Sunday, February 21, 2016


It is February 21, 2016 and we out on the Road to WRESTLEMANIA and tonight we jump onto the FASTLANE.

I thought I would have more time to write more detail this on tonight’s upcoming show, but that didn’t happen. So, I decided to go the fast route and just throw up my predictions for the night. Hopefully I will be more accurate then the Rumble, where I had only two matches right.



US Title Match, 2 out of 3 falls: Kalisto defends against ADR.

My Pick: The 2 out of 3 falls stipulation favors Kalisto, he can get pinned and not lose the title. However, it could lead to him truly destroyed for two straight falls.
I call ADR, 2 falls to 1 for the win.

The League of Nations has slowly started to gain momentum and mean something in the last few weeks. They badly need a title if we are to take them serious as being a dominate force. ADR is simply too good not to have a title.



Edge and Christian host their combined show with guests The New Day, and possible musical instruments. This should be awesome and is the part I am most looking forward to.

I have a thought though, The New Day is not scheduled for a Match, but I see Highway Robbery happening. Somehow I think the New Day is going to be coerced into defending and losing their titles by Edge and Christian. Maybe against a debuting Tag Team (Hype Bros? Ryder was an Edge Head and was on RAW this week for the first time in months), or BC?

Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch versus Tamina and Naomi (Team B.A.D.)

My Pick: No Contest or Team B.A.D. win.

Sasha Banks will turn on Becky tonight and go full Heel (but probably still be cheered) She will either rejoin Team B.A.D. or leaving Becky to the Wolves.

Big Show, Ryback and Kane versus Braun Strowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper with Bray Wyatt.

My Pick: I hate to say this, but the Wyatts. The Wyatts need the victory badly. Yes, they came out of their feud with Dudleys looking dominate, but Kane and Undertaker destroyed them at Survivor Series. The Wyatts need a victory to start being ther force they are supposed to be.

Remember, this is the Titans (Old Guard) versus The New Gods (Bray is Zeus). In the Greek Mythology that has been referenced during this build up, the Titans lost and were banished and Zeus and family become the Olympians.

Wyatts have to win, otherwise they’re meaningless.

Ryback? Why is he part of the Old Guard team?

Divas Title Match: Charlotte defends against Brie Bella

My Pick: I’m mixed on this match, and I think Charlotte will continue to have a Flair with the Gold.

However I could see WWE do a feel good thing here, possible have Daniel Bryan and Nikki make appearances during the match, with a distraction leading to a Brie win, with a WrestleMania rematch. It would make sense and give the fans a great moment.


My Pick: We are the winners getting to see this match a third time. 53 days ago this was a dream match regulated to fan fiction.

I’m calling AJ with the win.

Intercontinental Title Match: KO defends against Dolph Zigger

My Pick: KO retains.

Dolph Ziggler has been on fire lately, defeating KO in their last two televised matches. It makes sense he get this shot here tonight. But I think we will get another match and WrestleMania. As I wrote once before, this feud is going to pop big. I think tonight takes this to another level, then do the blow off at WrestleMania.

Triple Threat Match for WrestleMania World Title Match: Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns versus Dean Ambrose

My pick: Roman Reigns is going to WrestleMania again. Where we will find out again that he isn’t over with the fans to that level. Hell, this past RAW they were confiscating anti-Reigns signs.

I think the Wyatt family will interfere, causing Brock the match, leading to the much rumored Brock versus Bray WrestleMania match.

Will, those are my thoughts, up just in time.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Wrestlemenatry Weekly WrapUp Week 7

Hello All,

This week’s Wrestlemenatry Weekly WrapUp is up early this week because of Fastlane tomorrow, and the fact that I had it written early.

Tomorrow I plan on having my Fastlane Predictions up before the show.

On another note, next weekend I plan on adding Lucha Underground to the Weekly WrapUp. I am behind on the second season, but will post a piece on the first four episodes Wednesday evening. Episode five will be covered in the WrapUp.

On to the WWE!

This is the RAW Go Home show for this weekend’s Fastlane Event.

We open up RAW super-hot this week.

Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring, talks Fastlane and calls out Brock Lesnar! Bad Move Dean.

It isn’t Brock that comes out, it’s Stephanie McMahon. She calls Ambrose stupid for calling out Brock, but says if he wants an F5, he’s going to get an F5. Right Now!

Fatal Five way for the IC Title: Ambrose defends against KO, Stardust, Tyler Breeze and Dolph Ziggler!
Mrs. McMahon-Helmsley also put a caveat on the match, if Roman interferes Dean is DQ from the match and loses his spot in the Fastlane main event.

Dean would have been better served if Brock had come out, at least he would still be champion.

The Fatal Five way match was awesome. Everyone delivered and the ending sequence was terrific. Ambrose was going for the Dirty Deeds DDT on Stardust, Dolph delivered the Zig Zag on Dean mid-move taking both out. Tyler interrupts, throws Ziggler out of the ring, giving Tyler a clear path to a POP UP POWERBOMB . . .

1, 2, 3 . . . Kevin Owens is the new and two-time IC Champion!

Great opening half-hour, let’s hope the show keeps up from here on out.

This is odd, Michael Cole Announced that AJ Styles vs The Miz tonight on RAW is brought to us by GEICO?! What the hell??

Backstage things got interesting. Renee caught up with Dean. The Lunatic was on fire, he claims that all the Authority have done is inspire him, motivate him to win at Fastlane and Win at Mania (I would be good with that.)

We go briefly to ringside only to be spent immediately back to Renee. The Champ is there. KO is demanding Renee tell the world he was right when he said he would take the title back. This bully moment was cut short by Ziggler, who challenged KO to a title match at Fastlane.

KO’s response: Nah.

NEW DAY! As the New Day made their way to ring side, Michael Cole announced that the New Day would be guests this Sunday at Fastlane on the Cutting Edge Peep Show. Yes, The Cutting Edge Peep Show! Awesome.

New Day cut a promo ripping Edge and Christian for the Kazoo incident last year, than ripped into Mark Henry – who, according to Kofi – is the World’s Largest Booty Hole. (Really).

Out came Mark Henry, unamused.

Power versus Power: Big E versus Mark Henry. In what had to be the most annoying moment of the night, at one point Big E was pounding down on Mark Henry in a corner, while Xavier and Kofi were jaw jacking away at him.

Big E dominated a lot of the match, but was unable to put Henry away after two big splashes. The match ended oddly, with what looked like a Henry injury. Big E had Henry up for the Big Ending, Henry countered, fell to the mat and never got back up.

Bryon Saxton’s brought out Brie Bella for an interview. I assumed it was supposed to be about Daniel Bryan, but the interview got cut short with a little Flair.

Charlotte proceeded to belittle Brie, Nikki and Daniel, but claiming otherwise. Brie didn’t give into the mind games and point blank told Charlotte that Charlotte was obviously afraid of her (Brie).

