Monday, October 30, 2017

WrestleMentary 60-Day Suspension (Holiday Hiatus)

Hey, Miss me? Probably not. I’ve barely written for Wrestlementary since WrestleMania. Can’t really give you a good answer as to why not either.

Right now, once again, thanks to Wes Kozalla and the Glitter & Slam for keeping things alive.

As of now, as with previous years, Wrestlementary is going to go into Hiatus until the New Year, even though there may be a few pieces before then.

I am sure we will have at least one Gillter & Slam from Wes.

I am also planning a few year-end pieces on SD Live, RAW and the PPVs.

My plan right now is to have Wrestlementary return on Monday, January 1st with our 2017 Wrestlementary Awards!

What better way to kick off 2018, then give our Wrestlemenatry on the best of 2017!



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