Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017 Year End State of the WWE

I was going to write something long and profound, but then I realized it’s probably too late in the year for that – given this is the last day of 2017.

I started ‘State of’ Pieces for RAW, Smackdown and WrestleMania back around Mania Time but never finished them. This is sort of them finished. 

I won’t get very comprehensive here, but just give a general overview and thoughts on where the WWE is right now.

This is only going to cover the Main Roster, because I am way behind on 205 and NXT.

So, let’s start with the Flagship show:
RAW. RAW. RAW!! raw.

Pop Quiz! Which of the above RAW’s is correct?! And ‘all above’ the not an answer.

‘raw.’ Would be the correct answer.

Even more correct would be this: RAW = Really Average Wrestling.

It should be Awesome. It used to be Awesome. It still could be Awesome. It just isn’t. It’s just Average.

The talent is there: Sheamus and Cesaro, Kane, Fin Balor, Samoa Joe, even Braun Strowman. Then you have Sasha, Alexa, Bayley, Mickey . . . With that talent alone you could put on Epic Shows weekly. So, why isn’t that happening?

Who really knows? Creative is one issue. It seems like they often have no idea what to do. It seems that these so-called writers have no idea how to actually write. Some angles seem to get dropped as they START! Sure, a lot of people put the blame squarely on Vince, and he may have the last say, but it can’t all be his fault.

There are two big problems I can see being the issue: Three Hours, and No passion.

Three Hours of RAW is a chore to a lot of people it seems. Including people who comment on it, but never finish the show. I watch all three hours of RAW, and I see the problem. It’s not the three hours – it is not using the three hours correctly.

Which I can’t figure out – they can book out a three hour PPV, but not RAW? (This will be the subject of a longer piece coming up.)

No Passion. Yes, there is passion from many of the talent (Heath Slater for one), but not from a creative standpoint. There are often comments and leaks that creative has nothing for a certain performer (for example, Fin Balor). How the hell can that be? I can believe it, I just don’t get it.

Mostly I think it’s the fact that these writers don’t have a passion for what they are writing and don’t know wrestling. This come across very simple and plain – it’s called lazy booking (wrestling parlance). To the rest of the world it’s call poor writing.

RAW may be the Flaghip Show, but now it is time for the Real A Show:

You can almost take everything I wrote about RAW and just go in reverse.

If RAW stand for Really Average Wrestling, then SD LIVE might stand for Super Dynamic LIVE!

Which has more often than not been the case. Smackdown has put on the better shows week in and week out, showcased and used their talent better, and told better stories.

The best feud of the year came from SD Live: The New Day versus the USOs. Match of the year: Cena versus Styles – SD LIVE.

My Personal Match of the Year: Elimination Chamber: New Day versus The Usos – SD Live

RAW has great talent, but seemingly no idea what to do.

Smackdown Live has great talent, but seems to know what to do. They somehow even made the Jinder Mahal angle workable (to a degree).

But even Smackdown has misstepped. There have been bad shows, but odds are that there always will be. The biggest misstep to most people: the handling of Nakamura. But, the Jury is still out on that.

Think about this though: Vince has the final say on SD Live as well. So maybe RAW isn’t ALL on him.

This may sound like I am mirroring a lot of other people’s opinion: RAW BAD, SD LIVE GOOD.

I’m not, but when people are right, they are right.

Ok, now onto PAY-PER-VIEWS!

First, why are we still calling them Pay-Per-Views when they are on the Network? Can you even get then on PPV anymore? Let’s just go with BIG EVENT.

Let’s start with WrestleMania!

For once in a long time WrestleMania is my Big Event of the year. They did it right this year and focused on the matches with no in-ring promos. They allowed the matched and talent to speak for themselves and get everything done that needed to be done.

Great Video packages to get the crowd pumped, primed and up-to-date, followed by epic confrontations. A simple formula, underused, that led to a great WrestleMania.

Of Course there were other EVENTS.

I won’t go into each one in detail, that would be long and boring. So, I’ll go the short boring route.

Let’s be honest, many of the RAW Brand Events were as average as RAW. Which makes sense since they were built on, and continued, what was happening on RAW.

The same can be said for SD LIVE Brand Events. They were superior to RAW’s since SD LIVE is superior to RAW.


Final Thoughts:

Overall the State of the WWE is woefully Average. Not good, not bad, just THERE.

