Thursday, March 30, 2017

Glitter & Slam - Mania March Part I THE RED BRAND

In this half of the latest edition of Glitter and Slam we'll look at the four-way elimination match for the Raw Women's Title, as well as analyze the booking options now and going into WWE's new year.

The champion Bayley, Sasha Banks and Charlotte bring the most star power out of all of WWE's main roster women and Nia Jax has her first opportunity to take her presence to a new level. Showcasing them all in one match makes some pragmatic sense. WrestleMania is not only there to enthrall current fans, but to expand WWE's audience. It does not take long, however, to see that beyond this quintessential quartet, Raw still does not have much beyond the champ and three contenders going into the future. This has to be considered when exploring the booking possibilities and potential of each woman in 2017 and beyond.



The writing was on the wall even in NXT that Bayley would be a huge star, and she is. Her connection with kids is rivaled only by John Cena's. She is not the only woman striking a chord with young people, though, nor has she been able to become the absolute top face among Team Red's women. WrestleMania should have been where she finally broke Charlotte Flair's PPV streak and completed her rite of passage to a whole new level. WWE decided to pull the trigger on her early as part of a multi-star storyline that seems more about Sasha Banks trying to screw over Charlotte at times than Bayley maintaining integrity and a will to win in the face of adversity.

Given the thin roster beyond the major players, it is understandable that Banks, Charlotte and more recently Jax need to be put to maximum use to enhance what the division does have going for it. The problem is that Bayley has yet to show she has become head and shoulders above others in the fray.

(Hugger #1 is the quintessential never-say-die baby face, but she will need a new relentless enemy coming out WrestleMania. Source:

Booking her into victory at WrestleMania could solidify her, but only if the stage is set for a fresh rivalry. That initial rivalry, given how often all four women in this bout have wrestled each other over the last year, should be with a freshly heeled Sasha Banks – in a vicious turn just as Bayley's hand is raised in victory.

Whether Bayley wins or not, big changes in story and motivation are needed going forward.



The slow burn, as documented in Glitter and Slam as well as across the net, that is the Sasha Banks heel turn has been satisfying to watch, as underhanded motives became apparent to Charlotte, Stephanie McMahon and everyone else except Bayley. WWE is almost at the point of no return and the latest the Boss should turn is the Raw following WrestleMania – but doing so at the big show is the best option.

(Tantalizing glimpses into the future permeate social media, including from Banks herself. Source: sashabankswwe instagram)

Banks has regained her swagger on the mic, which was most evident during her times as a heel. She is still the top female baby face in WWE and even after losing the title at Roadblock, she is still considered an essential part of nearly every women's match or segment on Raw.

Now that she does not have to be bodacious yet humble (with "Boss" in big, sparkly letters on her ass, no less) it would injure her character to stay a face whether she wins the gold again at Mania or not.  This is not because she is not over, but any potential for fresh matchups going forward would be squashed if the character maintained her integrity beyond Mania.

Reigniting the feud that rocked women's wrestling in NXT is definitely best for business. There are strong indications, with pinfall victories over Charlotte, Bayley, and her Fastlane opponent Nia Jax, that a new champ will come out WrestleMania, while Bayley will pulling Sasha's knife out of her back in pursuit of a second title reign. This all looks like a plausible course, but in light of it, booking for The Queen and Jax is a little murkier to chart.



She is the new Dirtiest Player in the Game. She is a heel who can earn your hate on any number of levels. If she can't attain victory with her lawyer, she'll cheat. If cheating isn't a viable option, she will simply cripple a bitch. Charlotte's also set a standard in which fans can expect a great match regardless of who she faces. In 2016, we cannot discuss the rise of Bayley, Sasha Banks, and to a degree Nia Jax without mentioning the Queen. She will face her greatest challenge beyond storylines coming out of WrestleMania. She could feud with Jax, but with two heels, that kind of feud would not last beyond one PPV. Turning her face in a short time to extend the life of such a feud would be a tough sell to the masses as well as negate her best
entertainment asset – pissing everyone off. Charlotte Flair draws for herself as well as her opposition as the egomaniac and crippler everyone loves to hate. In spite of this quandary moving out of the Show of Shows, putting the title back on her makes it tough creatively to get fresh rivalries out of rest of Team Red's women's division. The most compelling story possibilities for now are outside of her realm.



WrestleMania 33 marks Jax's first opportunity to move to the next level before the largest audience she has ever worked in front of. WWE rushed her to the main roster while she was still green, as they have done with male superheavyweights from Nathan Jones to Ryback to Big Cass over the decades. Thanks to the unselfish professionalism of Sasha Banks in their recent feud, as well as in recent matches with Bayley and encounters with Charlotte, fans are beginning to see there is genuine potential in her beyond being the Rock's cousin.

(Nia Jax is gradually evolving into the force of nature WWE hoped she would be, thanks in part to working with her outstanding peers. Source:

Jax's character is angry at seeing smaller conventional women get opportunities while she stomped mud holes in jobbers wrestling in a vacuum. This is interesting ground, as WWE for the first time injects a subtle take on body image and preconceived notions of what women should look like in the media. This fuels for her rage against "little girls" like Sasha Banks, whom she tried to cripple following the latter's storyline knee injury, and Bayley, who is nothing more to her than a smiling face to sell tee shirts who deserves only decimation at her hands. We can even see hostility against Charlotte, who is the embodiment of aristocratic entitlement.

In the ring we're getting to see that anger in her matches as her move set has expanded and, especially in her feud with Banks, she was able to safely pull off shows of brute force and sadism against her opponent. Also, she can do this going at a medium tempo, demonstrating good endurance for a bigger power wrestler.
In time, she should be able to showcase these vulgar displays of power with newer talent coming in from NXT, just as her WWE teammates have done for her so far. That said, putting the title on her would derail the best booking possibilities for the division at this time.

(Banks is a solid bet to win, but it won't be her BFF raising her hand in victory. Source:

My official prediction for the Raw Women's Championship match is: Sasha Banks victorious in a nefarious, malicious and exceedingly bitter win down to the wire pinning Bayley or making her tap, then leaving her in a brutalized heap. If I'm wrong, Bayley retaining in light of burned bridges is the next best choice.

