Thursday, August 11, 2016


The State of NXT

Welcome all, to my first ever piece covering NXT. Because this is my first piece and because of the return of Wrestlementary from an unplanned hiatus, I am beginning my coverage of NXT with a State of Piece.

Let’s get right down to the one simple fact of the WWE Universe. Week-in and week-out, for at least the last two years, NXT has been the superior weekly broadcast put out by the WWE. Even if it is exclusive to only the WWE Network and HULU.

Where one watches wrestling, or the size of the audience, has no bearing on the quality of the show. NXT might not have the reach of its basic cable brethren (RAW and SMACKDOWN), but it is the better show.

Even a weak NXT broadcast is often better then RAW.

The format is generally simple – solid matches, limited in-promos and back stage segments, and an announce team that not only covers the matches, but gives fans tidbits of information they need to know, to know what the story is.

Everything NXT does is to build up feuds, confrontations and showdowns. That is, telling a story and involving the talent and fans.

Case in point, Nakamura versus Finn, they took almost month to build up the match and make it something special.

They often pack more excitement into a fifty minute show, than RAW does into a three-hour timeslot. The reason: No wasted time on NXT. NXT hasn’t fallen so low as to have food fights and backstage comedy segments (Well, except for Enzo and Cass). It focuses on WRESTLING.

Fortunately, NXT has no ‘Katie Vick’ moment.

What it does has is NXT Takeover! Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger has never been in a WWE ring, but he has been in a NXT ring. ‘Nuff Said.

It can also be claimed that the NXT roster is superior to the main roster. Asuka, Bayley, The Revival, Austin Aries, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode and Shinsuke Nakamura? That is a good enough roster to start one’s own promotion.

Is NXT always great or awesome? Nope. Like any other show, there have been weak broadcasts. In fact for the last month or so, it seems like NXT has been coasting a little too much.

But never fear, we have SummerSlam around the corner.

Sorry, I meant NXT BROOKLYN II!

STATE OF THE NXT: Solid as a rock.

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