Thursday, January 26, 2017

2017 State of WrestleMentary Part 1

2017 State of WrestleMentary Part 1

This is the State of WrestleMentary for the New Year of 2017!

For those who pay attention you will have noticed that WrestleMentary has been quite for the last month. This was by design (by me, Ace) and an unannounced break. We need it and the New Year was the best time for it.

You will also have noticed there were no year-end pieces from any member of the Crew. This was because we all decided – separately originally – that it would be redundant. Especially for the WWE. All we would have done is repeat what we have said for the last six month.

Here is a Brief WWE Year-End Piece: Brand Shit Failed. RAW Sucks. SD LIVE Rules.

The Crew and I have decided that we are going to try and turn WrestleMania Season into WrestleMentary Season and step up our commentary on Wrestling, not just on WWE but Pro Wresting in General, which means TNA, ROH, etc.

There are going to be format changes and some new ideas coming. My coverage of RAW and Smackdown is once again undergoing a change, we are planning on doing wrestler profiles and more.

What these changes are, our commentary schedule and other things I will elaborate on in 2017 State of WrestleMentary Part 2, next Wednesday.

Our unofficially, official return starts tomorrow (Thursday, 1/26) with Wes Kozalla’s special piece on Beth Phoenix. Saturday will see my own review of this month’s RAWS and SD LIVES and preview of the Royal Rumble on Sunday.

That it is for now.

Ace and Crew.

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