Nice promo set up for their match and this was Brie’s best moment on the Mic in a long time.

It is time for the earlier announced match brought to you by GEICO, but first out comes Chris Jericho to add some flavor to the commentary for AJ Styles versus the Miz.

A lot of people rag on the Miz, but tonight you can’t. Miz – to even my surprise – hung with AJ Styles. This was a great match between the two of them that Saw AJ barely come out on top with a tap out by calf crusher.

After the match, Jericho grabbed the mic, but AJ cut him off. AJ tried to one-up Jericho and challenge him to Jericho v Styles III at Fastlane. However, Jericho got the upper hand, maybe everyone wants to see the match, but maybe he doesn’t want the match. We’ll find out on Smackdown.

Great segment to build up the feud. And a great cliffhanger to get people to tune into Smackdown.

Could this lead us to a Styles v Jericho v Miz match at Mania?

The Dudley Boyz cut another promo about who they are. The Baddest Tag Team on the planet. Not a nostalgia act, they are here to add to their legacy. The Usos aren’t here because of them. This was basically the same promo from Smackdown. Disappointing.

Paige is back! And in the ring against Summer Rae. Summer is back too, I guess.

Summer was on fire in this match and looked great. Almost winning the match. In the end though, as good and improved as Summer looked, she couldn’t quite handle Paige . . . wait, what just happened? Paige took too long showing off and Summer Rae rolled her up for a pin! Upset.

Honestly it looked odd, like it wasn’t the plan? Nice bit though.

If you didn’t know, his name is Paul Heyman. And you know the rest. Paul has something to say about Fastlane, and in an unusual move for Paul, he calls out Roman Reigns. He wants to say this face to face. Roman obliges him.

Paul cut a promo on an old subject, but fresh for this feud. Roman has a choice to make, his family, or his friend, Dean Ambrose. Choose one, lose the other. Roman thanks Paul, for speaking his mind, something most don’t do.

It was a nice little promo with a personal touch to build up Fastlane. Paul left . . .

And the Dudley Boyz hit the ring! Welcome to Dudleyville! Only Ambrose rushing to the ring saved Roman and they fought the Dudleys off. But Roman had other things to worry about, as Ambrose set him up for Dirty Deeds, but didn’t pull the trigger.

A message sent?

Bigger question: did the Dudley act on their own, or have the realigned with Paul Heyman?

Zack Ryder is on RAW! He looked great in a short match against Heath Slater, he dominated the match, but fell to Slater due to the Outcasts.

Honestly, the less said about the R-truth/Goldust vignettes, the better.

It’s official, brought to you by GEICO, it will be Kevin Owens versus Dolph Ziggler at Fastlane for the IC Title.

The Lucha Dragons team with Neville to take on the League of Nations. Only two of these are book for Fastlane, Kalisto and ADR, and they announced that their US Title match with be in the Pre-Show, not the main card.

The match went longer than I thought it would, and was better than I thought it would be. The league would win (finally) after ADR hit his stomp from the top rope on Sin Cara by jumping half way across the ring.

In Honor of Black History Month they aired a video on the great, awesome, one-and-only Booker T!

Apparently Becky Lynch had a confrontation backstage earlier in the night with Naomi and Tamina which we never knew about until just before a Becky versus Naomi match. The match wasn’t very good, as Becky got a quick submission win. A Team BAD beat down on Becky was interrupted in a very odd way. Sasha made her way to ring side, walked around, than entered the ring as Team BAD slinked off. Sasha never did anything, in fact I was expecting a turn, but that didn’t happen.

Hey, it’s the False God, Bray Wyatt . . . time to go to bed. Bray cuts another promo about being a god and paradise he can bring. Lame.

The Braun Stroman versus Big Show main event made very little sense in this show. Until the beat down on Show started and Ryback came out for the save! Not much of a save though, Ryback failed and suffered a beat down himself.

Then, from the depths of Hell (under the ring) came Kane! Big Show, Ryback and Kane fought off the Wyatt’s. This better lead to a match at Fastlane, otherwise it was just a waste.

Freaking great Go Home Show. Best RAW in over a year, perhaps since 2014.




We open Smackdown with KO! Nice.

The new IC Champion is on commentary for the match pitting Dolph Ziggler and the Lucha Dragons against the League of Nations.

KO was great on commentary, at one pint even saying to Cole, “Where is Mauro? Did you realize he was better than you Cole and you fired him?” Great shot by KO. He’s right too, Mauro is better. But he’s just sick, not fired.

King followed this up with MC standing for Mental Case. King’s right too.

KO gets another great shot in at Cole, “Do you know what made Mauro sick? He heard your commentary Monday Night.” Love it. KO is killing it.

Cole tried to get one back at KO by reminding him that Kalisto has beat him recently. KO came with the fact that Cole only gives half the story, Dolph interfered.

Yes, we had a match. Yes, it was an okay match. The real story here is how great KO was on commentary. He put over himself, put over ADR and buried Kalisto and seemed to ignore everyone else in the match.

And somehow still found time to get digs in at Cole. KO even explained his disdain for Cole as, “I have disdain for idiots, but I’m not saying Cole is an idiot.”

Somehow KO even made King sound good this week. Then found time to distract Dolph, causing him to take a Brogue kick and get pinned.

League of Nations wins!

Sasha Banks made short work on Tamina in a throw-away match. Post-match Becky came down to save Sasha from a possible beat down, only to have Sasha push her away and walk off.

So much for Becky and Sasha’s UNITY!

Cole mentioned that Becky and Sasha have never team together . . . at least at this level. NXT is part of WWE, right? YES!

Backstage, Becky and Sasha seem to make up. Don’t believe it.

JERICHO is out in the ring to answer AJ’s challenge. He calls out AJ, but MIZ makes an appearance. He has a more importance announcement.

Jericho begs that it be MIZ quitting. He’s not.

MIZ’a major announcement: They have a match right now!

Miz and Jericho tore the house down with their match. Jericho ended up with the win by Walls of Jericho.

Jericho called out AJ again and didn’t have to wait for the man to make it to the ring. After being a little long-winded, Jericho told AJ he would have to find someone else to make his name with, the answer is NO.

Or was NO until AJ popped Jericho in the mouth. A pissed Jericho said AJ will regret that. Match on.

Nice piece. Short sweet.

However, I actually would have like to seen Jericho one-up AJ. No to Fastlane, but challenge him to Mania.

Backstage, Ambrose and Reigns have a Bromance moment heading into their match with the Dudleys.

Roman leaves and Ambrose has a very odd confrontation with Paul Heyman. Brock is here, upset and looking for Ambrose. Ambrose went Howling Mad Murdock on Heyman. Awesome seg.

New Day is interviewed by JoJo. They take great offense to JoJo asking if they practice, than they mock Edge and Christian. The New Day give a preview of their victory pose, for the benefit of those with Modern Technology.

