Monday, August 7, 2017

The Future of Professional Wrestling is in YOUR Back Yard!!!

Listen up, Pencil Neck Geeks! By back yard I do not mean Back Yard Wrestling, or your back yard. I mean your area! The Town, City, State Where you live! Got it! Good! (Written with respect to Classy Freddie Blassie!)

Recently (Saturday, July 29) there was a great wrestling show right here in Glendale, AZ – The AWF (Arizona Wrestling Federation) once again killed it with their Summer Explosion event. For the first time in nearly two years, the whole WrestleMentary crew was there.

The consensus – AWF’s Summer Explosion was better than WWE’s Battle Ground.

It had me thinking again – on a subject something I have thought about a lot. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Life can truly be called a circle at times.

As great as NXT is, as good as a job as WWE Developmental seems to be doing, the future of Professional Wrestling isn’t WWE Developmental or NXT. It is right where it has always been. Once it was called the Regionals. Today:


Yep, the Indies. What used to be called Regional promotions many years ago, the Indies are the same beast – close to it – different name. Want proof?

Look at the WWE current roster – how many of these guys plied their trade on the Indie for years (as little as two or three up to twenty). A few names: John Cena, Kevin Owens (Kevin Steen), Sami Zayn (El Generico); AJ Styles; Karl Anderson; The Hardy’s; Chris Jericho, Samoa Joe.

How many are WWE Only? The only name that comes to mind is Baron Corbin – and that may not be 100% accurate.

Look at NXT – The majority of these men and Woman come from the Indies. Where else?

This is NOT a condemnation of WWE Developmental or NXT, I love both. It’s is just proof that the Past, Present and FUTURE of Professional Wrestling and the WWE is out THERE!

Just on the local scene I can name a number of talent who I think are as good if not better than talent in the ‘Big Time’ (for the sake of argument New Japan; TNA/GWF; ROH and WWE). Who?

Chris Evans Johnny Saovi Awesome Andy Palafox Exciting Evan Daniels
R-Three Spray Boy Roy Alexander Hammerstone Owen Travers
The Fifty Year Storm’ Mike Camden Suede Thompson Gino Rivera

Other names across North America who are good enough:
The Whirlwind Gentlemen The Keepers of The Faith Reno Scum (in TNA/GWF now)
Alex Chamberlin Jay Lethal Willie Mack
Joey Ryan Cheerleader Melissa Chelsea Green
Hudson Envy

This is a very small sample of name – I have kept it to guys and girls I know, have meet and seen wrestle in person. One could write a 10,000 words piece on nothing but indie names of good to great talent.

But the truth is, much like minor league baseball or NBA’s D-League, or even College Football to the NFL, the Independent Promotions around North America are the true breeding ground for the next-gen talent of professional wrestling.

Yes, long gone are the days when someone can become a legendary performer without being in the WWE at some point – except for very special talent (Christopher Daniels). But the Indie’s are still the backbone of the Wrestling and the WWE.

Just ask Hunter.

The Indie Promotions put on the same shows as TNA/GWF and WWE, just on a much smaller scale. In bingo halls instead of Arenas, Gyms instead of Coliseums, in front of 15, 50, 250 people instead of 15,000.

What isn’t on a smaller scale is the talent and passion. Guys and Girls going all out to give 75 people the best they can, just because they want to.

Imagine this, you go to a local event, see a wrestler you like and get to know him or her. Some young talent, still honing their skills, but has the passion to survive and thrive. Fast forward a few years and imagine the feeling you might have seeing that same person show up on RAW.

If you want to see the direct future of the WWE, watch NXT (even that isn’t a given). You want to see the overall big picture future – check your back yard. Hop on Facebook, do a search for promotions in your area, shell out the $10 for tickets and strap in for the ride.


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