Tuesday, September 6, 2016

RAW 300 - SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2016

Now this was a Monday Night RAW.

This broadcast you can actually watch – most of it. It’s watchable. I did.

This time around I want to get the lowlights of the night out of the way first. These are the parts that you can skip, and add to your viewing pleasure. Enzo and Cass versus the Shining Stars. Darren Young versus Jinder Mihal, with Titus on Commentary, Nai Jax’s match and Braun Strowman versus Sin Cara.

Oh yeah, I can’t believe I am saying this, but skip the Laurel and Hardy (The Club)/New Day segment as well.

Yep, skip those parts and watch the rest of the show. I want to give a special mention to Foxy – is she back? Nai Jax annihilated a jobber friend of Foxy and they had a confrontation in the back over it. Is Foxy ready to roll and give Jax her first feud and challenge? Let’s hope. Foxy is far better than Jax, and Jax is floundering.

The rest of the show delivered. The bulk of it dealing with the fall out of Hunter’s action, with Hunter nowhere around to explain his actions – which is good. Let his motivations be explained by others for a while until he feels the need.

We started with Stephanie and Mick arguing, she explained why she was quiet for the last week, Mick explaining why he believes her when she says she had nothing to do with Hunter’s action. Excellent segment.

KO’s celebration got cut short, by KO himself, telling he fans they are trying to hi-jack his moment.
Then the moment is hi-jacked by Seth Rollins and the night and Night of Champions is set into motion. At Night of Champions KO will defend again Seth Rollins!

In a follow up back stage segments KO and Jericho confront Steph and Mick, leading to two excellent matches: Jericho versus Rollins and the Main Event, KO versus Zayn!

Jericho versus Rollins was the match of the night, perhaps the match of RAW period since the draft.

KO and Zayn delivered, but the really story came after the match – when Reigns finally made his appearance and Mick set up our Main Event for next week:
Reigns versus KO. If Reigns wins, Night of Champions becomes a 3-way.

One last thing, keep a lookout for Sasha Banks’ bad news.

This was a very good RAW. The best RAW since the first Post-Draft show. Hunter helping KO win is the best things that could happen, the fallout of that gives RAW direction moving forward. Not only was RAW set up for the night, but it also set up Night of Champions and next week’s RAW.

It looks like both Jax and Strowman may finally be getting feuds – we will have to see how that goes.


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