Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dave’s Battle Axe - WWE on Hulu

I recently decided to ‘cut the cable.’ I got a Roku for Xmas and said goodbye once and for all to cable/satellite/rabbit ears television forever. I only watch a handful of shows and most of my content is preferably online anyway. But I was worried about the WWE. Without it, would I be able to watch Raw and Smackdown and to keep up?

As usual, Vince McMahon was way ahead of the curve on that when he announced an affiliation with Hulu Plus in 2012 that put all the major shows on (Raw, Smackdown, Main Event) and added WWE Network content like NXT, Superstars, ECW and other specials that actually far surpass what cable was offering to begin with.

The added content makes me miss the WWE Network ($9.99) a whole lot less too because I never have time to watch the 100s of hours of content there and when it comes to pay-per-views, I much prefer the company of friends so I usually go to a sports bar or friend’s house to enjoy those anyway.

So far it has been fun getting caught up on NXT, watching old ECW matches and still enjoying the weekly flagship shows, especially those mid-card gem matches on Main Event. Added bonus, the bloated 3 hour beast that I always dreaded fast forwarding thru, Monday Night Raw, is just 90 minutes long on Hulu. Between this set up and the WWE app on my mobile, I’m good to go for WWE content.

Now if we could just the writers and match bookers on Monday Night Raw to be as efficient and successful . . .

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