR glitched this past week and failed to record TNA Impact or Smackdown. Since I was unable to watch either, I couldn’t very well do a Week in Review.

Unlike Smackdown, which is replayed on Hulu, Impact is not. Impact will be online on Spike this week (I hope), so I may review both last week’s and this week’s broadcasts of Impact for Friday.

My RAW commentary will be online tomorrow.

Ace Masters.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ace's Answer RAW Commentary 11/10/2014

Okay, I actually watched all of RAW this week!

RAW has been a major chore to watch over the last two months. The last couple of weeks have been improvements. Not great, but better.

At least this week we had a reason for everything that happened and they actually built toward something. This broadcast was better than both recent go home editions of RAW for Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell.

Survivor Series is already looking to be better than both those shows. As the Thanksgiving show, and the second longest running PPV, it had better be.

The show started slow with another overlong promo segment to set up Cena versus Ryback and which team Ryback would be on. Ryback gave Cena a spine buster and appeared to make his choice.

The best parts of RAW had to do with setting up Team Cena versus Team Authority.
Look at the matches we got from that, and they meant something and had an effect on both teams.

Jack Swagger’s match with Seth Rollins, which lead to Swagger being taken out.

Dolph Ziggler versus the new member of Team Authority Mark Henry. Henry was set to put Ziggler out when Big Show came down to make the save. He subsequently joined Team Cena.

The Authority caused Sheamus to be counted out and lose his rematch against Rusev. This lead to Rusev officially joining Team Authority and Sheamus joining Team Cena.
During the night, Kane, Rollins and Mark Henry all talked to Ryback. Kane and Rollins both told him to listen to them. Mark ‘jokingly’ reminded him how he crushed Ryback at WrestleMania. This didn’t bold well for later in the night.

During the main event, Kane became so enraged at Ryback for not being aggressive enough on Cena that he attacked Cena, leading to Ryback attacking Kane. This lead to a free-for-all that saw everybody left lying and Ryback walking off, no longer on Team Authority. Is he on Team Cena?

The only person that didn’t get involved in the main event was Dolph Ziggler. We found out why when Luke Harper dumped a beaten Ziggler at the feet of Stephanie and HHH, telling them he is a ‘Team Player.”

The Divas, as usual. The Brie/AJ match was bad, but this whole angle is.

The floating eyes promo that is plaguing Ziggler. I don’t care who it is, this is dumb.

The overboard shoving of the Network down our throats. I have the Network. I love the Network. But promote it better. Stop with this $9.99 crap and give people a real reason to buy in.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Above average edition of RAW. The build up to Survivor Series is going well, I think.



Tuesday, November 11, 2014




What the Hell is Lucha Underground? This is a serious question because I am not actually sure. Is it a wrestling TV show or is it some weird grindhouse wannabe wrestling TV show?

Is it even a promotion? By that I mean will it do house shows and non-televised events?

I don’t think those behind Lucha Underground, Mark Burnett, Robert Rodriguez, the El Rey Network, are quite sure. It doesn’t seem like anyone involved has an idea what professional wrestling is. Wait, I mean Lucha Libre.

The way it is presented comes across like a poorly made, badly written and ugly acted grindhouse movie, with no redeeming qualities. Trying to make wrestling into grindhouse is stupid. Wrestling was underground, edgy and grindhouse, before grindhouse even existed. Furthermore, WCCW and ECW beat Lucha Underground to this type of presentation 20 to 30 years ago.

The first match they broadcast two weeks ago gave me great hopes, Blue Demon, Jr versus Chavo Guerrro, Jr. Then I saw the match. Or whatever it was they did. This match looked ill timed, fake and over-mapped out. Neither Demon nor Chavo looked comfortable and it seemed like Chavo taped out before Demon even finished putting on his submission hold.

Except for Prince Puma (aka Ricochet) and Johnny Mundo (aka John Morrison) there is nothing to rant about. Their main event match on the debut broadcast was good, the only good thing about Lucha Underground so far.

Chris Rose commented to me the other day that the show is ‘scripted,’ not ‘booked.’ It shows. Badly acted crap segments, including an opening credits segment that is dubbed into English!

The problem with the writing is that these first two broadcasts were played like they were further into the ‘season,’ with story points that made no sense. Such as the owner of Lucha Underground berating Chavo for not destroying Blue Demon, Jr. There is no set up for the owner’s vendetta against Blue Demon. Another point is the commentators talking about how and why the fans hate the owner, yet the first episode is the first time anyone saw him.

