Sunday, February 7, 2016

WRESTLEMENTARY WRAPUP WEEK 4 For the week of 1/24 to 1/30

This is a week late due to a very busy and active weekend last weekend, and the fact that I have been very sick this week. So, I didn’t do much in the way of writing. Last weekend’s schedule also included two Indie Wrestling Event (Friday, Rockstar Wrestling Alliance and Saturday, AWF). I will review those two events separately in the next coming days.

As I may have done last year, I am not simply skipping this Wrestlementary piece, just putting it up a few days late. Because of the lateness, I will try to be brief in my commentary.

I will also try to have this past week WrapUp up tomorrow (Monday)

Let’s start with the WWE and the

Straight up the Royal Rumble was Royally Epic. Except for a few lows, this was the best broadcast the WWE has put out across the board in a long time. This includes RAW, SMACKDOWN and all PPVs. The best part is that everyone stood up and delivered. There was not a bad match on the card, which includes the Kick Off Show triple threat tag match.

Owens and Ambrose put on a great Last Man Standing Match. The New Day and The Usos made good with an excellent tag team championship match. Becky and Charlotte put on one of the best Divas matches in a long while.

I didn’t even have a problem with Del Rio losing the US Title to Kalisto (again). He’ll win it back soon anyway.

The Rumble Match itself was good. Even if it was the mixed bag, as it always is. That’s because the premise of the match doesn’t allowing for any particular style or pacing to take over. Sometimes it can be very fast paced and exciting, other times slow and boring. Some times within minutes.

The low point for this match, and the PPV itself, was The League of Nation (without Barrett) and Vince coming to the ring, dragging Roman out and beating him up to the point he had to go to the back for medical attention.

The logical question, from many, was asked: why not pull or throw him over the top? Well, that would have made too much sense! But, there were two reasons.

The first being that Roman could make his big return to the match later in the night and still possibly win.

The second being that a very similar situation happened later when the eliminated Wyatt family returned to the ring to gang up on and eliminated Brock Lesnar.

This year is the first time I can ever remember it being mentioned that the Rumble is a no DQ match.

After a great return from Roman Reigns and a near miracle that could lead him to win, HHH came out #30, and won the Rumble. Just as I predicted! (Yeah, I got one right!)

I’ve left the big part of the night for here. Because all the matches, Roman almost winning, HHH winning, all that was overshadowed by one single event, the #3 entrant:


An event worthy of Royalty.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: The League of Nation beating down Roman Reigns.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Last Man Standing US Title Match: Dean Ambrose versus Kevin Owens.

WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: TIE: Chris Jericho and AJ Styles – both had great Royal Rumble Performances.



This was a good edition of RAW. Bolstered by great chemistry between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho and a flawless match between the two. Was it a five-star perfect match? Not quite, but flawless.

It really seemed like everyone was riding the high from the Royal Rumble. The show fired on all cylinders, and dealt with the fallout of the events from the Rumble. Specifically the attempt to dismantle Roman Reigns, and HHH winning the title for the 14th time.

The story going forward is this: HHH is champion, he will do anything to keep Roman from the title, including destroy his family (Ambrose) and risk facing The Beast at WrestleMania.

Oh yeah. The Lame One returned. I know I am late to the game with this, with many outlets already reporting on the sexist treatment of Lana by the Rock, but what else do you expect? Look at this man’s history, this is how he made his name. It wasn’t edgy, it was funny and it damn sure what PG.

The Rock removed, damn good show.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: The Rock’s sexist treatment of Lana and borderline racism toward Bryon Allen.

IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Announcement of the Triple Threat Match at Fast Lane: Brock Lesnar v Dean Ambrose v Roman Reigns

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Chris Jericho versus AJ Styles

WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: TIE: Chris Jericho and AJ Styles. Two nights in a row, never done before.

RATING: 6.75


As usual Smackdown was solid this week, in fact this time a little lower then RAW. When was the last time I considered that?

Also, as usual we get a lot of filler with RAW REWIND stuff, which is redundant now that both are on the same Network (USA) and both are on HULU next day.

Again, as usual, we open up with a promo segments. This time it is the New Day berating The Rock, only to be interrupted by The MIZ, who joins in the berating of The Rock. This lead to a showdown and a match, the New Day and Miz versus the Usos, Ziggler and Titus O’Neal.

