Thursday, March 30, 2017

Glitter & Slam - Mania March Part II - #GiveSDWomenAChance

This week on Smackdown Live the multi-woman fray for the Smackdown Women's Championship
was announced for the WrestleMania Kickoff Show. In an era where the women are definitely given a fair opportunity to prove their worth in WWE, this move was a jaw dropper. And not in a good way.

(Bliss and former ally Mickie James slug it out on the go home Smackdown Live. Source:
This match is a world title affair and simply shoving it onto a preshow is insulting to those involved, especially since every single woman on Smackdown's stock has risen exponentially since the brand split in July, 2016. It was a head scratcher to just dump everyone except Nikki Bella into the meat grinder, but given WrestleMania's purpose as a cumulative spectacle as well as an event to expand WWE's audience, exposure for all makes some sense.

In rare case of superior build for a mob-type match, Raw is capitalizing on star power and personal grudges to propel their crowded affair. Alexa Bliss' title defense against everyone shows an unwillingness somewhere in the booking decisions to accept the breakdown stardom of the champion, Naomi, Mickie James and Becky Lynch.

Carmella and her friend zoned accessory James Ellsworth could certainly be an asset in another capacity in Orlando for Mania, but avoiding a mob booking mentality won't hurt her emerging career at all. Plus, unpredictability gives us a match with several good candidates to emerge with the gold.



Little Miss Bliss had the biggest breakout of any woman in WWE. She emerged after the brand split to become the Blue Brand's top female heel and the best mic worker of any woman on the roster. Her first tee shirt is still a huge seller months after release.

When she talks people listen, when she wrestles the masses pay attention. When Naomi's knee injury forced her to relinquish the title, WWE showed they believed in her, having Becky Lynch put her over (again) to become the first to regain the championship.

She has improved in the ring markedly since she came up from NXT and while she has not had a great match yet, her work has been solid and the stories engaging once the bell rings. Bliss emerging victorious certainly isn't a bad move as she has been a great antagonist for whoever has crossed her path.


(Mickie James proved she was a star during her return against Asuka in a losing effort at NXT Takeover: Toronto. Source: Cagesideseats)

Mickie James returned as an instigator with a chip on her shoulder when she debuted on Smackdown Live and helped Alexa Bliss retain her title in a steel cage match against Becky Lynch. After that she and Lynch put several matches almost too good for free television. In recent weeks she started a face turn when Bliss dismissed her claim for a title shot. She represents the women of WWE before the current paradigm shift. She is showcased now when good matches from beautiful women matter – and few matter right now on the blue brand more than she does.

Her legacy and current work make a title win an interesting possibility, setting up a student vs. mentor feud with Alexa Bliss down the line, as well as a sure feel good moment at Mania to top off her comeback to WWE.


(Straight Fyaaaaaaahhh! Source: WWE Network)

Becky Lynch is the heart of Smackdown's Women's Division. Even before becoming Team Blue's first women's champion she was the ring general who selflessly gave to just about every woman on either brand roster, whether putting them over, or making even the neophytes look powerful. She has certainly paid her dues and while watching her get outsmarted a little too often makes her look like Tom running after Jerry, fans love her just the same.

A title win is not as compelling for her as she is more compelling on the hunt for gold or to settle a personal score. In other words Becky Lynch is at her best when the Lasskicker is pissed off. Winning the title does open up the chance to strengthen her rivalry with Bliss, or to set up some cool wrestling with Mickie James or Natalya.



Naomi brought back the Glow returning from the knee injury that forced her to give up the title she won from Bliss – to a huge pop. The overly smarky groan at her lack of polish on the mic, but her it factor and genuine passion behind everything she says makes up for it. Her timing on her athletic high spots has improved notably since some Survivor Series miscues and she is already the unofficial women's twitter champion, building a loyal following on social media like no one else since Zack Ryder.

This doesn't mean no one else is kicking social media ass, but Naomi's launch into the title scene after three months off television to win gold was powered by the internet. The original plan was for her to go into her hometown of Orlando as champion for WrestleMania 33. Now, she could make for the most awesome Mania Moment of them all, as the hardscrabble 8-year veteran who came home to regain what she never truly lost.