The pieces are all there, it just seems to be a puzzle the people who run the show forget how to put together.

They need to do something fast though, before the WWE does become WALK WITH ELIAS.

It might be useless, but here are my 2017 WWE Awards.

Lowlight of the Year: Enzo Amore
       It’s not just one moment, or one match. It’s everything he does, anywhere, anytime. Enzo is defined as Bathroom Break. I fast forward anytime he is on.

Just check out the story on his driver’s license.

Shock of the Year: The Rise of Jinder Mahal
Yep, Jinder. Read my piece from this past Tuesday:

Inspiration of the Year: Alexa Bliss versus Sasha Banks in Dubai
‘THIS IS HOPE.’ Hell Yeah.

Feud of the Year: The New Day versus The Usos
Nothing was better in the Wrestling Industry, period!

PPV Of The Year: WrestleMania
It’s about time the ‘Show of Shows’ delivered THE SHOW.

Male Wrestler of the Year: AJ Styles
Deny it. I dare you.

Tag Team of the Year: The Usos
Deny it. I double dare you.

Female Wrestler of the Year: Alexa Bliss
She may still be green in some way, and have a little developing to do in-ring, but she had the best year of any woman on the roster. She also delivered beyond what many thought her capable. Imagine if she gets better – and she can.

Match of the Year: Elimination Chamber: New Day versus The Usos

Performer (s) of the Year: The Usos

Highlight of the Year: Women’s Royal Rumble Announcement
Yep – there is ‘Hope.’

Friday, December 29, 2017

Thoughts on Championship Wrestling from Arizona

Championship Wrestling from Arizona proudly lays claim to this fact: They are Arizona’s only Televised wrestling promotion. And rightfully so, as it is true.

They are also part of the larger United Wrestling Network, and aligned with other promotions such as Championship Wrestling from Hollywood.

It also doesn’t hurt that one of the main guys involved in Justin Roberts. Yes, THAT Justin Roberts.

Championship Wrestling from Arizona is based out of Tucson, but does a number of TV tapings in the Metro Phoenix area. I have been to a number of these TV Tapings, and can be seen prominently in the front Row of a few shows during matches.

Championship Wrestling from Arizona boasts some great talent, such as R-Three, ‘Exciting’ Evan Daniels, Owen Travers, Johnny Soavi, Alex Salyers, Hawaiian Lion, Navajo Warrior, Peter Avalon, Oliver Grimsley and others. Of course there is also Arizona State Champion GINO RIVERA.

But, it is not just local-to-AZ talent, or ‘West Coast’ talent. They also have guys like Kevin ‘Killer’ Kross, IMPACT Champ Eli Drake and Alberto El Patron. So, this is a growing promotion.

The talent and the quality of matches and shows they put on definitely are deserving of a State Wide television broadcast show. But for now this is still a ‘die hard’ only wrestling promotion and TV broadcast.

WRESTLING FANS will eat this up. SPORT ENTERTAINMENT fans and the casual viewer will most likely pass. The reason being is that they won’t see the production quality they are used to seeing with the WWE or even TNA.

This is not a multi-million dollar production or a billion dollar company.

This is pure indie – pure wrestling. And looks it.

For that I love It.

 - Ace Masters

Special Note: My favorite thing about Championship from Wrestling Arizona’s broadcast, I get to see my guy Johnny Saovi on TV on a regular basis.

Oh, and the Agents of Chaos!


I have to admit, I have barely watched IMPACT WRESTLING much this year. In fact before this month (December), the last show I had watched was still under the TNA Banner. I have spent the last few weeks getting up caught up on the three months of IMPACT on my DVR.

I am not sure if ‘IMPACT WRESTLING’ is all that different then ‘TNA.’ As with most things, the only thing that has really changed is cosmetic – the dropping of TNA. The ring, the talent, the production style, the Turkey Bowl (AKA The Eli Drake Gravy Train Turkey Trout), is basically the same.

I missed the majority of this year, but getting caught up it didn’t really feel like I missed much. The TOP guys from when I stopped watching in March are basically still the top guys: EC 3, Bobby Lashley, Eli Drake, Moose, Alberto El Patron when he is around, Eddie Edwards.

There is still too much talking at times, and not enough IMPACT. I can’t call it, Talk, No Action any more.

The in ring matches often deliver and the talent level is very high. The Creative side is still iffy, and some of the promo and feuds seem lackluster – but that is no different than the WWE.

