Monday, July 1, 2019

Transitioning Wrestling Style - Part 1


Here we go . . .

Transitioning Wrestling Style


If you haven’t been able to tell, the Professional Wrestling Industry as a whole has been in a Transition period for quiet some time, perhaps this entire decade of 2010’s. A number of factors back this up.

Even WWE only fans have to see this, as the WWE itself is in a Transition Period, seemingly unable to keep talent happy, keep talent, or right their sinking ship. This isn’t a recent event either. The fact that guys like Neville and Austin Ares walked out and Dean Ambrose refused to resign, plus the tanking ratings, prove that.

It’s not just the WWE, as I stated above, it’s the entire industry that’s in a Transitioning Period. Just look at what is going on around the world of Pro Wrestling:

  • Lucha Underground has stuck around for the last five years.
  • New Japan has a presence on American TV on AXS TV (albeit not National or on all cable Providers).
  • Dragon Gate did shows on American Soil for 6 years as Dragon Gate USA.
  • Major League Wrestling is fast become a big time viable promotion.
  • Many Small Promotion are going strong (United Wrestling Network, Future Stars of Wrestling, Evolve).
  • NXT Exist and the WWE has working deals with Indie Promotions in the US and UK – which includes Evolve.
  • The WWE Saudi shows.
  • AJ Styles as WWE Champion???
  • AJ Styles and Samoa Joe feuding in WWE?
  • The Return to Prominence of the NWA?
  • All-In
  • The Rise of AEW

Ask yourself these two questions:

Was any of this possible around 10 years ago?

Would any of this had been possible if WCW was still around?

Answer to both: NO.

Also, notice two big things missing from my list above: Ring of Honor and IMPACT Wrestling (TNA).

The reasons for their exclusion are simple. I do not believe this current transition period had any bearing on the formation or creation of either Ring of Honor or IMPACT. Furthermore IMPACT seems incapable of doing anything right or growing their audience even under new management and with great talent like Brian Cage. IMPACT was once a distant #2 to the WWE, and was at a time on the verge of rising up – but since that moment has only dwindled.

Ring of Honor on the other hand seems unwilling to try and spread its wings even after a successful MSG Event and being involved in All-In.

No, everything I listed above is a direct result of the Transition Period.

So, when did this current Transition Period start? Was it the end of the Monday Night Wars?

Nope. That was a Transition Period, but only a brief one. The WWE came out strong and burst out of the gate the winner. The wrestling world lost for a while, but righted itself thanks to a strong indie scene and the rise of the internet (YouTube, Internet PPV). And, yes, the formation of TNA and Ring of Honor.

This period is a little more recent then 2001, and has the opportunity to be a true Game Changer if handled right.

There are really three questions that come with this Transition Period, none of which have any definitive answer:

1) When did this period start?

2) Did it begin with the WWE, or is it affecting the WWE?

3) Will it be a boon, a bust, or end with the Status Quo intact?

1) It is hard to pinpoint when this transition period started. But I believe a possible point could be the original version of NXT. Remember that? The version that took over the WWE Version of ECW’s timeslot on Syfy? Best Forgotten, right?

I don’t disagree with that, but hear me out. This is the show were they had Pros (like the MIz) mentoring Rookies (Like Daniel Bryan). This show lead to the prominence of The Nexus – a faction made up of Indie Wrestlers.

It also lead to the Rise of DANIEL BRYAN. As The American Dragon Bryan Danielson, he was already a World-Wide (Indie) Super Star.

The reason I cite this as a possible point is that it was the first time in a long time – perhaps since their working deals with USWA and ECW – that the WWE directly acknowledge that Indie Wrestling Existed.

Consider this: How many TNA and ROH guys are in the WWE (NXT and Main).

One could consider OVW or FCW as possible causes when they were part of WWE Developmental, but I don’t simple because they didn’t have a direct impact on the WWE like NXT did. Most people didn’t know at the time that WWE had a development system.

Another possible point is a little hard to pin down, but still could be a launching pad for this Transition Period – even if many fans don’t consider this thing.

It’s this: The fact that many wrestlers can make a living doing this without the WWE even to the point of walking away.

Chris Jericho is a perfect example of this – though his name was sky rocketed by WCW and the WWE. But what about Austin Ares – a good damn MEGA-STAR who doesn’t need the WWE and left because he didn’t like how he was being used.


Jon Moxley anyone?

Or how about the perfect example: Kenny Omega.

It’s also possible the damn PG Era and bad WWE Booking and shows caused all this.

Of course I have to mention the WWE Network and the minor success it has been, but has it backfired? Is showcasing WCW, ECW, WCCW, AWA, WWF and other promotions no matter how old caused many younger fans to seek out something similar. With the WWE product what it is right now, has this caused fans to turn to the Indies?

Either way this leads directly into . . .

2) Did it begin with the WWE, or is it affecting the WWE?

Following on many of the things I wrote above there is an argument to be made that it started with the WWE, and if it did than of course it is affecting the WWE.

Even if it didn’t it is obviously affecting the WWE.

Just look at where the WWE is: Bad Creative, Talent publically wanting out (ones that aren’t a work); Talent leaving; The WWE Network’s lack of grow and the tanking ratings hitting all time low points. Even if the Industry wasn’t in a Transition Period, the WWE itself damn-well-is.

And it seems to have no idea what to do, or even that they need to do something.

For the WWE the Transition Period is only going to extend – good or bad – once SD Live jumps to FOX.

But where it started, how it started – The WWE or not – is really a moot point. It’s across the whole industry. For here what really matters is what happens and where we go . . .

Next Monday, July 8th

 - Ace

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