Charlotte versus Natty. Best Divas match on TV in a while. It was back and forth until the figure 8 forced a tap out. Post-match Brie Bella makes her presence known, after Charlotte mocked DB with the Yes! chant.

Brie gained the upper hand, giving her the momentum going into Fastlane.

Ambrose/Reigns versus The Dudleys. The main event was going strong when Lesnar stuck! He took Ambrose down outside the ring. Reigns to the rescue, double team on Brock.

In the ring, Brock took both guys down with German suplexs, but he showboated to long. Reigns with a superman punch. Spear . . . missing Brock, Reigns takes down Ambrose instead. Ambrose responds with a Dirty Deeds attempt, but Roman counters into a Samoan Drop.

F5 from Lesnar! Ambrose and Roman laid out, Lesnar rolls out of the ring, triumphant.

Hunter’s Music hit. Stare down . . .

Could this be our Mania main event, Hunter versus Brock?!

Great build to the Fastlane main event, and possible look forward to Mania.


LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Tamina versus Sasha match.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Jericho versus The Miz
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: KO on commentary.



Before we even get to the ring we get a major announcement. As EC3 is walking backstage, there is a face-to-face with Dixie. Dixie tells him that he will get his rematch for the World Title, next week, in London. It will take place within the six-sides-of-steel at Lockdown!

In the Arena, EC3 makes his way to the ring, something personal needs to be done.

That something personal was calling out the big bad, baby-sitting, breast feeding Tyrus. Tyrus talked a lot, about how EC3 is nothing without him. A fight ensues that Matt Hardy eventually jumps into, but EC3 runs them off with a steel chair.

Hardy lays down the gauntlet, Hardy and Tyrus versus EC3 and somebody if he can find a partner.

Spud anyone?

Eric Young is in the ring with Bram. EY seems to think he is some Jerry Lawler, JBL, John Cena hybrid.

First he calls himself the King, then God and finally challenges any man who thinks he is tough enough to take the King of the Mountain title from him.

Cue Beer Money. But it isn’t Roode taking the challenge, it’s Storm! Of course it break down into an all-out brawl and we never get a real match.

In the back, Drew Galloway offers his partnership to EC3, however, EC3 decides to stand alone.

Yes, it’s Maria. No, it’s Mike Bennett. I don’t believe in the ‘Miracle.’ So far he has really done nothing, and that didn’t change tonight. Bennett claimed Drew is a failure waiting to happen, that Angle is afraid of him and called out his handpicked opponent for tonight Mandrews.

Well, Mandrews looked okay, but fell in the end to Mike Bennett and the MIP (Miracle in Progress) another lame version of a Death Valley Driver (also called the AA).

Galloway came out to save Mandrews from a post-match attack.

Decay cut a promo on the Wolves, but were interrupted by another nut job who has something to do with Juggalo Girl. Sorry, but I just am not into Decay.

A quick interview with Drew Galloway ends with an attacked by Bennett laying out Drew.

What the Hell is Odarg The Great?? Um, Odarg backwards is Grado. NO!

Matt Hardy and Tyrus corner Spud in the back, and encourage him to stay out of their business.

In three weeks Kurt will wrestle his final TNA match against Lashley!

Monsters Ball for the World Tag Team championship. This match got a lot of air time. Unfortunately, it wasn’t exactly worthy of all that time. It was a decent match, but there were too many slow, down right boring parts. The violence and action there was, wasn’t quite enough for a match of this type.

The Wolves retained their titles in the end.

EC3 and Spud talk in the back, Spud taking charge in the conversation. Whether Spud was going to offer to partner with EC3 or not doesn’t matter, all EC3 wanted to tell Spud is that the match is for EC3 alone.

Madison Rayne and Gail Kim defeated the Doll House in a tag match. After the match they were saved from a post-match attack by Velvet Sky. Velvet then challenged Doll House to a Lethal Lockdown match!

Backstage my fears are confirmed when we find out that Sheri will face Eli Drake and Jesse Sorenson in a tag match with his new partner Odarg The Great - That damn Grado in a terrible mask.

Beer Money and EY/Bram are still fighting throughout the building. It finally ends with Bram and EY running off and Roode challenging them to Lockdown next week.

Pathetic. That is the only way I can describe the tag match between Drake/Sorenson and Sheri/Odarg (Grado) that saw Grado pin Drake while unmasked! Then hide under the ring and remasked, as if anyone wouldn’t know who this was. Just sad.

The main event did see EC3 go at it alone against Matt Hardy and Tyrus. Unfortunately it didn’t fair well, despite some flurries, the match was two-on-one. As EC3 is getting destroyed, Rockstar Spud’s music hit and out came Spud.

EC3 took the help and Spud turned the tide. Eventually EC3 would win the match pinning Matt and gain some advantage heading into their cage match next week.

Solid match.

A very weak show that ending on a strong note.

LOW POINT: Odarg The Great. Sad.

WWE delivered big going into Fastlane. TNA at least still has a TV deal.

MATCH OF THE WEEK: Fatal 5 way

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The DIVA DISH is BACK!!! By Wes Kozalla

In this edition:
The Diva's Revolution Truly Begins, Becky Lynch's Search for Identity Heading To Fastlane with The Boss, and the power of NXT

The month of August saw WWE attempt to right many wrongs in their presentation of women in sports entertainment. Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch stormed in to show the world that the Divas mattered in WWE. The matches have been generally very good to excellent, but the storylines have meandered and fans were left wondering why Sasha Banks wasn't being utilized and why they should care about Charlotte anyway.

(The booking of Team B.A.D. was well . . . not good. The alliance will end with a bang as Sasha joins Becky Lynch to take on Tamina and Naomi at Fastlane. Source:

WWE did not give the fans on Raw and Smackdown the opportunity to get to know their new champion or Banks the way they did on NXT. The creative team made a smart move turning Charlotte heel, bringing back elements of the entitled princess who would stop at nothing to win that helped launch the careers of her costars Banks and Lynch, as well as Bayley, now the current NXT champion. Damage control continued after Paige disappeared after challenging Charlotte for the title. Afterward, Becky Lynch was the betrayed bestie looking for revenge and her first taste of WWE gold. This looked like a first chance for Lynch to really be more than the sidekick who kicks ass. Unlike her fellow call ups, she did not have the opportunity to hone her persona more and its hampering her progress now.

(Becky Lynch awaits Charlotte for their match at the 2016 Royal Rumble. Source: WWE Network)

She spent most of her time in NXT as a sidekick. First, she was Bayley's new friend who danced Irish jigs in the ring. Things improved when she turned heel and became Sasha Banks' muscle. She finally broke out on her own when a feud culminated in Lynch fighting in the now-epic NXT Takeover Fatal Four Way match that crowned Sasha Banks NXT women's champion. She went on to fight Banks for the title, debuting her steampunk gear and orange hair. This look had the trappings of market research and trying to find what worked, but it was a good start, but she did not have a chance to continue in NXT and explore her character before getting called up to the main roster. Charlotte was the technical wrestling princess, Sasha was the egomaniacal boss, and Becky was . . . well she was Charlotte's and Paige's sidekick with goggles. She deserves a nod for getting huge pops and drawing the eyes to her beauty and high energy wrestling style in spite of the weak characterization, but now just as she's building organic momentum she's stalling once again.