What I loved is the fact that TNA had brought in the RENO SCUM. I’ve written about them before and they are one of the top Teams on the Indie scene. I just wished they had stayed around.

Also, I really like that Caleb Konley is there, I guy I grew to enjoy when watching Paragon Pro out of Vegas.

But, I think the best thing right now is the rise of Eli Drake. The Champion of Dummies.

Over all, my thoughts on IMPACT as it stands right now: Same as It Ever Was.

Some good and great talent. Lackluster Creative. Right on the verge of exploding, but never quite getting there.

Let’s see what they can do in the coming year.

As for me, the IMPACT STRESS TEST will return in 2018 – where I will discuss IMPACT shows on a weekly basis.

 - Ace Masters

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Jinder Mahal has always been a mixed bag, and that isn’t always on Jinder. Much has to do with WWE Booking. Jinder Mahal is a perfect example of WWE Booking and Creative that expects fans to accept sudden twists and turns that make no sense, defy logic and demands people to forget what has come before.

Maybe wins and losses don’t mean much. Maybe telling a story means more. But it isn’t enough to tell a story – you need to tell it good and right.

Jinder’s story has rarely been good or right.

He started out as an antagonist for The Great Kahli – someone who Kahli’s family owed a debt. During that story he floundered, talked a lot, but never showed anything that proved he belonged in the WWE. It doesn’t feel like the WWE felt he should be there either, never really using him or letting him shine.

He eventually become a comedy foil in 3MB, with Heath Slater and Drew McIntrye. McIntrye was on the downslide, Heath was (and is) Heath and Jinder found his niche for the moment. Even though this was a jobber trio, Jinder finally started to show what he could do in ring – and he sold the gimmick.

This is where I became and fan of Jinder. 3MB could have become something if not for his release (and Drew’s).

Jinder found his way back. Leaving on good terms and bettering his skills found his way home. He had always been in good shape, but now he looked Fantastic!

Still, he remained a mix bag, floundering as a jacked up jobber that couldn’t get over and had little reaction from any but die hard fans.

Then came the Brand Split.

Then came Smackdown Live into Jinder’s life. Then came JINDER.

He lost his debut Smackdown Live Match, then won a #1 contender ship match, then claimed the World Title.

After beating Randy Orton, he became unstoppable (with the Sing Brothers). Orton, Nakamura, and all fell to the Majahara.

The real Question is did Jinder claim the title, or did the Title claim Jinder?

See, even though I like Jinder, and he may one day have risen to the title, he shouldn’t have won it when he did. It made no sense. Jinder was the perennial loser who couldn’t win, then wins one match – and from there on can’t be beat?

I mentioned WWE Booking above, and this is what I mean. The fans are supposed to forget that Jinder was a jobber, and accepted him as the real deal overnight. They didn’t. It didn’t help that they portrayed him as an old-school anti-American heel who spews out racist slurs.

Let’s be honest though, it’s all over the internet and there is a ring of truth to this: Jinder as champion was a business decision. The WWE wanted to make a big push into India and he was the ticket. Understandable move, and good for Jinder.

The answer to the question is this: The Title claimed Jinder.

As the jobber he was then, it made no sense story wise to put the title on him. The Title elevated Jinder, not Jinder the title. The WWE business plan elevated Jinder, not Jinder’s skill set or abilities.

Jinder should NOT have been the WWE Champion this past year – by any means. But he was. The Title claimed him. The WWE barreling into India spurred his rise.

Yet there is another story here, a secondary plot to all this. The true rise of Jinder Mahal.

Since winning the title Jinder has stepped up, big time. His in-ring work has improved – and how could it not. Instead of being a jobber, he was now tasked with hanging with top tier talent like Randy Orton, Nakamura and Styles.

Iron sharpens Iron, and Jinder would only do one of two things in the ring with this level of talent: Fail or Rise Up.

It took time, but as WWE Champion, Jinder started to rise.

In his second match with Nakamura, Jinder arrived with his best match to date.

Even in his two losses to AJ Styles (losing the Title and rematch), Jinder performed far greater then he would have six-months ago.

The Rise of Jinder may have just begun.

This time maybe the Modern Day Majaraha can claim the Title.