This is the first of two parts. In the next that will follow, I'll analyze the Blue Brand's championship free-for-all and Nikki's intergender tag match with Cena against Miz and Maryse.

Finally, news has broken that The Smackdown Women's Title match has been kicked down to the preshow. No World Title should be set aside for a kickoff program. Use this hashtag across social media to convey to WWE how wrong this is -- #givesmackdownwomenachance

Also, join me, @weskozalla, Ace Masters manning @wrestlementarythetwitter and Dave Parrish from @oste8minutes as we join all of you across twitter for WrestleMania 33 markin' and smarkin' out for the Showcase of the Immortals.

Glitter & Slam - Mania March Part II - #GiveSDWomenAChance

This week on Smackdown Live the multi-woman fray for the Smackdown Women's Championship
was announced for the WrestleMania Kickoff Show. In an era where the women are definitely given a fair opportunity to prove their worth in WWE, this move was a jaw dropper. And not in a good way.

(Bliss and former ally Mickie James slug it out on the go home Smackdown Live. Source:
This match is a world title affair and simply shoving it onto a preshow is insulting to those involved, especially since every single woman on Smackdown's stock has risen exponentially since the brand split in July, 2016. It was a head scratcher to just dump everyone except Nikki Bella into the meat grinder, but given WrestleMania's purpose as a cumulative spectacle as well as an event to expand WWE's audience, exposure for all makes some sense.

In rare case of superior build for a mob-type match, Raw is capitalizing on star power and personal grudges to propel their crowded affair. Alexa Bliss' title defense against everyone shows an unwillingness somewhere in the booking decisions to accept the breakdown stardom of the champion, Naomi, Mickie James and Becky Lynch.

Carmella and her friend zoned accessory James Ellsworth could certainly be an asset in another capacity in Orlando for Mania, but avoiding a mob booking mentality won't hurt her emerging career at all. Plus, unpredictability gives us a match with several good candidates to emerge with the gold.



Little Miss Bliss had the biggest breakout of any woman in WWE. She emerged after the brand split to become the Blue Brand's top female heel and the best mic worker of any woman on the roster. Her first tee shirt is still a huge seller months after release.

When she talks people listen, when she wrestles the masses pay attention. When Naomi's knee injury forced her to relinquish the title, WWE showed they believed in her, having Becky Lynch put her over (again) to become the first to regain the championship.

She has improved in the ring markedly since she came up from NXT and while she has not had a great match yet, her work has been solid and the stories engaging once the bell rings. Bliss emerging victorious certainly isn't a bad move as she has been a great antagonist for whoever has crossed her path.


(Mickie James proved she was a star during her return against Asuka in a losing effort at NXT Takeover: Toronto. Source: Cagesideseats)

Mickie James returned as an instigator with a chip on her shoulder when she debuted on Smackdown Live and helped Alexa Bliss retain her title in a steel cage match against Becky Lynch. After that she and Lynch put several matches almost too good for free television. In recent weeks she started a face turn when Bliss dismissed her claim for a title shot. She represents the women of WWE before the current paradigm shift. She is showcased now when good matches from beautiful women matter – and few matter right now on the blue brand more than she does.

Her legacy and current work make a title win an interesting possibility, setting up a student vs. mentor feud with Alexa Bliss down the line, as well as a sure feel good moment at Mania to top off her comeback to WWE.


(Straight Fyaaaaaaahhh! Source: WWE Network)

Becky Lynch is the heart of Smackdown's Women's Division. Even before becoming Team Blue's first women's champion she was the ring general who selflessly gave to just about every woman on either brand roster, whether putting them over, or making even the neophytes look powerful. She has certainly paid her dues and while watching her get outsmarted a little too often makes her look like Tom running after Jerry, fans love her just the same.

A title win is not as compelling for her as she is more compelling on the hunt for gold or to settle a personal score. In other words Becky Lynch is at her best when the Lasskicker is pissed off. Winning the title does open up the chance to strengthen her rivalry with Bliss, or to set up some cool wrestling with Mickie James or Natalya.



Naomi brought back the Glow returning from the knee injury that forced her to give up the title she won from Bliss – to a huge pop. The overly smarky groan at her lack of polish on the mic, but her it factor and genuine passion behind everything she says makes up for it. Her timing on her athletic high spots has improved notably since some Survivor Series miscues and she is already the unofficial women's twitter champion, building a loyal following on social media like no one else since Zack Ryder.

This doesn't mean no one else is kicking social media ass, but Naomi's launch into the title scene after three months off television to win gold was powered by the internet. The original plan was for her to go into her hometown of Orlando as champion for WrestleMania 33. Now, she could make for the most awesome Mania Moment of them all, as the hardscrabble 8-year veteran who came home to regain what she never truly lost.



It is gratifying to see Natalya getting her due with opportunities in secondary feuds with Nikki Bella, Becky Lynch and others since the brand split. She is the technical equal of Becky Lynch and Mickie James – a superior wrestler who has much to give her roster mates and does so every night. This transition to heel had some speed bumps in the writing during the Survivor Series buildup, but she is dialed in now as an opportunistic, hardnosed competitor who doesn't care what she needs to do to get respect. And she loves her cat TwoPaws.

Her Falls Count Anywhere match with Nikki Bella solidified her going forward as a viable title contender for whoever takes the gold, however making her champion at this time may not have the promotional sizzle needed coming out WrestleMania beyond the feel-good moment itself.


(Source: WWE Pinterest)

Princess Mella has moonwalked and trash talked her way on TV, proving her worth as an emerging entertainer as she continues to develop her skills in the ring. Out of all the contenders in the Smackdown Women's Championship match, she is the most green of all.

I mentioned above she was the most tangential of all the participants due to her skill level, but she should be a definite part of the WrestleMania broadcast in some capacity. She turns heads and makes things fun, plus she has been a good boost as a reason to keep James Ellsworth around.

