Thursday, March 2, 2017


How cool is this: back in January Wes and I talked about a special Glitter and Slam piece focusing on Beth Phoenix in the Royal Rumble. He wrote the piece. Then . . .

BAM!!! A month later Beth Phoenix is announced for the 2017 Hall of Fame! Awesome.

Effective today – March 2, 2017 – WrestleMentary is back to as full of a schedule as possible.

I mentioned him above, and right now I want to give a HUGE THANKS to WrestleMentary Crew member Wes for keeping the commentary going while I took some time away. That time is now over!

We are on track for WrestleMania! If you are a pro wrestling (or sports entertainment) fan, then you know this is OUR time of the year. The time when everyone in the world turns their eyes and ears to our beloved industry with the biggest event there is WrestleMania!

That is what we here at WrestleMentary are doing for the Month of March – it shall be Mania March at WrestleMentary.

Our focus will be targeted on the WWE for March as we march to Mania. In April, we will start commentary on other promotions again. The sole planned exception to this is an upcoming piece I am writing on the Arizona Wrestling Federation (AWF), or two.

For March expect to see 2016 Awards from each of the Crew members: Dave Parrish and his Battle Axe Awards, The Glitter and Slam Awards, and Ace’s Answer Awards.

Also expect Wes’s regular monthly piece, and maybe a special or two, along with a brand new Battle Axe from Dave.

As for me, Ace, don’t expect the following: I will not be doing weekly reviews of RAW and SD LIVE for March.

DO EXPECT to see a number of STATE OF pieces discussing the WWE, such as STATE OF RAW and SD LIVE, and WRESTLEMANIA, a personal non-WWE piece on AWF and other assorted pieces throughout March.

It is also planned for each of us to do our own pieces on WrestleMania!

I am also hoping that Mania March will see the return of WrestleMentary Crew member Chris Rose and his CJ’s Sight column! If so, he will provide us with his commentary on WrestleMania and NXT as once before.

And of course – as the fateful day looms, expect our preview and WrestleMania predictions.

We leave you now to deal with the Madness that is the Road to WrestleMania.


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