Sunday, October 9, 2016


It sound redundant, and almost hateful, to write that once again SD LIVE put out a far better show then RAW.

What they presented on Tuesday Night was a good – but not great – Go Home Show for this Sunday’s No Mercy.

All the matches were set up in one way or another. Some in an old school way: Alex Bliss pinned the Champ Becky in a Tag Match; Beauty and the Man-Beast rushing to the Ring to save American Alpha from the USOs, who challenge for the tag titles this Sunday.

The Miz even did a tribute to Dolph Ziggler career, which ended in the tragedy of the Return of Mickey and Kenny of the Spirit Squad.
I love The Miz . . . but Why Miz? Why?

SD LIVE even did two things I am amazed at: it made Orton v Wyatt almost interesting, and gave Cena some passion.

On SD Live Orton delved into the head of Wyatt and took control of the Mind Games, leading Wyatt to being locked in a Cell. However, through the security cam we see Wyatt greet and off-camera Sister Abigail. (?) When Orton came to claim Wyatt, Wyatt was gone from the locked cell.

Does this mean the imminent arrival of Sister Abigail?

In the Main event Segment we had a face-off between the World Champ AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose and John Cena. I loved this, Cena never got a word in. Instead both AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose spoke for him, both saying that they knew what he was going to say (and they were right), then ripping into him (again, right.)

Cena snapped, punching Ambrose and chaos ensued! A little typical, but a great set up and finally showed some passion from Cena.

Good Go Home Show. SD LIVE is the superior Brand.

RATING: 6.75

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