Beyond keeping her newfound flunky on the WWE roster beyond his AJ Styles/Dean Ambrose storyline, the Princess of Staten Island has been at her best in run-ins and free-for-all affairs. She demonstrated in her feud with Nikki Bella she has no problem working stiff, especially in their match at No Mercy – the most underappreciated woman's match of 2016. That said, she is not ready to carry the gold yet and needs to be booked in real feud post–Mania.

All the women discussed above have maximized their opportunities on Smackdown Live and, unlike Raw, every single one of them has shined with the time and segments given. Bayley, Sasha Banks and Charlotte do have more star power, but the team blue ensemble are all on the rise, from the new jacks to the vets.
Shoving their title match down to the kickoff is going to stunt the momentum they have steadily built with fans since July.

Pragmatically, it makes sense to have the RAW title fracas happen deeper into the WrestleMania card for the star power reasons above, but there is no excuse for not giving these talents a spot on the main show to prove their worth, even if it is to open the curtain. This shortsightedness is not only disrespectful to a robust group of proven talents, it is leaving money on the table down the line.

So if you call bullshit on this kickoff show booking. hit twitter with all your might with #GiveSDWomenAChance. As of this writing, there is still time to make the suits in Stamford change their minds.



Frankly, most intergender tag matches – even ones with WWE Superstars I enjoy watching – make me tune out. Once the opposite sex is tagged in, the other team must do the same, which usually sucks the life out of the key dynamics of what makes a great tag match. This time, strong personalities make this one worth a look.

The Miz has never been this good and has been an outstanding heel presence since the brand split drawing enough heat that even John Cena's biggest detractors can mark out and get behind him for this one. Nikki is his best girl who has no problem popping a woman in the mouth when she gets out of line, which Maryse certainly has. The blonde femme fatale has been the Miz's Swiss army knife time and again during his Intercontinental Championship reigns in 2016 and a great heat magnet. I honestly don't know how good she is going to be in the ring, though. Nikki has improved greatly and has managed to become a relevant part of Smackdown's women's roster when not too long ago she was a symbol of everything wrong with women's wrestling in WWE.

We will probably see an entertaining match with the Miz, thanks to his ability to draw all kinds of heat, satisfy the crowd by getting a major beat down from Cena and in the end John and Nikki will have a warm, fuzzy hugs and kisses moment in the ring to a huge pop.

After WrestleMania, Glitter and Slam will return to see where the women are headed going forward. In the meantime, remember to use the hashtag #GiveSDWomenAChance. It's not too late to get this match moved onto the main show!

Even if they don't listen, show you care about the women of Smackdown Live by being as vocal and visual as you can on twitter and other social media during their championship match. If Vince sees you're watching, they will get their due beyond WrestleMania 33.

Follow us on Twitter for the Show of Shows! We'll be in the tweet grinder with you!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The State of Smackdown Live - Part 1

Okay, so what is the State of SD Live? Well, it is far better than RAW has been since the Brand Split.

I wrote in my State of RAW Part 1 that RAW being what it was, was one of the main reasons I took time off from WrestleMentary during the first part of this year.

SD Live would have kept me going, except for one thing that I mentioned numerous times:

There are only so many times one can basically write the same thing over and over again.

Hence, why I made the choice to take a break until Mania Season, and why I am writing the ‘State of Pieces’. One may notice that I have already posted two parts of the State of Monday Night RAW, and this is just Part 1 of The State of Smackdown Live. Well, that’s because:

Is this an end-all-be-all that SD Live is perfect? No. Is it better than RAW? Hell Yeah. SD Live is the best broadcast wrestling show on TV.

Why? For many of the same reasons I ripped into RAW. What RAW seemingly can’t do right, SD LIVE does well.

The Booking on RAW is terrible, and the show was/has been focused too narrowly on just The Women’s Title and Jericho/Owens. The Angels have been poor and don’t even think about the matches.

On SD Live, the focus is spread out across the roster. AJ Styles, The Miz, Alexa Bliss, Baron Corbin, Cena, Wyatt, Usos, Alpha it seems that in a show close to half the length, creative can make time – even if just five minutes to put more talent in the spotlight. Are their talent that will always be showcased more than others? Yeah, and that’s just natural.

The Angels are deeper and more personal. Look at Nattie and Nikki Bella. There is no title involved, yet the feud is hot. Plus, it has spilled over to their men as well.

Another reason SD Live is better is that it has done what the Brand Split was claimed to be about: building the future.

Baron Corbin, Alexa Bliss, American Alpha all have been giving major opportunities. Corbin is in the IC Title Hunt and was briefly in the World Title Picture. Alexa is two-time Champion and American Alpha were dominate champions after a rocky start. Mojo Rawley is starting to shine as well.

SD Live is the place of opportunity. New Stars are rising up. Established stars are being forced to step up, and in some cases giving a chance to reinvent themselves. Dolph Ziggler case in point.

Even though I am not a fan, SD Live has been a boon for Bray Wyatt. He has finally been used right, and has finally reached where so many fans have wanted him to be. The slow burn story between him and Orton is the best in the WWE. Would this have happened on RAW? No.

Bigger is not always better. SD Live (The A + Player) proves that weekly.

The State of Smackdown Live
Part II – Mania FallOut – 4/6

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Ace Masters - What WrestleMania Means To Me

Hmm . . . it was my idea for Dave, Wes and I to pen these ‘What WrestleMania Means To Me?’ pieces on the eve of the 33rd Edition of the Show of Shows. I have to admit I really had no idea what to write, and I’ve actually ran through any number of ideas, but few of them meant anything.

So, I decided to do something I do very well, free form this stream-of-consciousness style and just let it flow.

WrestleMania means everything. I’ve seen every one live and I’ve attending one here in my back yard of Glendale, AZ.

Wrestling has always been a big part of my life – therefore WrestleMania as well. The Emotion, the Pageantry, The Spectacular, The Awesome Matches and the Large the Life Comic Book like characters. You know, the Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Sting, Ric Flair – people who exist in real life, yet don’t.

But truly what WrestleMania means is the Emotion, and the Emotional Connection it creates with fans.

