Sunday, March 5, 2017



Has RAW done a good job of building up FastLane? I really don’t think so. A good indicator of no is that I (and most people I know) had no idea of the card line coming out of RAW.

Yes, we know Roman versus Strowman, Neville versus Gallagher and KO versus Goldberg. But was anyone really aware of the Woman’s and Tag Title Match? How about Sasha’s match?

Not really.

Does anyone even know there is a cruiserweight tag team match? ???

The WWE’s focus this time of year isn’t on a ‘secondary,’ now RAW exclusive, PPV. It’s on Wrestlemania. It would probably be better for them to skip this PPV completely and just focus on building up to Mania.

Their Main Focus for this PPV seems to be Braun Strowman and really building him up. The second focus has been the Universal Title with KO carrying the load for a mostly absentee Goldberg (ala Lesnar).

Yes, they have built up to Bayley v Charlotte, but in the worst way. This should be a Mania Moment, not lost on the fast lane to Mania.

Thing is, this has the potential to be a good card, perhaps the best RAW Exclusive PPV in a long while.

I’m looking forward to it now that I remembered about it. WWE/RAW did such a good job, I almost forgot it was happening.


The Card:
Rich Swan and Akira Tozawa versus The Brian Kendrick and Noam Dar
Prediction: The Brian Kendrick and Noam Dar


Sasha Banks versus Nia Jax
Prediction: Sasha Needs the Win, but I am going with Nia Jax.

Sami Zayn vs Samoa Joe
Prediction: Sorry Sami, Joe all the way.

Cruiserweight Championship: Neville (c) versus Jack Gallagher
Prediction: I’m sticking with the King

RAW Tag Team Championship: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (c) versus Enzo and Big Cass
Prediction: Gallows and Anderson (Dear Gods Please)

RAW Woman’s Championship Bayley (c) versus Charlotte
Prediction: The Queen Reigns.

Roman Reigns versus Braun Strowman
Prediction: Strowman – he is proving to be the better of the two.

Universal Title Match: Kevin Owens (c) versus Goldberg
Prediction: Goldberg. KO should, he is the better choice and long term. But the WWE want to Milk Goldberg versus Lesnar, if Goldberg loses here, that feud is over. Unless Lesnar interferes.



  1. Nia
    Enzo & Cass

  2. Nia because Wrestlemania vs the Queen
    Joe because The Destroyer
    Neville because The King
    Enzo and Cass because do you believe in miracles?
    Charlotte doesn't lose at PPV's, duh
    Reigns wins by count out because Vince
    KO because why spoil the greatest Wrestlemania moment ever where his title vs Jerichos title means something to everyone

  3. Interesting predictions, Ace. We're pretty close here with some differences.

    Pre-show: Swann & Tozawa vs. Kendrick and Dar: Kendrick and Dar

    Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax: Jax through wierd circumstances of some kind. I don't see a clean win since WWE is clearly aware how over Banks still is.

    Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe: Joe is easy money here. This match may steal the show.

    Cruiserweight title

    Neville (c) v. Jack Gallagher: Neville's reign of terror continues. Another possible show stealer.

    RAW tag team title:

    Gallows & Anderson (c) v. Enzo and Big Cass: Gallows and Anderson retain. More booking possibilities if they do.

    RAW Women's Title
    Bayley(c) vs. Charlotte: The Dirtiest Player in the women's division becomes a five time champ. Look for them to pull the trigger on Banks' heel turn here.

    Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman: Strowman wins. The baddest monster they have. BELIEEE DAT!

    Universal Title
    Kevin Owens(c) vs. Goldberg: Goldberg wins it. The only way he loses is if Lesnar costs him the victory. Reminiscent of the pointless Rock title reign from a few years ago.

    That's how I see it. This looks to be a fun card.