Around the various dirt sheets on the net, writers and fans are inclined to blame WWE creative, throw around the world "burial," but the unfortunate fact for Becky, is that she's just hitting her stride as Sasha Banks and her appeal can no longer be denied on the pragmatic business end. The same fans who love Lynch for the good-hearted and hard-wrestling Lass Kicker she is have wanted The Boss to come to the forefront even more. That leaves Lynch back in sidekick land as of the February 11th Smackdown - a supporting player in the final battle between The Boss and Team B.A.D. that will end at Fastlane. The possibility of The Boss and the Nature Girl rekindling the epic rivalry they began in NXT at Wrestlemania is nearing certainty. The Lass Kicker can at best hope for a spot in a triple threat for the title. Before Lynch can become a true breakout star and not a player in someone else's legacy, she has to find that elusive last piece beyond the orange locks and steampunk cosplay that will help her carve her own niche apart from Sasha Banks and Charlotte. One plus for Lynch is that this tag team bout with Sasha against Naomi and Tamina will be more satisfying than Charlotte's. The champ is defending her title against Brie Bella to capitalize on the warm fuzzies of Daniel Bryan's retirement. As the main roster moves toward Wrestlemania, NXT's women's division has shown it's been reloading rather than rebuilding.

(The Boss demands a title shot her way after Charlotte's victory over Becky Lynch at the 2016 Royal Rumble. Source: WWE Network)

Ever since Bayley became champion after she and Banks brought down the house at NXT Takeover Brooklyn--and followed it up with their groundbreaking Iron Woman match at Takover: Respect, she has become the heart and soul of NXT's female roster-- and the brand's top babyface.

(Bayley has done what few faces have done in wrestling in the 21st century--forge a strong connection with both adults and kids as she elevates the roster around her. Source: WWE)

The 2/10 edition of NXT was main evented by her match with real life and kayfabe close friend Carmella for the title. Bayley's doing what Charlotte did before her, wear the championship with class, enhance the brand and make her opponents look better even in defeat. Carmella has been a fan favorite since her debut, but has had to work hard to improve in the ring. She showed sparks of solid work intermingled with her charisma and showmanship in prior bouts with Alexa Bliss and Emma, but with Bayley leading the story between the ropes she never looked better. That's what champions need to do in the business and Bayley has also brought the best out of the flourishing heel Alexa Bliss, the green monster heel Nia Jax and even Eva Marie. Bayley leads the charge but she isn't the only one getting the most out of the developmental roster.

(Emma uses her guile-- and bff Dana Brooke-- to catch Asuka off guard. Source:

Emma has reinvented herself as a top heel in an alliance with the emerging Dana Brooke and the pair served as antagonists for the Japanese sensation Asuka. When Asuka was signed, expectations were high, and she has not failed to disappoint. Technical mastery and a high energy style along with the manic joy she brings has audiences enthralled. In her feud with Brooke and Emma, she got the best match out of the former to date, helping the former fitness model make significant strides in her ring work. At NXT Takeover: London the arc concluded when she and Emma locked horns.  Her star continues to ascend as a possible title shot was teased as she ran in to save Bayley from Nia Jax and Eva Marie at the end of the 2/10 edition of NXT.

In two weeks the Dish will return and examine the landscape in the final weeks to Wrestlemania for the emerging women of WWE.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Arizona Wrestling Federation - NEW DAWN - A REVIEW

The Arizona Wrestling Federation 

In truth, on Saturday, January 30, what the AWF Presented was the best event to date in the first month of this year, and the best wrestling event I have witnessed in a long time.

We experienced the return of a major AWF star and former champ, the possible formation of a new tag team, two massive title matches and an epic ladder match that ranks with anything done by the big boys.

Our first match of the night:

Danny Gee is back! He looks in better shape, a little slimmer and sleeker and just as good as before on his way to victory.

Wow! Nick Tendo actually won a match? I think this is the first time I have seen that.

Nice entertaining match with the good Sanchez, the improving Tendo and the always Awesome LT.

Super kicks don’t work on LT. Neither Sanchez nor Tendo could down LT with a super kick, until they did a double super kick! Hell, the ref even got in on it, setting up to try a super kick until LT cut him short.

Tonight was the night Andy made his return to faceville. A hard fought match with Vitalli led to a post match attack, with Vitalli getting the upper hand. Danny Gee for the save!

One year ago, Andy turned heel during a title match with Danny Gee, tonight all seems to be forgiven.

While it lasted this was a good match. Odd, but good. At one point Hammerstone seemed to hurt his shoulder. He would later go for a pump handle slam, drop Chaos and leave the ring. Both the ref and Chaos seemed legit shocked.

Was this a set up for a heel turn, or was Hammerstone actually hurt? Not sure right now.

Evan Daniels is exactly as promoted, Exciting. This guy has the moves, speed, sleek build and can fly. I have never been a big fan of The Prophet, but he looked very good tonight (better then he looked the previous night at the RWA event).

Good, well-paced match and both guys delivered. In the end #TeamExiciting came out on top.

The first time I saw Joe Graves was about two years ago, and he was very green. Today, he is a much different and better wrestler, far more polished and improved and looks more relaxed in the ring.

Alvaric has been around for about a year, wreaking havoc in the AWF. To date he has lost only on match. I am a massive fan of the ‘German’ heel, perhaps his only fan.

The match was set up after Reiner’s post match attack on Graves at the previously event. For Graves this was personal, for Reiner it was about winning the gold.

This match showcased what a title match should be able, participants doing anything to win. Both men pulled out all the stops. Brawling, wrestling, fighting into the crowd. Graves couldn’t get a handle on what Reiner brought to the ring, and Reiner couldn’t quite keep Graves down for the win.

Ref bump! Baton to the Head! One, Two, Three!



The Champions: Adrian Hawking and Aidan Colt, with Spray Boy Roy versus The Bearded Friends Forever (Big Duke and Suede Thompson).

The first thing to notice about this match is that Aidan Colt has grown his beard back! Beard Power. The second thing to notice is Aidan Colt may not be able to reach the belts even with The Big Show’s ladder.

This wasn’t a wrestling match, it wasn’t a car wreck, it wasn’t mayhem and violence. It was all those combined with some post-apocalyptic wasteland war. Tables! Ladders! Stairs! Steel Chairs! Steel Doors!

Yes, Steel Doors! Aidan Colt and Suede Thompson took the fight outside the arena, and returned via the back emergency exit steel door!

There was even collateral damage, as I personally got hit with a set of small plastic stairs that flew into the crowd! Then there was Spray Boy Roy, who, when he tried to get the belts himself, was taking out by Suede and Duke.