 - Ace Masters

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Arizona (aka Awesome) Wrestling Federation (AWF)

I have written extensively about the AWF in the past, but not so much this past year. Just because I didn’t, no other reason. I have still attended every AWF and AWF UNLEASHED show they put on in 2017 – just didn’t write about them as I have before.

Beginning in 2018 I will once again start writing Commentaries/Reviews of each show.

For now, to end 2017, I just wanted to get some thoughts out there on the Arizona (aka Awesome) Wrestling Federation (AWF).

Consistently across the board the AWF has put on the best wrestling shows I have attended or watch during the calendar year of 2017. This includes ROH shows, New Japan shows, WWE and yes, even the can-do-no-wrong NXT.

It doesn’t matter whether the show is the main AWF SHOW, or the secondary AWF UNLEASHED event, the AWF and their talent are just that good.

How good are the talent? Just go back and watch July 3rd an 4th RAW and SD Live. It was AWF talent holding back Samoa Joe on RAW.

During the SD Live Battle Rap the crews with The New Day and The Uso’s were mostly AWF talent (Admittedly they do wrestle elsewhere as well).

Alexander Hammerstone, Klas (former AWF State Champion), Watson (former AWF Unleashed Champion), Owen Travers (then AWF Unleashed Champion), R-Three (current AWF Tag Champion Co-Holder) were AWF talent on SD Live.

Beyond their talent and great matches, one of the best things about the AWF is their booking and story-telling. Month to month they keep consistently with what happened the month before. Usually that is – there have been some really odd confusing moments.

But, overall, they keep what happens at each event in line, in mind and use previous events and matches to build up future shows and feuds. They keep to continuity better than say . . . the WWE, who has a whole creative department dedicated to their feuds that keep failing.

Over the last few months the AWF has stepped up their online game as well. They’ve stepped up their social media presence more than ever. They have a brand new, MUCH improved and regularly update website – that even comes with an AWF SHOP!

My favorite things is their new Newsletter and breaking news e-mail. For their December 2nd Unleashed show I received three e-mails. The First announcing the card for the event, The Second announcing a major change to the card, and a third a day after the show announcing the results. That is Awesome.

Oh, and they train wrestlers too (just check out their website).

I know this sounds a lot like I am being a homer, or biased, but not, the AWF and talent is just this GOOD.


AWF Event of the Year: SUMMER EXPLOSION, August 2017

AWF Match of the Year: AWF Heavyweight I QUIT Championship Match: ‘The Fifty Year Storm’ Mike Camden (c) v ‘The Chief’ Owen Travers

AWF Wrestler of the Year: Dom Vitali, current AWF Heavyweight Champion.

AWF Tag Team of the Year: The Brothers of Wrestling, R-Three and ‘Exciting’ Evan Daniels, current AWF Tag Team Champions.

AWF Unleashed Wrestler of the Year: Watson, former AWF Unleased Champion.

AWF Moment of the Year: Dom Vitali defeating Big Duke to win the AWF Heavyweight Championship in a match where their careers were on the line too. Thus running Big Duke out of the AWF.

AWF one of the best Wrestling Promotions out there, and THE BEST in Arizona.

  • AWF Website:
  • AWF Facebook:
  • AWF Twitter:
  • AWF Youtube:
  • AWF Instagram:

 - Ace Masters

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Guess What! Wrestlementary is back a week early!

Welcome All!

Guess What! Wrestlementary is back a week early!

Yep. I, Ace Masters, didn’t write consistently enough in 2017, but that will change coming up in 2018.

I wrote about a suspension of Wrestlementary, and I am lifting that suspension this week. For this final week of 2017 I will be posting a few brief pieces leading into the New Year.

I will post my thoughts on the local AWF and CWA promotions, and TNA. Some comments on the shocking rise and near arrival of Jinder Mahal.

I will end the year with a look back on the WWE, and begin 2018 with a look forward for Wrestlementary with a State of on January 1st.

That’s it for now.

My plan for this week is as follows:

  • Sunday, December 24th – Arizona (aka Awesome) Wrestling Federation (AWF)
  • Tuesday, December 26th – Thoughts on Jinder Mahal
  • Thursday December 28th – Thoughts of IMPACT WRESTLING
  • Saturday December 30th – Thoughts on Championship Wrestling from Arizona
  • Sunday December 31st – WWE Year in Review

Then, for the New Year on Monday, January 1st expect a State of Wrestlementary, discussing Wrestlementary going forward.