The commentators for Lucha Underground are Matt Striker and Vampiro. They are not very good. Striker oversells and acts like no one has ever seen Lucha Libre style wrestling before. Vampiro’s commenting seems to consist of scattered ‘Brother’ and ‘That’s dope,’ comments. They do not help to elevate an already shoddy product.

All that aside, there was something even worse that happened on the second episode, something sickening.

Blue Demon, Jr was defeated by Mil Muetras. Chavo, with a chair, came out to save Demon. He then turned on Demon, beating him down with the chair, and did the same to anyone who came out to help Demon.

SexyStar, the female Luchador, came out to talk to Chavo, to get him to stop. Chavo stopped for a second. Then hit SexyStar in the head with the chair.

Let me repeat, Chavo Geurrero hit the female Luchador SexyStar in the head with a chair. This was not an accident. It was deliberate. I don’t care if SexyStar’s gimmick is that she wrestles men, this was over the line.

To make matters worse, Chavo did his typical posing and gloating after this. When the medics came out, they carted Blue Demon, Jr off to the hospital, but left SexyStar lying on the mat.

Who the Hell thought this was a good idea? Accidental, maybe. A chair shot to a woman on purpose, Fuck No!

Look at the news. How bad is the domestic abuse issue involving pro athletes right now? How about the biggest NFL story heading into the season? Ray Rice anyone? What about War Machine almost killing Christy Mack?

With all this going on, someone thought this was a good idea? No. Don’t sell me that it is just pro wrestling, or that it is stage and ‘fake.’ Bullshit. People complained and thought it was tasteless when HHH lay with Katie Vick in the coffin.

This crossed a line. I doubt if I will bother watching again. After all, there is real Lucha Libre out there just check Youtube.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Week in Review - 11/2 - 11/8

This week in review will be brief, and I want to address my lack of posts this week.

Sometime last Saturday afternoon I injured my right arm, causing a lot of swelling and crushing a nerve. This has been causing me a lot of pain and numbness in my hand. Because of this, I have had to limit my time writing, I haven’t even written much on the novel I started last weekend for National Novel Writing Month.

Okay, wrestling.



I didn’t cover the previous RAW, which I liked and felt was a marked improvement from the last two months’ worth of RAWs. This past RAW wasn’t quite as good, but was still better than anything else the WWE has produced lately.

The High Point was the fallout from Mr. McMahon’s announcement that if the Authority loses at Survivor Series, they are out of power. I love this stipulation, as it can lead to so many things. Could this also be the beginning of the long rumored Vince versus the Authority feud? We’ll see.

This directly led into the Randy Orton and Seth Rollins issue. Already this feud is better than Cena versus Rollins, or Ambrose versus Rollins. How? We have already had more physicality between the two and no stupid skits, just fighting.

Granted, Orton came out on the losing end and is ‘out.’ The question is, will he return for Survivor Series? If so, whose team and can he be trusted?


Smackdown is still being put together as RAW recap, but this week wasn’t that bad. I actually liked the broadcast. There were two cage matches, one of them a title match and there were segments and matches that had implications leading into Survivor Series.

Adam Rose turned on the Bunny! I love Adam Rose and his gimmick, not huge on the Bunny, but he has gotten over. A heel turn, feud with Bunny, and a darker edge could be a big plus for Adam Rose.

The High Point has to go to the segment with Sergeant Rose.

Best match of the night was Kane versus Dolph Ziggler in the steel cage.

Could it still be better? Yes, if the recaps were cut down.


I am briefly going to mention Lucha Underground. I will try to write a full commentary in the next few days.

If you have missed Lucha Underground, don’t worry. I would continue to miss it.


Once again, TNA ruled the week with an excellent show from top to bottom. Since July, they have turned a major corner. I do not know if this is desperation or what, but it’s good for the product. However long it will be on TV.

We had the finals of the Tag Tournament, Knockouts Title Match, Spud finally standing up for himself and a World Title Match.

WWE take note of how many World Title Matches TNA has had on TV lately. How many times has Brock even been on TV?

Final thoughts: WWE is trying, but coasting. Lucha Failed. TNA is schooling.