In the end Hawkins and Colt preserved and won, when Hawkins was able to pull the titles down (if barely).

Winners and still champions: Adrian Hawkins and Aidan Colt.

I cannot praise this event enough. There was not a bad match, bad moment or bad performance on the card. Freaking Awesome.

Near Perfect.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Wrestlementary WrapUp Week 6 - 2/7 to 2/13

Big News of the Week

Daniel Bryan shocked the World Mid-Afternoon on Monday (2/8), announcing his retirement from in-ring wrestling. That evening he was on RAW, in his home town (sort of), Seattle, Washington, to talk about his retirement.

He didn’t exactly do that though. Yes, he elaborated on his reasons for retirement. The multiple concussions, his brain not being as healthy as he thought, his family to think of. All very good reasons. I personally think he made the right choice. I have no inside track of his true medical diagnosis (no internet person does), but this is the brain we are talking about.

No, what Bryan Danielson “The American Dragon” talked about was his love of wrestling, and of life.

To be honest, Bryan look awkward out there, uneasy talking on the mic, as he always did. It wasn’t just this one, massively important, time. Anytime Bryan was in a ring and not wrestling he looked awkward and unsure.

In his farewell address he looked awkward, unsure of himself, bared himself and came off RAW and REAL.

Thanks, Bryan Danielson.

Onto the comments for RAW

I wrote about it above, so I won’t comment much on it from a show standpoint. But we opened up the show with a video package on Bryan. The night was filled with them, as they should have been.

We open up the action in ring with a contract signing? At the beginning of the show? Wow.

Stephanie is in ring, trying to talk about her husband when Ambrose interrupts, then Reigns. When Stephanie seems to have control again, Heyman and Brock interrupt. Just as Heyman is about to go into his normal spiel, Stephanie cuts him down, and the bitch takes charge.

She makes it short and sweet and has everyone sign. It’s straight to the point. She grabs the contact, says her job is done and bails. Smart lady.

Ambrose not so much. A face to face with Lesnar gets Ambrose and Reigns laid out with a F5 and a table. Brock wins.

Ziggler and KO’s feud continues, with Ziggler again one-upping KO, using the ropes to gain a pin fall victory. This feud is on the verge of popping big time. They need a match at Fastlane, and build it up to a blow off at Mania.

Good Divas Match are a rare thing, and we weren’t given any on tonight’s show.

The MIZ. Jericho. Together. On the Mic. MIZ TV and HIGHLIGHTREEL? YES.

The MIZ-REEL segment was awesome. MIZ and Jericho are great on the mic, tore the place down with their chemistry and really did something special, once more putting AJ Styles over big time. AJ himself would eventually make his way down and clear the ring, putting himself over.

On Smackdown Ryback avoided destruction, tonight not so. Ryback feel to Bray.

The New Day cut a promo polishing a table in prepping for their main event tables match with the Usos and Dudleys. They play it up, but get upset with Renee when she asked if they have found a partner.

Big take away from this promo is this, the calculator Woods turned upside down and handed to Renee had 800835 (BOOBES). Seriously, check it out again and look at her reaction.

The Radical Mongoose (Adam Rose) beat the Florida Gator as Titus O’Neal fell prey to the Social Outcasts! Yea Outcasts! Best part of this, was a Rikki Tikki Tavi mention by Cole.

Dean Ambrose called out Brock Lesnar, only to get his ass handed to him. An appearance by Reigns distracted Lesnar long enough for Ambrose to down Lesnar with a low blow and make his escape side-by-side with Reigns. If this was Ambrose’s revenge, it was best left NOT DONE.

Sin Cara is back, just in time for the Lucha Dragons to lose to ADR and Rusev on RAW. ADR pinned Kalisto rather easily. Is this a sign that the US Title is coming home at Fastlane?

The Diva’s are slipping again, and badly. Proof of this, Tamina actually wrestled and won. She beat Becky in a terrible match and poor segment to further the Team Bed versus Banks/Lynch feud.

MAIN EVENT TIME: The Usos and the Dudley’s versus The New Day and their surprise partner Mark Henry! Great, if odd, choice.

The match was okay, but it wasn’t the story here. Dudley’s and Usos won the match after Mark Henry walked off. Henry walked off, upset that The New Day tried telling him what to do. Henry as their partner was odd since he’s been a face lately. Was this a turn for him?

Speaking of turns, after the match, Usos through tables! Dudley Boys put the Usos through the tables. Epic heel turn that is far overdue and that no one saw coming!

After this was DB, which I talked about above.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Becky Lynch versus Tamina
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: KO versus Dolph Ziggler
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Daniel Bryan’s retirement.

Overall an average show.



As usual, Smackdown was the best wrestling show of the week. Which is odd because, outside of Styles and Jericho, this was just an above average broadcast of Smackdown. Only three things of note come out of the show, and one of those things was the Retirement of Daniel Bryan.

Yes, Daniel Bryan – without him even on the show – was still a focal point of Smackdown.

The other two things to take away from this show are that Styles and Jericho are awesome and the Dudley’s have gone off the table.

Yes, the Dudley’s cut a promo, telling people that they are the baddest tag team, that THEY won the titles, not the Tables. All people seem to want though are the tables. So, according to Bubba, after tonight, we will never see the tables again.

Personally, I love that and think it is long overdue.

We were treated to AJ and Jericho twice tonight on Smackdown. Their second match was to kick off the show, but an interruption by the Social Outcasts led to a tag match: Styles/Jericho versus Axel/Rose. This was a nice match that saw Styles pin Rose in a games of one up-man-ship between Styles and Jericho.

Jericho and Styles went on to main event the show in a match of the year candidate. Styles/Jericho II far surpassed their first match. Can we have Styles/Jericho III at Mania please?

Everything else on the show was just filler.

Weak at points, and above average at best, saved by Styles and Jericho.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Neville and Lucha Dragons versus The Cosmic Wasteland.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho II
WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: TIE AJ Styles and Chris Jericho
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Somehow the impact of the night was still Daniel Bryan’s retirement.



Matt Hardy Brand (Matt, Reby, Tyrus and Maxil) opened the show with a terrible promo. Basically it came down to this, Hardy demands an audience with Dixie and demands she fires EC3. Hardy needs to lose the title and fast. This is old already.

I like Bram and EY, but they are idiots. Bram has Lashley beat, but instead of the win, he and EY planned to hit Lashley with the KOTM Title Belt. Bad move. Lashley ducked, speared EY then won the match.

No Raquel in sight.

Kurt Angel had promo time in the ring, and out came Mike Bennett and Maria for the interruption. Mike proceeded to put himself over and insult everyone. Angel took Bennett out with a clothesline, telling Bennett he doesn’t respect him.

Backstage, Beer Money plans on cashing in and becoming new Tag Champs.

Tigre Uno received his rematch for the X-Division Title, only to lose thanks to interference from Helms. Trevor Lee retained in an excellent match.