I remember as a 15 year-old crying at the greatest moment ever when the Ultimate Warrior pinned Hulk Hogan. Nothing topped that (still doesn’t). I remember the excitement that coursed through me when the Road Warriors finally made the ring at Mania.

How about the emotional connecting made World-Wide when Randy Savage won the WWF Title Tournament? Or years later, when he was retired by the Ultimate Warrior.

What about the anger felt when Bret Hart lost the Iron Man Match, but the elation for Shawn Michaels’ fans.

It didn’t stop with the show. I remember going to school as a kid, or work later as an adult and recounting the events of Mania with excitement – often with people I would never talk to and didn’t like.

I remember my father. I loved him. We had three big things we bonded over: Movies, Comics and Wrestling!

My Dad had drifted away from wrestling for a while, but still checked it out from time to time and followed it when he felt like it. Then came late 2009 and the announcement WRESTLEMANIA would come from the University of Phoenix Stadium in Phoenix (actually Glendale), AZ.

BAM – The fan returned. When tickets went on Pre-Sale we spent three hours in line and purchased the best seats we could get. We had the entire week planned out – all the axxess events we could hit. We both even took Thursday and Friday off work that week.

Then, tragedy. My mom and dad we driving home that Monday when my dad had a minor heart attack. He went without blood or air to his brain for almost 10 minutes. When the heart attack happened, a blood vessel to his heart had collapsed.

We kept him on life support for the week, but he never recovered. That Saturday afternoon, we took him off and he went into hospice care. I was going to give our WrestleMania tickets away, but that never happened.

My mother, friends of my parents and mine, and my family all encourage me to go. As my grandmother said, the healing must start. I know my father would have wanting me to go on, and continue living. I ended up going, with one of my closest friends.

I had a great time. I never realized until later, I held my dad’s wedding ring in my hand the whole show. After the show, I bolted over to the hospice facility, sat by my dad’s bed and told him blow for blow what happened.

A few hours later, he finally passed. His body drew its last breath. The last things I ever talked to him about was one of our great loves – WWE and WrestleMania.

For all I have written, that is something I have never written about, and shared only few times.

That is what WrestleMania means to me: The Emotional connection it can generate. The Love. The Anger. The Excitement. How it can bring people together and create bonds.

Everlasting memories.

 - Ace

Glitter & Slam Special: What WrestleMania Means To Me

WrestleMania is the largest, grandest, most decadent event in all of professional wrestling. It is the epitome of WWE's signature phrase "Sports Entertainment." It has been called the Super Bowl of pro wrestling and it has, with a few exceptions, sold out many of the largest, most famous venues from coast to coast.

On the cusp of the 33rd edition of the Showcase of the Immortals, it is not the sheer size of the event, all the fighter jet flyovers or crazy dance numbers that make me tune in every year, even during times my enjoyment of pro wrestling was at an all-time low. It is the one event every year that I am guaranteed at least one unforgettable moment.

(Mr. T and the Hulkster headlined what was a jaw dropping spectacle along with Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff and even special guest referee Muhammad Ali. Source:

Football will forever be my first love as a sport but the difference between that sport's grandest prize, the Super Bowl, and WrestleMania is that the former is purely a competitive exhibition. The latter is the only spectacle of its kind that is both a feat of athletic endeavor and also an epic story that channels every Rocky and Godzilla movie combined. It is a slight understatement to call WrestleMania a big deal in the pro wrestling world. That was evident from the very first held in Madison Square Garden.

(Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage at WrestleMania 3 had it all. Great wrestling and drama that ensnared even the most cynical detractors of the business. Source: F4WOnline)

I was 12, and admittedly was laughed at heartily when I implored my parents to take me to the Pittsburgh Civic Arena to watch the event on closed circuit TV. Luckily for me and other kids in my spot, the event was shown on local TV a week later due to issues with the live feed. After months of buildup, the main event match itself did not necessarily live up to the hype, looking back, but world champion Hulk Hogan, Mr. T and even Muhammad Ali as guest referee were in the same ring together. Even in hindsight it's all a little surreal. Even piano virtuoso and entertainer Liberace showed up earlier, among others. WrestleMania, whether the show is good overall or not, is the one time of year everybody wants to be on a pro wrestling show. And why not? It's the place where explosive drama meets explosive athletic action.

(Even in the modern era of pro wrestling, seeing the crowd's energy for Rock vs. Cena got me invested in a match I otherwise didn't care about at all. Source:

That's why, from adolescence into adulthood, WrestleMania is what always had me return to pro wrestling, even during periods where I didn't latch onto what Vince McMahon's company gave us on television every week. The kid in me simply won't let me stay away. And yes, even for Rock vs. Cena 1 at WrestleMania XXVIII.

(Randy Orton shows the world what matters most. Source:

That kid inside will join the rest of me this weekend as the Show of Shows goes down from Orlando and I devote latter part of that Sunday to cover the end of one year and the beginning of a brand new one in WWE.

Let's Smark out together this Sunday!

Twitter: @weskozalla
WrestleMentary: @wrestlementarythetwitter

Dave's Battle Axe Special: What WrestleMania Means To Me

Was it only 33 years ago that Mr. T tagged with Hulk Hogan against Rowdy Roddy Piper and Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff at the world’s most famous arena, Madison Square Garden?

I remember it like it was yesterday.  All the media hype leading up to the event, a special appearance by Grammy winner and Captain Lou Albano co-conspirator Cyndi Lauper and a card that was loaded with all the big names of the day.

In many ways it was the culmination of what the WWF would evolve into (WWE). After years of television success, the WWF at that time under Vince McMahon decided it was time to take it to another level and what better way than with a spectacle that had the garish gall to call itself WrestleMania?

From 1985 to today, that spectacle has only grown in size and stature. Mania has come a long way from being a punchline in 1993’s “Groundhog Day” and today is regarded in the same manner as the Super Bowl as an international attraction. And like any good circus, the attractions change with the times and Mania is no different. Everyone from musicians to pro athletes to even future Presidents have shown up on this show of shows because it is THE main event.