Ace Masters

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Glitter & Slam - The Absolution sees Red, SDLive is Blue due to the Riott Squad

In this edition of Glitter and Slam we'll look at the surprising call-ups of Paige's new friends in Absolution and the newest invaders of Smackdown, the Riott Squad.


Paige's return on RAW was a pleasant surprise for many and opened up a myriad of new booking possibilities for the Red Brand’s women. The eyebrow raiser wasn't the introduction of a new stable, known as Absolution as of the November 27th RAW, rather who debuted with her. Mandy Rose and Sonya DeVille prove once again that if anyone makes a splash on the main roster from a season of Tough Enough, it isn’t the winner. Rose's look fits the WWE template and Deville, as smashmouth fighter, is a tenet of the company's continuing women's evolution. It wasn't a surprise either woman would make it to the main roster eventually, the timing was. There is much they can add to RAW, as well as challenges that go with a fast-tracked main roster callup.


Rose was signed after losing the Tough Enough women's contract to now-former talent Sara Lee. She was on the fifth season of Total Divas, but did not return to the show as she focused on her development at the performance center. She appeared on NXT several times, most notably in a losing effort against Ember Moon in 2016. After that, she worked mostly house shows. Despite limited television, she was readily embraced on social media and showed a drive in her matches to consistently hone her skills to match her prime-time looks.

(Pretty Tough – One of the most beautiful women in WWE is also among the most smashmouth. Source:

Her power has been showcased in Absolution's run-ins and WWE seems intent on developing her on RAW as a buff bombshell who has no problem going above and beyond to hurt her opponents. This is reassuring in light of her call-up from essentially out of nowhere. Ten years ago, a wrestler like Mandy would have been fast-tracked to a Diva's title run whether she was ready or not. Hopefully, Vince McMahon, et. all will continue to let Mandy hone her skills as a wrestler and entertainer in order for bigger and better things to come organically. If they do, Rose's future could be even brighter than her shiny gold tights.

(Source: Sky Sports)

Deville first appeared on WWE television under her real name, Daria Beranato as a contestant on the most recent run of Tough Enough. Boasting an MMA background, there was little doubt when she was signed to an NXT contract that she was a viable talent. After debuting on NXT she eventually changed her name to her present moniker and adopted the catchphrase "put your hair up and square up." It summed her up perfectly.

(Deville lets her hard strikes do most of the talking on the 11/27 RAW as she levels Sasha Banks. Source:

Deville was introduced as a sadistic technician, as in NXT. She loves to fight and incorporates an arsenal of quick precise strikes and painful submission holds. No other homegrown Performance Center talent brings such a deep moveset to the main roster. Embracing her fighting skills within her persona shows WWE's desire to continue to target women and girls, with the implicit encouragement to embrace athletics.

Plus, as the company's first openly lesbian performer, her debut on the Red Brand sends a message of inclusiveness and acceptance.

Pairing Deville and Rose with a popular veteran like Paige not only gives them a positive rub, but also solid mentorship as they make the transition to the major spectacle that WWE strives to bring every day.

Meanwhile, on the Blue Brand, extensive independent experience is what anchors the debut of the Riott Squad call-ups.

(Left to Right: Indy vets Sarah Logan, Ruby Riott, and relative newcomer Liv Morgan. Source:

The recently dubbed Riott squad made their debut on Smackdown Live in similiar fashion to their RAW counterparts. They pretty much just showed up and beat the crap out of everyone. Unlike Absolution, however, Ruby Riott leads a power trio that has more combined professional wrestling experience and success prior to WWE than Mandy Rose or Sonya Deville.

(Riott dents the Queen's crown. Source:

Ruby Riott had great independent success wrestling as Heidi Lovelace including winning the Alpha-1 Wrestling Alpha Male championship, the Ohio Valley Wrestling women's title and as one half of the Shimmer tag team champions. In NXT, she won crowds over with her frenetic athletic style in high profile matches against Nikki Cross, Asuka and most recently her fellow call-up Sonya Deville.

Amidst the crowdpleasing ring work she demonstrated an organic and articulate presence in her promos. She didn't take any crap and she strived to be the very best doing it her way. This was a definite recipe to get over with not only smarks but also the tween and teenage crowd with her punk-rock look and rebellious nature.

Out of the three she was easily the most ready for a surprise call-up. Over the next year it would be no surprise to see Smackdown gold around her waist.