MATCH OF THE WEEK: Knockouts Title Match: Havok versus Gail Kim

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why TNA is kicking WWE's ass lately (and how to fix it)

Big time promotions in professional wrestling having rivalries against each other is nothing new. The history of sport is littered with such things. Right now, the long-standing king of the hill in worldwide wrestling entertainment is so big, it doesn’t really consider TNA wrestling, with its multiple tapings at single venues for a relatively smaller cable outlet, to be any kind of competition, but it should.

Over the past year or so, WWE has let a lot of talent go both in front of and behind the camera in an effort to shore up corporate profits and to usher in new blood from its developmental program. Personnel-wise, TNA has done the same but instead of bringing in a lot of new talent, they’ve gone to the well by bringing back veterans like Devon and Low Ki to shore up their ranks and provide arguably a better product than what WWE is producing right now.

TNA’s biggest challenge is that their contract negotiations with Spike TV and other cable channels have been shaky for a while now. They want to give the fans what they want but aren’t sure they’ll have the outlet to do so for much longer. Despite this, week in week out, TNA’s talent puts their best show on.

The matches are better because the talent level is so high and the shift away from silly backstage story lines has served TNA well of late. Veterans Booby Roode, Eric Young, Samoa Joe and Bully Ray have been performing at a very high level lately and the fans are the benefactors. Relative newcomers Bram and EC3, who some fans doubted could hang with the legends around them, proved continually they could both dish AND take it with the best of them.

Compare that to WWE’s current Champion, Brock Lesnar who shows up when his paycheck does or Bo Dallas' diaper and thumb sucking routine. You start to see the key difference right now between the two promotions.

When WWE brings in old school talent nowadays (with the exception of future hall of famer Chris Jericho who can make a bowl of skim milk into something worth watching), they don’t give them anything to do! Poor Dave Bautista was shoehorned into the Authority. Lesnar was given a corner to sulk in and after his release from UFC. All Hulk Hogan has done at WWE since his re-signing is flub lines, mess up names and remind everyone how cool things used to be. Settling for the cheap pop of bringing a fan favorite back isn’t helping - having a battle plan to utilize veteran talents in a way that’s going to help the product shine will.

The other part of the problem is the WWE network. On paper the network seems like a can’t miss - hours and hours of archived classic matches, unique first-run programs, talent showcases to peruse and free PPVs. But ever since the numbers have plateaued for them, WWE has started do show signs of desperate flop sweat in the face of corporate quarterly meetings that are showing losses across the board. By banking solely on the network, WWE has forgotten to give the fans what they want, more cool free stuff, not to chant 9.99 every week.

The fix for WWE is a lot simpler than it seems - put more of the focus back on your flagships, Raw and Smackdown. This preoccupation with hyping the PPV-of-the-month is hurting the product, especially when the PPVs are of lesser significance. Move Night of Champions and Payback back to USA and SyFy and that will build the important events like Summer Slam and Survivor series up better.

With big events, big talent and memorable matches usually follow. THAT’S the surefire way to put things back on track for WWE, that is unless they want TNA to keep showing them up. Then by all means, they should keep doing what they’re doing.  


Ensuring a better future, for ALL

Saturday, November 1, 2014

State of Wrestlementary


Hey Yo,

Welcome all wrestling fans. Back in July, I relaunched Wrestlementary and it has been good writing for this Blog. For me personally it was very therapeutic during my recovery.

If you are astute, you will have noticed that the blog has been a little quite lately. Wrestlementary is NOT going anywhere and is not going on Hiatus, as I recently announced the Burning Mind is (

Part of the reason for the quietness is scheduling issues with some of the writers, making time in their personal lives to write for the blog.

For me personally, I have been suffering from some exhaustion the past week or so. I have slacked off, much to my own disappointment.

Wrestlementary is poised to only improve as the future comes. By the first of this coming year, I plan to have an entirely new logo and I am hoping to expand coverage to more wrestling promotions in 2015. This past Monday we had ‘guest commentary,’ I am hoping for more of that in 2015.

As 2015 rolls on, I am looking into the possibility of doing podcasts and even videos for the Blog to make this more dynamic.

With the status of TNA seemingly in Flux, the WWE seemingly unsure of where it is heading creatively (Brock anyone?), the potential rise of Global Force Wrestling, we seem to be on the crux of some major changes in the wrestling landscape. Wrestlementary wants to be there to comment on it all.

Keep this is mind, the promise we have kept is that we wouldn’t rehash the same news repeatedly. Everything on Wrestlementary is unique and original. We don’t kiss ass. That won’t change.

Ace Masters.