The pinnacle of any Superstar’s career comes not with a belt or a great run but from that WrestleMania moment. With the whole world watching and talking about what manner of entertainment you bring to the party any given year, WrestleMania is nothing if not a defining thing, just ask Shawn Michaels or The Undertaker sometime.

Are some Manias better than others? Sure but that’s never been the point. Regardless of which celeb du jour shows up, it’s still a professional wrestling show and either it’s a good one or a great one, it just depends on who shows up that day to make it theirs. All the hard work, the sacrifices, the time on the road to get there and the time the in the gym to be ready for when that moment arrives - that’s what WrestleMania means to me. I wonder who will make history this year?

 - Dave Parrish

The State of Monday Night RAW – Part Two

The biggest Booking problem Monday Night RAW has had is revolving the entire show and Brand around two things for the last six months: Jericho and Owens and the RAW Women’s title.

Yes, other things have occurred: Sami Zayn and Strowman, Seth Rollins’s quest for Hunter, Goldberg/Lesnar, Joe’s debut, the evolution of Cesaro and Sheamus, but nothing as prevalent as Jericho and Owens. And all of those things mentioned at one point has tied into Jericho and Owens.

Jericho and Owens, Sasha and Charlotte have been the rock that has kept RAW afloat. They have been the only worthwhile things on RAW from the split until the Rumble.

Truthfully, without Jericho and Owens and their chemistry and comedy skits we wouldn’t have had a RAW. And none of that includes any matches.

As for matches, in all honest if they just aired Charlotte versus Sasha weekly for thirty minutes we’d have had better shows.

That doesn’t mean they have been booked well though. Charlotte and Sasha had great makes, but the title was passed around between them like a hot potato. This did nothing to help the prestige of the title, instead it devalued the title. The feud would have worked better with no title involved.

As for Owens, he and the universal have become what Reigns called Owens leading into the Rumble: Joke Owens Joke. They turned Owens into someone who couldn’t win without Jericho. It made Owens weak, and after Fastlane and the Goldberg squash Owens is near useless.

The Universal Title is in Limbo and near worthless. Having it on Goldberg does nothing to help it. Neither will Brock. Even if Brock wins, what then? He shows up once every few weeks and never wrestles like his last title run?

Whoever though we would see El Generico on RAW?! And we haven’t. Sami Zayn is there, but he has become nothing but the butt of a bad joke. He was used to put over Strowman, made to look like a fool, constantly buried by Steph and has yet to have a huge Marque win (except for maybe the Jericho win).
Roman – still beloved by Vince – has been floundering. Despite being the Tag Team champs, Gallows and Anderson were long booked to look like idiots. Not long ago, I was hoping they would quit and go back to Japan.

On the plus side, they have done a very good job of building up Braun Strowman and Nia Jax. Handled Joe nicely since his call up and finally dumped Mick Foley (show better already).

Of course, they have built up Goldberg well. But building up Goldberg (burying Lesnar), for the last five/six months showcases my thoughts perfectly.

The Brand Split was done because of the size of the roster, to give more space to build new stars and to look to the future. So, what do you do?

Bring back GOLDBERG! Yep. Let’s move forward by going back a century. This is what is called BAD BOOKING.

This is part of the problem the world has in general, going for quick short term gain over long term success.

The good news is this Mania season has brought with it renew excitement. Since The Rumble RAW has been better, not great, but better. They have done a good job of building up the matches for Mania – even if by Video Package because principles of a certain match aren’t there weekly.

The biggest problem I have is this: RAW can be good. RAW has been GREAT. We know it can be done, so why isn’t it?

The fans who tune in every week (like me) do it for one reason and one reason only: LOVE OF THE WWE.


The State of Monday Night RAW – Part Three – Tuesday 4/4
Mania AfterMath; RAW Thoughts and The Future

The State of WrestleMania – Part II – WRESTLEMANIA is a Pop Culture Extravaganza

Is WRESTLEMANIA a pop culture extravaganza? Of course!

Do celebrities of all sorts line up to show up (and get paid for it)? Of Course!!

Should those surprises and celebrities be the focus of the show? Of Course NOT!

I know this is slightly different, because for a long time he was part of the WWE, but when the Rock shows up and does whatever, and when that is the water cooler talk the next day, that is a VERY BAD THING!

When people are talking more about a Rhonda Rousey appearance rather than any matches that is a VERY BAD THING!

In 2017 when fans were mega-looking forward to Big Show versus Shaq over the Main Event, that is not good.

Tons of celebrities showed up at the early events as well, maybe more by far than today. Cyndi Lauper, Bob Uker, Mike Ditka, to name just a few, but none of them overshadowed the event. It was still Wrestling: The talk the next day, hell three decades later, was Hogan slamming Andre, Savage versus Steamboat, the WWE Title Tournament, Warrior pins Hogan, Michaels/Razor Ladder Match, Michaels/Hart Iron
Man Match.

In 2016 the talk was . . . Rock and his Flame Thrower! How cool was that!

It is called WRESTLEMANIA! Have all the pomp and circumstance, have all the celebs, but still focus on what brought you to the big time: Wrestling, or Sports Entertainment.

Case in Point: The Super Bowl. Everyone who is anyone is in attendance at the big game. Singers line up hoping to be chosen to perform. Every year there is an opening act, and of course the Half Time Act. Let’s not forget the Super Bowl Commercials everyone does and the Movie Trailer Premieres.

Yes, the commercial and the half time show are usual big talk the next day, but rarely do they over shadow the Big Game. The Super Bowl is always the attraction. It is always the talk. The Super Bowl is a massive pop culture extravaganza, but Football is always the main attraction.

Mania should be the same way. Have the celebs and all the pomp and circumstance, but don’t let that overshadow the WRESTLEMANIA.

Ask yourself this, when was the last time that the Water cooler talk was a match? Michaels/Undertaker in 2010 maybe? The end of the streak? Though that was more about the streak ending, then the match.

When was the last time, the talk was that Mania was good?

Could this year be different? It depends on three factors: The booking, The Quality of Matches and the Focus.