It is gratifying to see Natalya getting her due with opportunities in secondary feuds with Nikki Bella, Becky Lynch and others since the brand split. She is the technical equal of Becky Lynch and Mickie James – a superior wrestler who has much to give her roster mates and does so every night. This transition to heel had some speed bumps in the writing during the Survivor Series buildup, but she is dialed in now as an opportunistic, hardnosed competitor who doesn't care what she needs to do to get respect. And she loves her cat TwoPaws.

Her Falls Count Anywhere match with Nikki Bella solidified her going forward as a viable title contender for whoever takes the gold, however making her champion at this time may not have the promotional sizzle needed coming out WrestleMania beyond the feel-good moment itself.


(Source: WWE Pinterest)

Princess Mella has moonwalked and trash talked her way on TV, proving her worth as an emerging entertainer as she continues to develop her skills in the ring. Out of all the contenders in the Smackdown Women's Championship match, she is the most green of all.

I mentioned above she was the most tangential of all the participants due to her skill level, but she should be a definite part of the WrestleMania broadcast in some capacity. She turns heads and makes things fun, plus she has been a good boost as a reason to keep James Ellsworth around.

Beyond keeping her newfound flunky on the WWE roster beyond his AJ Styles/Dean Ambrose storyline, the Princess of Staten Island has been at her best in run-ins and free-for-all affairs. She demonstrated in her feud with Nikki Bella she has no problem working stiff, especially in their match at No Mercy – the most underappreciated woman's match of 2016. That said, she is not ready to carry the gold yet and needs to be booked in real feud post–Mania.

All the women discussed above have maximized their opportunities on Smackdown Live and, unlike Raw, every single one of them has shined with the time and segments given. Bayley, Sasha Banks and Charlotte do have more star power, but the team blue ensemble are all on the rise, from the new jacks to the vets.
Shoving their title match down to the kickoff is going to stunt the momentum they have steadily built with fans since July.

Pragmatically, it makes sense to have the RAW title fracas happen deeper into the WrestleMania card for the star power reasons above, but there is no excuse for not giving these talents a spot on the main show to prove their worth, even if it is to open the curtain. This shortsightedness is not only disrespectful to a robust group of proven talents, it is leaving money on the table down the line.

So if you call bullshit on this kickoff show booking. hit twitter with all your might with #GiveSDWomenAChance. As of this writing, there is still time to make the suits in Stamford change their minds.



Frankly, most intergender tag matches – even ones with WWE Superstars I enjoy watching – make me tune out. Once the opposite sex is tagged in, the other team must do the same, which usually sucks the life out of the key dynamics of what makes a great tag match. This time, strong personalities make this one worth a look.

The Miz has never been this good and has been an outstanding heel presence since the brand split drawing enough heat that even John Cena's biggest detractors can mark out and get behind him for this one. Nikki is his best girl who has no problem popping a woman in the mouth when she gets out of line, which Maryse certainly has. The blonde femme fatale has been the Miz's Swiss army knife time and again during his Intercontinental Championship reigns in 2016 and a great heat magnet. I honestly don't know how good she is going to be in the ring, though. Nikki has improved greatly and has managed to become a relevant part of Smackdown's women's roster when not too long ago she was a symbol of everything wrong with women's wrestling in WWE.

We will probably see an entertaining match with the Miz, thanks to his ability to draw all kinds of heat, satisfy the crowd by getting a major beat down from Cena and in the end John and Nikki will have a warm, fuzzy hugs and kisses moment in the ring to a huge pop.

After WrestleMania, Glitter and Slam will return to see where the women are headed going forward. In the meantime, remember to use the hashtag #GiveSDWomenAChance. It's not too late to get this match moved onto the main show!

Even if they don't listen, show you care about the women of Smackdown Live by being as vocal and visual as you can on twitter and other social media during their championship match. If Vince sees you're watching, they will get their due beyond WrestleMania 33.

Follow us on Twitter for the Show of Shows! We'll be in the tweet grinder with you!

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