Beer Money hit the ring, calling out the Champs, but out came Decay. A match ensued that ended in a DQ with Beer Money down, and Janice in Abyss’s hand. The Wolves rush to the ring and make the save, armed with chairs.

The Wolves want their titles back, Decay want the titles. Next week they will battle over the titles in a Monster’s Ball match. Should be good.

NO!! Why is Grado on my TV? Why? He claims he was screwed by TNA and has proof. Thank you Eli Drake for running Grado off. Is Grado’s proof going to have something to do with Eli switching cases?

Ever since the Doll House debuted and became a center piece of the ladies of TNA, the Knockout Division has become the WWE Divas. Piss poor. The match between Jade and Madison just proved that the Doll House can’t hang.

It’s only going to get worse with Awesome Kong released.

Wow, what a Main Event. Kurt versus Drew saved this lackluster show.
Tonight Drew finally arrived with this match and a tap out win over Kurt. This is easily another early match of the year candidate.

Any good will the Main Event generated was sucked out of the Arena by an overlong segment with Matt Hardy demanding Dixie fire EC3. Matt Hardy got uncomfortable close to Dixie and out came . . . SPUD for the save.

SPUD stood up to Matt until Tyrus took him down.

CUE EC3. EC3 took out Tryus and Matt’s security, but Matt cowered away behind his wife.

The MAN is back.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: TIE: Mike Bennett and The Doll House
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Kurt Angle and Drew Galloway

Very Lackluster show, with a couple of good moments.


An average week for the shows. Not bad, not good, just average.

However, we did get two early match of the year candidates.

LOW POINT OF THE WEEK: Mike Bennett and The Doll House
MATCH OF THE WEEK: AJ Styles and Chris Jericho II
IMPACT OF THE WEEK: Daniel Bryan’s Retirement.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

RockStar Wrestling Alliance - A REVIEW

RockStar Wrestling Alliance


At the Crescent Ballroom
Phoenix, AZ

Two weeks ago (2 years to the date I survived my brain anyeusm) Dave Parrish and I attended a RockStar Wrestling Alliance event at the Crescent Ballroom in downtown Phoenix. Neither of us had heard of this promotion, and as it turn out this was their one year anniversary show.

We thought it was a good sign that we knew most of the wrestlers on the card, even though they never listed any matches.

The number 3 comes up a lot in life.
There is a myth that woman know within 3 seconds if they will sleep with a guy or not.
The Holy Trinity is 3.
One can win or lose a wrestling match by a 3 count.
Bad things happens in three.
Such as: Dave and I finding out about this event, getting tickets, and attending this event.
One more thing in 3, the main words to describe this wrestling show: Terrible, Atrocious and Negative.

This venue is a small music hall, whose set up is terrible for wrestling. The ring takes up almost the entire floor, ring side seats are literally ringside. There is no room for the wrestlers to do anything outside. The ceiling is so low that a 6’ tall wrestler can almost touch the rafters and equipment for the stage with his head.

The execution for this event was atrocious. It started way late for beginners. The ring announcer seemed to be barely conscious and had no life to announcements. Plus, he would announce the wrestler, music would play, and it would be two minutes before the guy(s) would appear!

There was a live commentary in the house. Yes, someone was on the house mic doing a terrible job at commentary during the show. This I have never experienced before. How terrible was it? A wrestler named KRUGER, came into the ring and the commentator stated, “Don’t touch Kruger, you’ll get Demon Aids.” He later mentioned that two of the wrestlers were such good friend that they even spoon. Nice.

The main event was particularly pathetic, basically used to set up the next event. It was cut short because two refs were taking out, the only two ref the promotion has.

Then the was the real low point, almost forty-five minutes of pathetic cover band, that made me long for my stay in the hospital.

Overall, this was a terribly negative experience. It was the first, and last RockStar Wrestling Alliance events I will ever attend. I believe my fellow Wrestlementary Crew member Dave feels the same way.
What really made this a truly negative event is that we have seen many of these wrestlers numerous times before, and know they are much better then what this event showcased.

We both agreed, this was the worst wrestling event we ever attended together or not. Piss poor with a terrible cover band. It was so bad we also agreed on something else, it doesn’t even deserve a rating. Even a 0 rating would be too high.

We could only hope that the AWF show the next night would save us from this horror.


Monday, February 8, 2016


his is a day late, but I am caught up now.



Well, I liked RAW this week. The action stayed in the ring and the promos were limited, which is how good wrestling shows should be.

Even the opening promo was limited, a little over ten minutes and it did a good job of setting the stage for the Fastlane PPV.

The show started with Heyman and Brock in the ring. Brock did his normal routine, dancing around looking menacing. Heyman went through his spiel about what Brock is going to do at Fastlane . . . Cue . . .

Dean Ambrose! Ambrose tells Brock he doesn’t want to fight him, but he will. He’ll do anything to win the title. There was no physical confrontation, which was refreshing.

Limited, straight to the point and did its job. Good segment, with no Roman Reigns in sight.

They continue to build up Kalisto with a count out victory over Rusev. With ADR ringside, this was basically used as a set up for Kalisto and ADR’s Fastlane match.

Ambrose and Reigns had a brief confrontation with Steph in her ‘office,’ who had the World Title on a podium. She tired her best to put a wedge between them, even invoking Marty Jeanetty, and put them into a main event match with the New Day.

Grammy winners the Usos were announced to face Curtis Axel and Heath Slater with Adam Rose, but instead faced Adam Rose and Curtis Axel, with Heath Slater. Bo Rida is off dropping tracks in the Studios.

This was a nice match that put over the Social Outcasts as they dominated the match, but lost in the end to the Usos.

MIZ TV. It was all about AJ Styles. As it should have been. Miz did a great job of putting over the Phenomenal One. He listed all of AJ’s accomplishments then said AJ needed the Miz to make it in the WWE. AJ snapped and beat the hell out of Miz.

Great segment to put over AJ.

Big Show beats Luke Harper handily, and destroys the Wyatt’s during the match. Afterwards, was a different matter, as the Wyatt laid waste to the Big Show. Where was Roman? Show saved him on Smackdown.

Dolph Ziggler finally gains a sliver of vengeance in a pin fall victory over KO.

Before her match with Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks officially announces she is on her own. So you know, despite claims to the opposite that it wouldn’t end well with Banks and Team BAD. It didn’t. The singles match ended up with Sasha and Becky fighting off Sasha’s former Team BAD teammates.

NEW DAY rocks!
So does this RAW!
So did this main event.

The main event delivered, from NEW DAY promo to the match itself that saw Ambrose and Reigns gain the pin.

Brock rocks Ambrose!

Best RAW of the year to date. Did a great job of setting up Fastlane. It felt like a go home show.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Dolph Ziggler versus KO



My entire thoughts and comments on Smackdown can be summed up by a text from Dave Parrish: SMACKDOWN WAS EXCELLENT THIS WEEK.