Cruiserweight Title: Neville (c) versus Austin Aries

Andre the Giant Battle Royal

RAW Tag Team Title: Gallows & Anderson (c) versus Cass & Enzo versus Cesaro & Sheamus

Alexa Bliss Open Challenge

IC Title Match: Dean Ambrose (c) versus Baron Corbin

Cena & Bella versus Mix & Maryse

US Title Match: Chris Jericho versus KO

RAW Women Title Fatal 4-Way: Bayley (c) versus Charlotte versus Sasha versus Jax

Shane McMahon versus AJ Styles

Roman Reigns versus The Undertaker

Seth Rollins versus Triple H

RAW Universal Title: Goldberg (c) versus Brock Lesnar

SD LIVE Title: Bray Wyatt (c) versus Randy Orton

Between the Kickoff Show and the Main Card there are 13 matches on this card. One could say the card is stacked, I don’t. I think there are too many matches, even for a four hour show. I know this will not be popular, but not everyone has to be on the card.

This many matches on the card, with it known there will be celebs showing up, means less time per matches. It also may lend credence to another Goldberg/Lesnar Squash.

And, to be honest, Shane McMahon in another high-profile match at Mania is not a good thing.


The State of WrestleMania – Part III – Breakdown and Predictions Saturday 4/1/2017
The State of WrestleMania – Part VI – Aftermath, Results and Final Thoughts Saturday 4/8/2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


There have been a lot of changes in the WWE since the brand split last year, both in front of and behind the cameras of the greatest traveling circus show on Earth. Big changes like having Randy Orton join the Wyatts only to ultimately destroy them (and in reality give both Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper new life in the eyes of the WWE Universe), overshadow the little changes you might not have spotted along the way.

One of those changes is that Superstars is no longer a taped show on the WWE Network or on Hulu reruns. The time for that taping has been shifted over to 205 Live while Main Event stays as the ostensibly the warm up show for Smackdown Live tapings.

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for this cast off program because it has been a solid showcase for the lower to mid card talent who get two 8-12 minute matches to show the company what they have to offer beyond showing up for a skit on Raw. The crowds at these shows are usually very into these matches too, so the energy is usually really good for the superstars to work with.

As a RAW recap show it’s handy if you want to skip watching the 3-hour bloat of the flagship show like I do every week. Lately the announce team has been hit and miss as current superstars rotate in to do color commentary alongside Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips. A recent highlight was Austin Aries’ time behind the mic, similar to his excellent heel commentary on 205 Live. When "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived" is ready to hang up his boots, I hope broadcasting becomes a passion for him because he’s a natural at it. With him focusing on returning to the ring in the Cruiserweight division though his replacement R-Truth has been a marble-mouthed disappointment.

While some of the booking has been a little stale of late on Main Event there never seems to be a lack of effort on the guys that get the TV time. I wouldn’t mind seeing some more of the women’s division storylines spill over into the taping time, especially on the RAW side since they aren’t being given a lot to work with. But for now, I’ll settle for watching Bo Dallas continue to develop his heel character and Jinder Mahal show off his improved move set in front of appreciative crowds.  

- Dave Parrish

Ensuring a better future, for ALL

The State of Monday Night RAW Part 1

The State of Monday Night RAW
Part 1

Monday Night RAW is great, isn’t it? Every Monday Night we get three great hours of TV – comedy, skits, promos, sports entertainment, hey we even get matches! Sometimes. Maybe thirty minutes into the show, for about five minutes.

RAW = Really Average Wrestling.

Emphasis on Really. Lacking the Wrestling (at least good wrestling for the most part.).

I’ll be honest, the reason I took first two months of 2017 off writing for WrestleMentary is because of RAW (and to a degree IMPACT – but this is about RAW).

Every week since the Brand Split my commentary basically boiled down to RAW BAD; SD LIVE GOOD. Because that was the truth! It really started before the Brand Split though.

RAW has been on the air since 1991, under the RAW brand.

The timeslot on Monday Nights used to be Prime Time Wrestling, hosted by Bobby Hennan and Gorilla Monsoon, with rotating guest hosts.
They hosted it in studio and played matches taped at house shows. Check it out on the WWE Network sometime.

All RAW was initially was a format and name change. Pre-taped to One Hour Live. Prime Time to RAW. Studio to Arena. (Of course there were a couple of different formats tried between the Prime Time and RAW Arena show that are best left unmentioned.)

My point in bringing this history up is this: Anything on the air this long is going to have ups and down. RAW has had many periods of ups and greatness, and period of downs. No matter what there are times there will be lackluster, even out right bad, broadcasts. That cannot be help. Law of averages.

But this current low has been going on for far too long. It started when RAW went to three hours, continued downhill when RAW was booked around Brock Lesnar’s PT Schedule, and broke loose when the Brand Split hit.

Yes, the broadcast after the Brand Split was great. I mean great. When has anyone said that since the Brand Split? I haven’t. Have there been great moments? Yes. Great broadcasts? No.

Why? I can’t write on anything that happens behind the scene. I’m not there. No one online can who hasn’t worked there. Even those who have (with all due respect), can only truly talk about when they were there, not what is happening now.

I can however write from two points of view: A professional writer, with production and directing experience and a thirty-plus years-long fan who has seen every broadcast.

The actual reasons could be multiple, but here is what I see every Monday since the Brand Split: From a writing perspective: Poor storytelling, in adequate character building, no character arcs, and a lack of understanding the format.

In Wrestling Parlance: Bad Booking and Angles.

For some reason, when it went to a two-hour format it seemed like Creative somehow forgot how to lay out the show. I don’t know why, PPVs are three hours normally and they can do those. RAW shouldn’t be any different.

It seems like an easy idea: An extra hour (40 minutes with commercials taken out); two or three match, with a promo or two.

It may not be just that easy with the logistics of TV. Even if it was, it doesn’t mean what makes the show would be good. It would still rely on the Booking.

There is the overall problem I have laid out: How the talent is used, how the show is laid out, the ratio of matches to promos and the matches themselves.

The Booking.

- Ace

The State of Monday Night RAW – Part Two – Tuesday 3/28

Monday, March 20, 2017


Beth Phoenix will be enshrined in the WWE Hall of Fame during WrestleMania weekend this year.

