Friday, December 29, 2017

Thoughts on Championship Wrestling from Arizona

Championship Wrestling from Arizona proudly lays claim to this fact: They are Arizona’s only Televised wrestling promotion. And rightfully so, as it is true.

They are also part of the larger United Wrestling Network, and aligned with other promotions such as Championship Wrestling from Hollywood.

It also doesn’t hurt that one of the main guys involved in Justin Roberts. Yes, THAT Justin Roberts.

Championship Wrestling from Arizona is based out of Tucson, but does a number of TV tapings in the Metro Phoenix area. I have been to a number of these TV Tapings, and can be seen prominently in the front Row of a few shows during matches.

Championship Wrestling from Arizona boasts some great talent, such as R-Three, ‘Exciting’ Evan Daniels, Owen Travers, Johnny Soavi, Alex Salyers, Hawaiian Lion, Navajo Warrior, Peter Avalon, Oliver Grimsley and others. Of course there is also Arizona State Champion GINO RIVERA.

But, it is not just local-to-AZ talent, or ‘West Coast’ talent. They also have guys like Kevin ‘Killer’ Kross, IMPACT Champ Eli Drake and Alberto El Patron. So, this is a growing promotion.

The talent and the quality of matches and shows they put on definitely are deserving of a State Wide television broadcast show. But for now this is still a ‘die hard’ only wrestling promotion and TV broadcast.

WRESTLING FANS will eat this up. SPORT ENTERTAINMENT fans and the casual viewer will most likely pass. The reason being is that they won’t see the production quality they are used to seeing with the WWE or even TNA.

This is not a multi-million dollar production or a billion dollar company.

This is pure indie – pure wrestling. And looks it.

For that I love It.

 - Ace Masters

Special Note: My favorite thing about Championship from Wrestling Arizona’s broadcast, I get to see my guy Johnny Saovi on TV on a regular basis.

Oh, and the Agents of Chaos!

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