Ever since debuting in WWE's Mae Young Classic tournament her skills left little doubt she would eventually make it to one of the big shows. The surprise is that it came apparently out of nowhere, considering she was booked to put others over, losing in the first round of the tourney to Mia Yim and then putting over among others on her few appearances on NXT television. She's a backwoods brawler with a sadistic streak (google "Naomi backboard") with a certain charm and a definite ruthlessness underneath a warm smile.

(Logan made her bones as Crazy Mary, an even more violent version of herself now. Source: Absolutely Intense Wrestling Youtube)

Prior to WWE she made her bones as a top indy star as Crazy Mary Dobson, a violent sociopath with one white eye who lived to bring the pain. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre approach made people take notice and she became a staple in Ring of Honor and earned championship runs in Juggalo Pro Wrestling, APWA and Resistance Pro Wrestling.

With this resume, a fast track push isn't a shock, but the call-up with little build means she may not get the attention to character development she would have received in NXT. Once this stable disbands, she could end up lost in the shuffle with no direction. There is precedent, however, for her to acheive great things.

Becky Lynch was a great technical talent and likeable personality when she was rushed to the main roster as little more than a chick with goggles, but she earned gold and is a staple of Smackdown's women's division. There is no reason that Logan can't accomplish the same thing and possibly outshine all her peers all in time.


Morgan is another talent who would have been railroaded ready or not into a huge push among the then-Divas. She is strikingly beautiful with a background in competitive cheerleading and modelling for Hooters prior to her career in professional wrestling.

Unlike her veteran stablemates, she is a homegrown Performance Center discovery. She made NXT crowds remember her with her bubbly personality and straight-outta-Paramus ghetto chic. She never really had a great match and often put over more powerful talents like Ember Moon and Asuka, losing to the latter by submission in under two minutes.

Her persona has changed the most in her main roster debut. She's a heel for the first time to audiences and the bad girl sneer goes well with her athleticism and harder hitting moveset she is showing in recent weeks.

(Liv gets a piece of Natalya with her veteran cohorts. Source:

Her challenge is the inverse of Sarah Logan's. The camera awareness, the knack for entertainment are there, but her skills in the ring are still evolving. In NXT she looked very green at times even within the last six months when working with intermediate or new talents. Her call-up may be hasty, but she has room to continue growing with her fundamentally sound veteran peers, who have over a decade of combined experience.

A mass call-up for an apparently cramped women's division is a big gamble, but so far WWE is doing it right. Absolution and the Riott Squad have made a palpable impact, mowing over the top stars out of the gate.

Paige stared down Asuka with Rose and Deville and the pair will certainly have an impact on their leader's forthcoming match with Sasha Banks.

Team Blue's newcomers have decimated all the top women and have Charlotte Flair fighting for her very show in addition to her championship.

As always, time will tell and we'll dig beyond the clickbait here in Glitter and Slam to break down the hows whys as these stories unfold.


Follow me on twitter: @weskozalla
Follow Ace and Wrestlementary: @WrestlementaryT

Monday, October 30, 2017

WrestleMentary 60-Day Suspension (Holiday Hiatus)

Hey, Miss me? Probably not. I’ve barely written for Wrestlementary since WrestleMania. Can’t really give you a good answer as to why not either.

Right now, once again, thanks to Wes Kozalla and the Glitter & Slam for keeping things alive.

As of now, as with previous years, Wrestlementary is going to go into Hiatus until the New Year, even though there may be a few pieces before then.

I am sure we will have at least one Gillter & Slam from Wes.

I am also planning a few year-end pieces on SD Live, RAW and the PPVs.

My plan right now is to have Wrestlementary return on Monday, January 1st with our 2017 Wrestlementary Awards!

What better way to kick off 2018, then give our Wrestlemenatry on the best of 2017!



Saturday, September 23, 2017

Asuka, Ready Or Not . . . Plus No Mercy Predictions

In this edition of Glitter and Slam, we examine what WWE should do to maximize Asuka's forthcoming debut on RAW and discuss predictions for No Mercy.

(Asuka grapples with multiple-time victim Billie Kay on NXT. Source:

Asuka, best known as the Empress of Tomorrow, will be coming to Monday nights and WWE's red brand, RAW. In NXT she became the longest-reigning title holder in the history of the brand as the women's champion for 523 days. She also was booked undefeated for her entire run and – a rarity in a business where wrestlers tradtionally leave on their backs putting over other talent – she was granted the right to abdicate her title and take her unblemished record to the main roster.