Women’s wrestling in WWE has never been more popular and given the rise of stars from Charlotte Flair to Sasha Banks, to Bayley, Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss, inducting one of the company's top women of the past makes sense. Phoenix's wrestling ability combined with her powerful yet glamorous look made her a wrestler ahead of her time.

(The athletic ingénue was already an amateur wrestling champion before embarking on professional career. Source:

Born Elizabeth Kocianski in Elmira, NY she fell in love with professional wrestling at the age of 11 after she won tickets in a coloring contest to a WWF television taping. In high school she was a standout multi-sport athlete in tennis and track. Most notably, she was the first female wrestler in the history of Notre Dame High School and went on to win the Northeast FreeStyle Women's Championship and the New York State Fair tournament as a member of USA Wrestling.

Phoenix then simultaneously worked toward her degrees in criminal justice and public relations at Canisius College as she trained for her career in professional wrestling. She was mentored by Joey Knight and Robin Knightwing after Molly Holly paid her tuition, impressed with her athleticism, wrestling skill and look. She debuted in 2001 simply as Phoenix, and built a significant independent resume, going over trainer Joey Knight and Kevin Grace for the FNW men's cruiserweight title, becoming the inaugural GLORY women's champion and being part of the first Shimmer Women Athletes show. This success led to WWE's then-developmental territory Ohio Valley Wrestling in 2004.

(A Steely-eyed Beth Phoenix in OVW. Source:

The Divas division in WWE already featured some women who could wrestle, most notably Trish Stratus and Lita, but women were still largely a manager, love interest, valet or some other form of eye candy. The future Glamazon filled this role mostly in OVW, a definite change from the consistent in-ring opportunities she had before.

(Beth Phoenix muscles up Michelle McCool during the first ever women's table match at TLC 2010. Source:
The WWE she debuted to in 2006 reflected how she was used in developmental. Trish Stratus and Lita were the standard bearers, blending sex appeal and wrestling ability, but there was little room onscreen for the rest of the women's roster to do much beyond a role as tangential eye candy. Phoenix was deemed pretty enough, but no one like her who took such apparent pride in breaking conventional notions of beauty with a finely honed and powerful physique had come along since Chyna embraced a more feminine look years before.

By 2010, it was clear that the women's division was near the bottom of WWE's priority list, in spite of workers like Phoenix, Natalya, Gail Kim, Mickie James and others who had a great look but also put forth the effort to become solid wrestlers.

(Glamorous Gold: Beth Phoenix won 3 Women's Titles and one Divas Championship, but her impact runs deeper than what she did on paper.)

The Glamazon's accomplishments include holding the Women's Championship three times, the Diva's Championship once, participating in the first women's I-Quit match (vs. Melina) and the first women's table match (with Natalya vs. Layla and Michelle McCool.) These accomplishments alone are impressive, but were done against the backdrop of a WWE that was hostile to wrestlers and placed green bikini models like Kelly Kelly front and center.

Phoenix was often paired with Natalya as a heel, vilified in color commentary and apparent presentation for attacking handpicked favorites whose training in-ring had to be covered up with surprise rollups in matches that lasted five minutes or less.

By 2012, Phoenix joined other talents like Mickie James, Gail Kim, Kaitlyn, Maxine and even favorites like Eve Torres who decided to quit WWE or were outright released. With benefit of hindsight, as WWE's women in 2016/2017 are given a fair shake to demonstrate their value and earn their keep, Phoenix was ahead of her time, the embodiment of the sort of talent WWE wants in their current Women's Division.

(Eve Torres feels the pain as Phoenix secures victory with a top-rope glamslam. Source:

Beth Phoenix was one of the very first women that WWE were willing to put on TV who openly embraced honing a powerful physique along with glamour, which is the standard now. Imagine her in the mix on either show vying for the title – at a time when the women's main drive coming down the ramp is to be the best, as opposed to the soap opera tropes that served as storylines during her career.
We have been treated to some of the best women's matches ever in American pro wrestling out of the current roster of WWE women and a daily standard for excellence not seen nor really desired in the WWE until now. Beth Phoenix's influence cannot be discounted in what we see now with WrestleMania XXXIII on the horizon.

(Meet the Copelands. Edge and Beth get a selfie at their home in North Carolina. Source:

Now retired and answering to Beth Copeland, she and her husband, Adam "Edge" Copeland are raising two daughters in Asheville, NC. If you ever bump into her on your way to checking out the skiing or the Biltmore Estates, give her a well-deserved "thank you" for her indelible impact on women's wrestling.

Finally, you'd like further viewing after this article, the WWE Network has a collection of some memorable matches in a Hall of Fame collection, including the famous first-time table match. If you feel some Beth Phoenix matches or moments should have made the cut in this article, leave a comment or hit me up on twitter @weskozalla

You can also find me, Ace Masters, Dave, and the Wrestlementary Braintrust at @wrestlementarythetwitter

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The State of WrestleMania (2017) - Part 1


This time of year – even two weeks out – Mania is always in flux. The card is never truly set until a few days before the show.

Even when the actual card is set in stone, the show itself is still in flux until that final WWE Credit and the Fade to Black. This is because the WWE tries to always have surprises, and keep those surprises under wrap as much as possible.

This year, I think the biggest surprise would be if they delivered a good wrestling show (aka Sports Entertainment.) The last few years have not be stellar earth shattering shows, not like they used to be. Yes, they were big on pomp and circumstance and spectacle, but really it is called WRESTLEMANIA.

The matches have been average for the most part, with good ones sprinkled throughout.

WRESTLEMANIA should be THE show of the year no matter what promotion (s) puts on a card. When WrestleKingdom is better, ROH's Final Battle, and maybe (gasp) TNA’s Bound for Glory are better cards, something is wrong.

Maybe not for Wrestling fans in general (I love WrestleKindom events), but for the WWE and Mania. Casual fans and WWE only fans will disagree. But Die Hard Wrestling fans will know what I mean.