How far has Rusev fallen? Once undefeated, now used as fodder for both Kalisto and Reigns here tonight.

Rusev lost to Reigns by DQ when his fellow members of The League of Nations attacked. Ambrose for the save. Eventually Ambrose and Reigns fight off the League, but only after the seeds are planted for a betrayal.

The Feud isn’t over yet between KO and Ziggler. Ziggler was on commentary for KO’s match against Kalisto, and he received Kalisto powerbombed into him for the effort! Kalisto still somehow won the match as KO left licking his wounds.

Ryback would succeed where Big Show failed Monday. He would beat Rowan, then get away before being destroyed.

Am I the only one who remembers Sasha and Becky teamed up in NXT? Maybe. Either way, tonight they agreed to work together again against a common enemy: Team BAD.

Jericho would be on commentary for AJ Styles versus The Miz. AJ Styles looked great against the MIZ. Honesty, MIZ looked great too.

After a really good match, AJ would win with a rarely seen submission: The Calf Killer.

Post-Match, Jericho challenged Styles to a rematch for next week’s Smackdown (should be Fastlane).

New Day Rocks. Social Outcast Trend. I loved it!

Just like on RAW, the Main Event on Smackdown delivered. Roman Reign and Ambrose survived again, winning the match. But are they on thin ice? More seeds were planted for friction between the two.






Well, Impact wasn’t as good as like weeks and in some ways furthered last week’s events, in other way ruined them.

Matt Hardy and crew opened the show. Eric Young came down and set his sights on the World Title. Kurt Angle came down and . . . received a World Title Shot? Tonight’s Main Event.

After this they spent the rest of the evening acting as if Eric Young was in cahoots with Matt, which made no sense.

Then came Beer Money. Then Crazy Steve/Abyss. Then The Wolves. Hardy was safely outside. We now have an 8-man hardcore war match set for later.

TNA needs an Authority figure, the wrestlers can’t keep making the matches like this.

Bobby Lashley beat Aidan O’Shea and had another confrontation with the mystery woman, Raquel.

Maria Kinales Bennett cut a promo about the knockouts I didn’t quite understand. Is she stepping back into the ring, or is she going to bring in new talent? She did set herself up as believing she is above all the knockouts, even Gail Kim.

Hardcore War was a good match with a shocking ending. Crazy Steve pinned Davey Richards for the win? Yes, that happened. Steve/Abyss and Eric/Bram beat Beer Money and The Wolves.

Drew Galloway and Tyrus would have had the match if the night if it wasn’t for Mike Bennett interfering and laying out Drew with his feast or fired briefcase.

In a very odd swerve, instead of facing Helms like everyone thought, Tigre Un would lose the X Title to Trevor Lee? Who saw that coming?

Once again EC3 is the shining light, he gave a revealing interview, bared himself to the world and promised to bring Hell down on Matt Hardy.

The main event match between Hardy and Angle should have been a much bigger deal. I understand they had to blow it off quick because of Angle’s contract and pending retirement, but this match would have benefitted from a longer build up.

It was good, but it lacked the emotion and punch it could have had.

A step back from last week.



WWE went full bore, TNA slipped a little.

MATCH OF THE WEEK: Dolph Ziggler versus KO

Sunday, February 7, 2016

WRESTLEMENTARY WRAPUP WEEK 4 For the week of 1/24 to 1/30

This is a week late due to a very busy and active weekend last weekend, and the fact that I have been very sick this week. So, I didn’t do much in the way of writing. Last weekend’s schedule also included two Indie Wrestling Event (Friday, Rockstar Wrestling Alliance and Saturday, AWF). I will review those two events separately in the next coming days.

As I may have done last year, I am not simply skipping this Wrestlementary piece, just putting it up a few days late. Because of the lateness, I will try to be brief in my commentary.

I will also try to have this past week WrapUp up tomorrow (Monday)

Let’s start with the WWE and the

Straight up the Royal Rumble was Royally Epic. Except for a few lows, this was the best broadcast the WWE has put out across the board in a long time. This includes RAW, SMACKDOWN and all PPVs. The best part is that everyone stood up and delivered. There was not a bad match on the card, which includes the Kick Off Show triple threat tag match.

Owens and Ambrose put on a great Last Man Standing Match. The New Day and The Usos made good with an excellent tag team championship match. Becky and Charlotte put on one of the best Divas matches in a long while.

I didn’t even have a problem with Del Rio losing the US Title to Kalisto (again). He’ll win it back soon anyway.

The Rumble Match itself was good. Even if it was the mixed bag, as it always is. That’s because the premise of the match doesn’t allowing for any particular style or pacing to take over. Sometimes it can be very fast paced and exciting, other times slow and boring. Some times within minutes.

The low point for this match, and the PPV itself, was The League of Nation (without Barrett) and Vince coming to the ring, dragging Roman out and beating him up to the point he had to go to the back for medical attention.

The logical question, from many, was asked: why not pull or throw him over the top? Well, that would have made too much sense! But, there were two reasons.

The first being that Roman could make his big return to the match later in the night and still possibly win.

The second being that a very similar situation happened later when the eliminated Wyatt family returned to the ring to gang up on and eliminated Brock Lesnar.

This year is the first time I can ever remember it being mentioned that the Rumble is a no DQ match.

After a great return from Roman Reigns and a near miracle that could lead him to win, HHH came out #30, and won the Rumble. Just as I predicted! (Yeah, I got one right!)

I’ve left the big part of the night for here. Because all the matches, Roman almost winning, HHH winning, all that was overshadowed by one single event, the #3 entrant:


An event worthy of Royalty.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: The League of Nation beating down Roman Reigns.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Last Man Standing US Title Match: Dean Ambrose versus Kevin Owens.

WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: TIE: Chris Jericho and AJ Styles – both had great Royal Rumble Performances.



This was a good edition of RAW. Bolstered by great chemistry between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho and a flawless match between the two. Was it a five-star perfect match? Not quite, but flawless.

It really seemed like everyone was riding the high from the Royal Rumble. The show fired on all cylinders, and dealt with the fallout of the events from the Rumble. Specifically the attempt to dismantle Roman Reigns, and HHH winning the title for the 14th time.

The story going forward is this: HHH is champion, he will do anything to keep Roman from the title, including destroy his family (Ambrose) and risk facing The Beast at WrestleMania.

Oh yeah. The Lame One returned. I know I am late to the game with this, with many outlets already reporting on the sexist treatment of Lana by the Rock, but what else do you expect? Look at this man’s history, this is how he made his name. It wasn’t edgy, it was funny and it damn sure what PG.

The Rock removed, damn good show.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: The Rock’s sexist treatment of Lana and borderline racism toward Bryon Allen.

IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Announcement of the Triple Threat Match at Fast Lane: Brock Lesnar v Dean Ambrose v Roman Reigns

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Chris Jericho versus AJ Styles

WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: TIE: Chris Jericho and AJ Styles. Two nights in a row, never done before.