WWE has a mixed track record when it comes to pushing talent outside of their usual box of American sports entertainment, but if they are careful to remember what makes Asuka special, the women's division and all of RAW will benefit.

(The theatrics, costumes and the masks are all just a part of Asuka's otherwordly persona. Source: @WWEasuka twitter)

WWE in 2017 has shown a serious desire, at least on the Smackdown brand, to make inroads into India, Japan and the rest of middle and far eastern Asia. This is why we have the oddly surreal championship reign of Jinder Mahal and why his main challenger in recent months has been the Japanese sensation Shinsuke Nakamura. On the surface, this shows that Asuka should have every opportunity to eclipse her already outstanding list of accomplishments, but Nakamura's booking as a template is a source of major concern as her debut looms.

(Nakamura has gotten the best push of any Japanese star in the history of WWE and American pro wrestling in 2017, but following the standard babyface template has hurt him. Source:

NXT's format made it easy to safeguard a wrestler's mystique. The hourly weekly format inherently prevented overexposure leading into the brand's Takover specials, which occur every two to three months. Every week there may be a highlight, mention or even a promo, but Asuka didn't wrestle every single night on NXT the way top talent has to on the main roster.

This type of presentation worked for Shinsuke Nakamura, who is the most unique talent to hit the WWE ring in years, but even as they push him to the moon, WWE is trying to fit him into the standard booking track that worked for other proven stars like AJ Styles among others. This approach disregards his uniqueness when we see him wrestle constantly.


Asuka's track record and exotic persona can best be maximized if she isn't constantly in throwaway tag matches or wrestling her forthcoming pay-per-view rival every week on RAW. Using her sparingly keeps interest fresh longer with a product that already oversaturates the marketplace with 7-plus hours of regular in-ring shows.

In addition to booking frequency, WWE also needs to make sure not to scuttle the best elements of her branding, which they did with Nakamura when he went from being the "King of Strong Style" to "The Artist" and "Rock Star." Asuka needs to remain the "Empress of Tomorrow," and remain the high energy force of nature of few words that she is now.

Watering down her exotic persona with a mundane, size-fits-all catch phrase that downplays just how unique she is won't do it, even if she is pushed harder and better than any woman that has come before her in WWE.


(The match was exciting, but Asuka's championship victory over Bayley was a show of force that shocked the audience into silence. A rare thing in today's booking, but necessary for Asuka. Source:

Asuka is arguably the best female wrestler in the world. No one in WWE right now strikes better, can wrestle more crisply, or get a great match out of up-and-comers and intermediate talents the way she can.

Her NXT booking embraced her toughness and skill, along with her Ultimate Warrior-like energy. She cannot be booked as anything less on RAW. She needs to dominate Team Red's women's division out of the gate en route to the championship. In the first few weeks of her debut, handicap matches against jobbers would be a good start, but WWE creative needs to find the best match-ups in short order beyond that.

(Mickie James and Asuka had one of the best women's matches of 2016 in WWE. Source:

Before you get into the consistent championship contenders, the RAW women have dependable, solid talents like Alicia Fox, Emma and Mickie James that can give her that first rivalry to showcase her skills while also giving fans something beyond a squash match. After that they must let her dominate the likes of Nia Jax, Sasha Banks and Bayley en route to that first title reign.

In doing so, Alexa Bliss will have to take a back seat, short term. 2017 has deservedly been the year of Little Miss Bliss, but that is due to her great mic skill and storytelling ability, which is notably ahead of her intermediate ring skills.

(Alexa Bliss is great for business, especially locking horns with the ring generals of RAW's women like Banks and Bayley, but her character can't plausibly beat Asuka, perhaps ever. Source:

Bliss's clean title win over Sasha Banks in their recent rematch was implausible enough. There is no way in hell she can believably win even cheating like crazy over Asuka. Booking a Bliss victory would be going into Kevin Nash/Goldberg tasering. We saw how that all panned out with the beginning of the end for WCW.

The business landscape is different now, but serious damage could be done to the credibility of women's wrestling on RAW and bring back the negative memories of Kelly Kelly and Bella Twin magic whether it's deserved or not. She can do everything Sasha Banks and Bayley do, but better.