Let’s look at it this way, WWE is not the pop culture extravaganza, WRESTLEMANIA is. During Mania season all eyes are on the WWE. News Organization that normally wouldn’t think of mentioning the WWE (unless it’s a scandal or something negative) cover Mania (CNN, MSNBC, FOX). It used to be that this was the only time of the year ESPN would even think of WWE.

Even advertising dollars go up this time of the year, as advertisers that wouldn’t normal touch the WWE, zoom in on the audience. Normally even RAW and SD LIVE (and the old Prime Time and Superstars shows) would get a rating boost from casual fans and new ones checking out the buzz.

During this time of the year, when more eyes than ever are checking out what you do, wouldn’t you want to put on your best? The answer is yes. But lately that yes has become maybe.

Unfortunately, for many people as long as the show is big, loud, with entertaining skits and the Rock shows up to do something stupid people think is cool, it’s all good. Substance over quality. The BlockBuster, Epic, Spectacle.

While that is all good, what about the actual matches? The booking? You know the Wrestling?

Hmm . . . novel idea Wrestling at an event called WRESTLEMANIA . . .

The State of WrestleMania – Part II – next Sunday 3/26/2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017



Here, now Ace give his take on WWE FASTLANE.

Thoughts and Results

I have to be very honest, I wrote that WWE did such a good job building to FastLane that I almost forgot about it. Also, that they could probably skip doing this show with Mania looming. Yes, I did.

FASTLANE may have been the last stop on the Road to WrestleMania, but by no means was it a Road Block. To be very Honest, FastLane was a near great show, with a few low points, and easily the best RAW Exclusive PPV since the Brand Split (aka Brand Shit).

The show was very nicely laid out, and everything had a reason and place. Even the filler segment and matches with Rusev, Jinder, Sheamus, Cesaro and The Big Show worked – even if they were shoe horned into the show. The only real down part about these filler matches is that they burned time off the show, feeding the rumor of a short title match main event.

The show for the most part sailed along smoothly until the last two matches – and I will touch on them below.

It is Mania season, and FastLane also set up some interesting points moving forward. Has the ground work been laid for RAW Mania matches beyond Goldberg versus Lesnar? I think so.

The Results and Thoughts


Rich Swan and Akira Tozawa defeated The Brian Kendrick and Noam Dar
Good, standard cruiserweight match. Tozawa is over big time. Truth be told, this match was more for building up the Tozawa/Kendrick feud. Will we finally get a one-on-one match between the two? Mania?


Samoa Joe defeated Sami Zayn
Did anyone think Zayn was winning? Good decent opening match, it put Joe over as a dominating Killer . . . sorry I mean Destroyer. Could these to have a much better match? Hell, yeah. They could easily put on the match of the night. The point of this though, was to put over Joe as “The Destroyer.”

Sasha Banks versus Nia Jax
Thoughts: A nice match that saw Sasha finally break through her slump against Jax, and she needed the win. This was easily Jax’s best match to date.

Sahsa would not be done for the night.

Neville (c) defeated Jack Gallagher

MATCH OF THE NIGHT. I know that is the common consensus, but it is the truth. This was a great match between two stellar performers of any size. How damn good is Gallagher? That good. Neville. Neville is killing it and should hold onto the title for a while (until Aries maybe?)

Cole maybe a big deal of Neville using the Red Arrow for the win. Essential putting Gallagher over as such a challenger that Neville had to pull out his most dangerous move to win.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (c) defeated Enzo and Big Cass
Yes. YEs! YES! Dear Gods THANK YOU. Please Enzo and Cass away from anything. Especially Enzo. Especially Enzo. Especially Enzo.

Bayley (c) defeated Charlotte

This should have been the match of the night. The Dream Achiever Bayley versus the Queen of PPV, undefeated on the Big Shows Charlotte. And this was a stellar match, right up to the point where Charlotte was climbing to the top rope and Sasha came rushing down to stop her. Then Sasha interfered when Charlotte had a handful of tights.

Bayley won because of Sasha. Charlotte played by the rules in this match (almost).

This ruined a great match, perhaps what was on the way to being the best Bayley/Charlotte match. It also puts a black cloud on Bayley and her persona. Sasha helped her win the title, but only because Dana interfered. Sasha helped her kept the title, and was the only person who interfered.

Ruined match, ruined title run for Bayley. This needs to turn into Sasha’s planned heel turn, or the ruin will continue.

Any other match, people would have gone nuts, the only reason I can figure that the fans base is okay with this is how popular all three woman are: Especially Sasha.

Roman Reigns defeated Braun Strowman

Can we forget about Roman Reigns and make Strowman the Face of the company? Vince, please??

This was a good match, Strowman impressed, and honesty so did Roman. Both guys delivered. I don’t like that Roman won, but understand why. At least Strowman’s first loss was to a guy in the upper echelon – as the WWE sees him.

Goldberg defeats KO, wins Universal Title.

Was anyone looking forward to this match? I wasn’t. Was the outcome ever in doubt? Nope.
I wrote on twitter that night that this was Bullshit. It is. This is not good for anyone.

Goldberg squashes KO in seconds? Hell no. Just because Jericho showed up on the ramp, doesn’t mean KO should lose so easily.

This is stupid, bad booking gear toward short term profits at the expense of long term success. They claim they want to build new stars and the future, but then take action to kill that same future.

KO is near worthless now. How can anyone take him seriously unless he beats Goldberg down the line – which isn’t going to happen.

Final thoughts:

A near great show that was spoiled by the ‘Main Event’ and Sasha interfering in the Woman’ Title Match.

Everything else stood up and delivered as expected or surpassed expectations.

RATING: 6.75 – It loses points because of Sasha interference and the Goldberg squash – even if that was expected.


This FASTLANE piece doesn’t cover FASTLANE fallout or MANIA implications. And there has been no direct coverage of RAW or SD LIVE! Since FASTLANE. This changes next week as I start THE STATE OF RAW, THE STATE OF SD LIVE and THE STATE OF THE WWE.

Also expect to start seeing pieces from Dave Parrish, Wes Kozala and hopefully Chris Rose.