Thursday, January 1, 2015

Wrestlementary Awards for 2014

Welcome All To the First Annual Wrestlementary Awards

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Wrestlementary Awards Blogtacular, where the only guests are you.

Wrestlementary celebrates one year of existence as of today, it has been a good, but bumpy ride, sharing our love of Professional Wrestling.

Chris, Dave and I would like to take this first post of the year and hand out our personal awards for the year of 2014.

The awards are: Low Point of the Year, Fail of the Year, Impact of the Year, Breakout Wrestler of the Year, Tag Team of the Year, Female Wrestler of the Year, Wrestler of the Year, Match of the Year and Promotion of the Year.

These awards are unique as more than one person can win each award. How? Because Chris, Dave and Ace choose their own winners for each award, and they don’t always agree.

Now Onto the Awards!

Low Point of the Year:
Dave Parrish Awards this to: Monday Night Raw – Post Summerslam!

Chris Rose and Ace Masters Award this to: Chavo Guerrero hitting SexyStar in the head with a Chair on Lucha Underground.

Fail of the Year:
Dave Parrish Awards this to: WWE stripping Daniel Bryan of the World Title
His reasons is that stripping Bryan directly led into Lesnar as champ. If the WWE planned to have an absent World Champion, they might as well have left the title on Bryan.

Chris Rose/Ace Masters Award this to: Lesnar’s run as World Champion.
Reigning and defending World Champion? Someone needs to explain to WWE that defending means ‘to defend.’ Brock has done one title defense. The title is currently meaningless.

Impact of the Year:
Dave Parrish Awards this to: The Racist Slur Incident That Lead to the Firing of Alberto Del Rio

Chris Rose/Ace Masters Award this to: The Ultimate Warrior’s return and induction into the Hall of Fame

Breakout Wrestler of the Year:
Dave Parrish Awards this to: EC3
No one thought EC3 would amount to anything, especially with the ‘Carter’ gimmick. “I disagree,” says Dave.

Chris Rose Awards this to: Dean Ambrose

Ace Masters Awards this to: Rusev
Anti-American BS aside, who has had a better year than Rusev?

Tag Team of the Year:
Dave Parrish Awards this to: Gold & Stardust
Chris Rose and Ace Masters Award this to: The Uso’s

Female Wrestler of the Year:
Dave Parrish Awards this to: Hudson Envy
Hudson Envy is an indy wrestler, with appearances in the AWF. Look her up and discover how good she is.

Chris Rose Awards this to: NXT Champion Charlotte

Ace Masters Awards this to: Havok

Wrestler of the Year:
Dave Parrish Awards this to: Daniel Bryan

Chris Rose Awards this to: NXT Champion Sami Zayn

Ace Masters Awards this to: Rusev

Match of the Year:
Chris Rose: NXT R EVOLUTION Championship Match Adrian Neville versus Sami Zayn

Dave Parrish and Ace Masters: Chris Evan versus Alex Sinister 1, AWF The Elimination
Dave and I have watched hundreds of hours of matches this year, and attending dozens of event, this was the best match.

Promotion of the Year:
Chris Rose: NXT
NXT is part of the WWE, but often presented as a different promotion. In truth it is BETTER than main roster WWE.

Dave Parrish and Ace Masters: The Arizona Wrestling Federation (AWF)
Event in and event out the AWF has killed. No promotion this year, major or indy, has been consistently better.

And there you have the Wrestlementary 2014 awards of the year.

Ace Masters

For Those Who Care, Some Stats

TNA: 2
AWF: 3
NXT: 4
WWE: 11

Daniel Bryan, Ruzev and Sami Zayn all won 2 Awards.

Ultimate Warrior and Dean Ambrose won both Slammy’s and Wrestlementary Awards, for the same category!

No one person swept any category.

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