Titus O’Neal continues to show why he is grossly underrated.

Kalista and Neville put on an okay high-flying affair.

Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel . . . with Dean Ambrose! And Roman Reigns. This felt more like a housewarming segment with Ambrose and Reigns bringing gifts for the set. Fortunately, after briefly talking about how the title will not come between then, a home invasion occurs.

The Wyatt family arrives, and there is are main event for the night.

Win or lose the Social Outcasts and killing it.
Unfortunately for them, this was just another night for AJ Styles to prove he should have been here years ago.

I was pleasantly surprised that the Main Event match delivered. Ambrose, Jericho and Reigns versus, The Wyatts.

Solid show.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: I hate writing this, but the low point is Jerry Lawler’s commentary. Since Marua came along, King has been forced downhill.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: The Main Event: Ambrose, Jericho and Reigns versus, The Wyatts.

WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: AJ Styles – again. He looked great against Axel.



TNA is stepping it up. This is the best broadcast since their return to TV. This broadcast did everything a wrestling show should do: present good matches, decent promos and set up futures matches and feuds.

We started with Jeff Hardy (ugh), who missed last week’s main event while on a trip to the hospital. He is sickened by what Matt did, calls him out and challenges him to a world title match (arrogantly).

Matt doesn’t come alone, Reby and Tyrus are with him. In a true heel move, to ensure no foul play, Tyrus carries baby Maxil to the ring with him. Great career move Tyrus, EC3’s bodyguard to Maxil’s babysitter.

Matt loves Jeff, but Jeff doesn’t understand and Matt grants the match for tonight. Jeff versus Matt in the main event for the World Title.

The Wolves go on the hunt. They call out Crazy Steve and his mystery partner who attacked them last week. First comes out some wacked out, black and white faced woman who looks like a cross between a Juggalo and a wanna-be Juggalo.

Then comes Crazy Steve with the reveal that his partner is Abyss! (Big Surprise).

Feast or Fired was the focus of the night, and the match itself was good, if short. Eli Drake, Grado (Grado? Grado?!), James Storm and Drew Galloway all grabbed the briefcases.

Instead of waiting for a couple of weeks they set it up for the reveal of the briefcases contents tonight. Just before that could happen though, Mike Bennett burst into the room. After berating all of them for needing to be in this match, Galloway #StandUp. Pending Feud?

Briefcase Reveal:

  • Eli Drake first – King of the Mountain Title Shot
  • James Storm, With Bobby Roode – Tag Team Title Shot
  • Drew Galloway – World Title Shot
  • Grado – There is only one briefcase left, Grado thinks he still could have a title shot. He opens the briefcase and “Grado’s TNA dream is over,”: FIRED.

I’m sorry, but YES. Yes. TNA will be far better without Grado around. No offense to the guy, but he looked awkward in the ring, seems to have no idea what to do and his style and gimmick are insulting.

Main Event Time. TNA really delivered here, with only about 10 minutes in the show. Jeff Hardy comes out. Matt, Reby and Tryus come out. Here we . . .

ERIC YOUNG storms out of the back. He is the #1 contender, what has Jeff done to get a title shot? Bram attacks Jeff, Eric joins in on a beat down. Matt and crew leave the ring.

Beer Money for the save! Crazy Steve and Abyss!

Beer Money clears the ring and fight Crazy Steve and Abyss to the back. Jeff is alone, no help. Matt watches, does nothing.

Eric Young jumps off the ring apron with Jeff and pile drives him through a table!

Kurt Angle finally runs out. Matt Hardy downs him with the title belt!

Great Segment!

Thank you TNA. Can you do more of these please? This is how you should book a show.

They did two revels, furthered feuds and set up a number of possible new feuds.

Drew Galloway versus Mike Bennett?
Wolves versus Crazy/Steve and Abyss? With Beer Money thrown in?
Eric Young chasing the World Title! (YES PLEASE!)
Idiot nut job (Jeff Hardy) versus Crazy Cool nut job (Eric Young)? Yeah!

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Feast or Fired Match
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Eric Young pile driving Jeff Hardy through a table.
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Maxil brought into the ring.



Best week of Wrestling from the big boys in a long time.

IMPACT OF THE WEEK: Eric Young pile driving Jeff Hardy through a table.
MATCH OF THE WEEK: RAW: AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho

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