RATING: 6.75


As usual Smackdown was solid this week, in fact this time a little lower then RAW. When was the last time I considered that?

Also, as usual we get a lot of filler with RAW REWIND stuff, which is redundant now that both are on the same Network (USA) and both are on HULU next day.

Again, as usual, we open up with a promo segments. This time it is the New Day berating The Rock, only to be interrupted by The MIZ, who joins in the berating of The Rock. This lead to a showdown and a match, the New Day and Miz versus the Usos, Ziggler and Titus O’Neal.

Titus O’Neal continues to show why he is grossly underrated.

Kalista and Neville put on an okay high-flying affair.

Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel . . . with Dean Ambrose! And Roman Reigns. This felt more like a housewarming segment with Ambrose and Reigns bringing gifts for the set. Fortunately, after briefly talking about how the title will not come between then, a home invasion occurs.

The Wyatt family arrives, and there is are main event for the night.

Win or lose the Social Outcasts and killing it.
Unfortunately for them, this was just another night for AJ Styles to prove he should have been here years ago.

I was pleasantly surprised that the Main Event match delivered. Ambrose, Jericho and Reigns versus, The Wyatts.

Solid show.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: I hate writing this, but the low point is Jerry Lawler’s commentary. Since Marua came along, King has been forced downhill.


MATCH OF THE NIGHT: The Main Event: Ambrose, Jericho and Reigns versus, The Wyatts.

WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: AJ Styles – again. He looked great against Axel.



TNA is stepping it up. This is the best broadcast since their return to TV. This broadcast did everything a wrestling show should do: present good matches, decent promos and set up futures matches and feuds.

We started with Jeff Hardy (ugh), who missed last week’s main event while on a trip to the hospital. He is sickened by what Matt did, calls him out and challenges him to a world title match (arrogantly).

Matt doesn’t come alone, Reby and Tyrus are with him. In a true heel move, to ensure no foul play, Tyrus carries baby Maxil to the ring with him. Great career move Tyrus, EC3’s bodyguard to Maxil’s babysitter.

Matt loves Jeff, but Jeff doesn’t understand and Matt grants the match for tonight. Jeff versus Matt in the main event for the World Title.

The Wolves go on the hunt. They call out Crazy Steve and his mystery partner who attacked them last week. First comes out some wacked out, black and white faced woman who looks like a cross between a Juggalo and a wanna-be Juggalo.

Then comes Crazy Steve with the reveal that his partner is Abyss! (Big Surprise).

Feast or Fired was the focus of the night, and the match itself was good, if short. Eli Drake, Grado (Grado? Grado?!), James Storm and Drew Galloway all grabbed the briefcases.

Instead of waiting for a couple of weeks they set it up for the reveal of the briefcases contents tonight. Just before that could happen though, Mike Bennett burst into the room. After berating all of them for needing to be in this match, Galloway #StandUp. Pending Feud?

Briefcase Reveal:

  • Eli Drake first – King of the Mountain Title Shot
  • James Storm, With Bobby Roode – Tag Team Title Shot
  • Drew Galloway – World Title Shot
  • Grado – There is only one briefcase left, Grado thinks he still could have a title shot. He opens the briefcase and “Grado’s TNA dream is over,”: FIRED.

I’m sorry, but YES. Yes. TNA will be far better without Grado around. No offense to the guy, but he looked awkward in the ring, seems to have no idea what to do and his style and gimmick are insulting.

Main Event Time. TNA really delivered here, with only about 10 minutes in the show. Jeff Hardy comes out. Matt, Reby and Tryus come out. Here we . . .

ERIC YOUNG storms out of the back. He is the #1 contender, what has Jeff done to get a title shot? Bram attacks Jeff, Eric joins in on a beat down. Matt and crew leave the ring.

Beer Money for the save! Crazy Steve and Abyss!

Beer Money clears the ring and fight Crazy Steve and Abyss to the back. Jeff is alone, no help. Matt watches, does nothing.

Eric Young jumps off the ring apron with Jeff and pile drives him through a table!

Kurt Angle finally runs out. Matt Hardy downs him with the title belt!

Great Segment!

Thank you TNA. Can you do more of these please? This is how you should book a show.

They did two revels, furthered feuds and set up a number of possible new feuds.

Drew Galloway versus Mike Bennett?
Wolves versus Crazy/Steve and Abyss? With Beer Money thrown in?
Eric Young chasing the World Title! (YES PLEASE!)
Idiot nut job (Jeff Hardy) versus Crazy Cool nut job (Eric Young)? Yeah!

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Feast or Fired Match
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Eric Young pile driving Jeff Hardy through a table.
LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Maxil brought into the ring.



Best week of Wrestling from the big boys in a long time.

IMPACT OF THE WEEK: Eric Young pile driving Jeff Hardy through a table.
MATCH OF THE WEEK: RAW: AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

DAVE'S BATTLE AXE: The De-cension

The WWE has made a lot of bold moves lately with their roster. Injuries and time off for veteran talent have opened the door for new players to rise and shine. With the increasing popularity of NXT and the talent it bolsters, it really is a new day for both the fans and the locker room. But timing is everything when it comes to the biggest stage in sports entertainment and not everyone works out, at first. Even legends like Chris Jericho needed time to adjust to what he *could* get away with and win some belts with the company. In the recent crop, there’s been more hits than misses lately and the misses from before have mostly been able to find a new angle to explore and make it fun for the fans.

That is until you get to The Ascension. 

What started as a faction gimmick in Florida Championship Wrestling, Konnor (Conor O’Brian) and Viktor (Rick Viktor) would eventually become the most dominating tag team in NXT, holding the titles longer than anyone had before. It’s little wonder that when they were called up to the main roster in late 2014, they had a healthy amount of hubris behind them.

But on just their second major appearance on a Monday night in Corpus Christi, they shot themselves in the foot by calling out legendary tag champs Demolition and The Road Warriors in what turned out to be the gaffe of the year.

It’s a hole that the former champs have yet to dig out of as the tag divisions for both brands have been heating up of late. I have long desired a return to real tag team relevance in recent years and that renaissance is blessedly upon us. From the rise of the Uso’s to the return of the legendary Dudley Boyz, watching tag matches is fun again.  But tag magic is not a simple matter.

The Ascension’s gimmick is too reminiscent of the Hall of Famers they mocked and
their in-ring performances to date have run the gamut of embarrassing and meant to be embarrassed. Even a team up with a veteran like Stardust has yielded little buzz. Is it a case of too much too soon for a team that’s only tagged together for a couple of years, bad timing on the gimmick or both? Both wrestlers have had their successes on the indie circuit prior to teaming up but despite being widely loved in NXT, they’re yearlong fail at the next level has been rough to watch.

But not everyone can make it, the question remains for the Ascension is if they should.

- Dave Parrish

EDITOR'S NOTE: Can the Ascension ascend already?