(Asuka has been the only woman booked as dominant over Nia Jax and it needs to stay that way as her first arc unfolds on the main roster. Source:

She's only woman of average size who Nia Jax can't beat on any given night. Even Sasha Banks comes to the ring against Jax, who she has beaten clean on several occasions, with a very real possibility of kissing canvas hard. En route to her first RAW Women's Championship she must plow through them all and it will be up to WWE's uneven scripting to find a way to keep all the women relevant and fresh as they chase Asuka.

The only way Bliss should be booked over the Empress is with a RAW Money In The Bank contract. In light of this, it is up to WWE to give Asuka's peers every chance to look like they were worthy opponents and let the champ do what champions in the business must, lift up the roster around them.

(The famous triple German suplex from Asuka's title defense against Peyton Royce, Billie Kay and Nikki Cross. Source:


The Empress of Tomorrow destroyed most of her opponents in NXT, but after over 500 days of championship dominance, she leaves a division that is stronger than when Bayley passed the torch before her own exit to RAW.

The Iconic Duo of Peyton Royce and Billie Kay are great devious opportunists who look for any advantage to avoid actually wrestling their opponents legitimately. Nikki Cross, who has worked gloriously stiff with Asuka got the showcase to build up into the scary dystopian buzzsaw that makes people take notice.

(Nikki Cross was the first to give Asuka a real beating, even in defeat, and she is reaping the rewards on NXT right now. Source: WWE Network)

Ember Moon was the one woman who had shown she was plausibly on Asuka's technical level in two epic title matches within a slow-burn feud and now she is in position to become the new standard bearer among NXT's women.

Asuka is leaving the NXT women's division rebuilt and in good hands with these talents as well as up-and-comers like Ruby Riot and homegrown Performance Center talents like Lacey Evans and Bianca Belair.

(Moon got the rub from the champ in a hard-fought defeat to become the new dominant force in NXT's rebuilt women's division. Source:

A dominant champ can be used to raise the bar for the entire roster around her. Give the rest of the women's roster the chance to shine against one another and make the most of their opportunities beyond the title.

Alexa Bliss can still wreak havoc her way, Banks can fight like a Boss and Emma can take every opportunity between the ropes to prove it's about her with or without gold on the line. If WWE creative can get back to that in booking, then Asuka will be free to be the dominating force of nature she has been for most of her career.

Will WWE do these things? Will they learn from the mistakes they have made with Nakamura? Time will tell.

(source: WWE Youtube)

Universal Championship - Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Braun Strowman: I think they'll pull the trigger on Strowman, maybe see if he has the stuff to be champ going into Mania season. WINNER: Strowman

John Cena vs. Roman Reigns: The rancor between them and Cena's gleeful mic burial of the Big Dog indicate a solid, rough match is on the horizon. WINNER: Reigns

RAW Women's Championship - Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax vs. Emma vs. Bayley: Banks put Bliss over clean after a one-week title reign because Vince was mad or something, and now we have an overly clogged championship match in part because Bliss wins through deceit (not a bad thing for the top female heel on the show) and can't plausibly beat anyone without cheating. She is simply not a wrestler on the same level as Banks, Emma or even Bayley who was thrown into this match for no good reason at all after a burial. I think Banks should have retained going into No Mercy and lost the title clean to my predicted WINNER: Nia Jax

RAW Tag Team Championship - Ambrose & Rollins (c) vs. Sheamus and Cesaro: For another month it looks like the Shield semi-reunion is best for business. WINNER: Ambrose and Rollins

Intercontinental Championship - The Miz (c) vs. Jason Jordan: This has the look more of being Jordan's first notable feud as a singles competitor. The Miz has done a great job of bringing out the best facets of his booked opponents since the brand split. This is more of an opening chapter than a coda. WINNER: The Miz

Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt: They couldn't find anything else for either guy to do? Unbelievable, but the match itself should be very good. WINNER: Balor

Cruiserweight Championship: Neville (c) vs. Enzo Amore: Considering Neville has evolved into a violent sadistic asshole who looks at the rule book more as suggestions than the law, I don't see the Certified G winning the title in what looks to be a probable squash with more to come in the future. WINNER: Neville

In the next edition of Glitter and Slam, we'll take a look at the women of the Blue Brand as they head into Hell in a Cell, as well as where women's booking in general is compared to a year ago in WWE.

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