Friday, January 25, 2019

Royal Rumble 2019 Preview and and Predictions

Preview and and Predictions

As I posted on Twitter and Facebook yesterday, there is no monthly recap this week as planned because of time restraints on me this week.

But, HERE are my Previews and Predictions for the Royal Rumble, right here in my home town. The whole Wrestlementary Crew will be in attendance, and I will be doing a write up from first hand experience during this week.

So, here we go:


Cruiserweight Championship Fatal 4-Way Match: Buddy Murphy (c) versus Akira Tozawa versus Kalisto versus Hideo Itami

I am behind on 205 Live, so I am not sure of any current storylines or feuds, but I know these four men very well. My favorite performer of these four is Akira Tozawa, with my least being Kalisto. Buddy Murphy has really step it up and proved he is the real deal since last summer. Hideo, he doesn’t seem to be able to get anything really going.

All four guys are high athletic and very good, so I am expecting an exciting, fast paced match. Buddy Murphy’s penchant for power moves adds a different dynamic here, it gives him a slight edge in the match.

  • Who Should Win: Hideo Itami – He needs the win NOW, otherwise his WWE career is a total loss.

  • Who Will Win: Buddy Murphy – I think he’s put the work in, is in even better shape than he was and has stepped up on all fronts. I think the WWE will move forward with him.

United States Championship Match: Rusev (c) versus Shinsuke Nakamura

I am very interested in this match because of the Lana angle. Nakamura didn’t do anything on purpose to hurt Lana. We know that. Neither did Rusev. We know that. It was an accident. Though both blame each other.

I expect a great match that could steal the show (for Non-Rumble Matches). In the past on Smackdown they have had great matches.

I want Rusev Day, but I think Lana will be the tipping point, will she stay with her Husband, or will she turn?

  • Who Should Win: Rusev Day should continue to light the way.

  • Who Will Win: Rusev.


Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match: The Bar (c) versus The Miz and Shane McMahon

NO. NO. NO! This match should not be happening! Smackdown Live has spent too much time building to this match. It’s embarrassing for the Miz, and Shane shouldn’t be in the ring. Period.

I’m scared the WWE might pull the trigger and put the titles on Miz and Shane – going against the whole ‘New McMahon Era’ promise. Remember WrestleMania last year? Strowman and Nicklaus.

  • Who Should Win: The BAR – No Explanation Needed

  • Who Will Win: The BAR (PLEASE!)

Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Asuka (c) versus Becky Lynch

Becky! Becky! Becky!

SD Live has spent great expense and the proper time building this match. This is the MUST SEEE match from the Blue Brand. Hell, they kicked off SD LIVE two weeks in a row and started it off on Fire.

I don’t think Asuka would be champion if Becky hadn’t been injured. And she didn’t beat Becky one-on-one. In fact, I don’t think they have ever had a match (?). Both ladies are super talented, both sport dangerous finishers and both can have great matches.

I am expecting one here.

Asuka is the better striker, and perhaps has a deeper arsenal. Becky is better on the mat and has added more MMA to her move set. Becky’s advantage may be that she is the better brawler and can flip the switch to violence a little easier.

  • Who Should Win: Becky Lynch

  • Who Will Win: Becky Lynch – She’s too on Fire to Deny.

Raw Women’s Championship Match: Ronda Rusey (c) versus Sasha Banks

So far, A Moment Of Bliss have delivered on the scandal and controversy and as a stage for setting up feuds and matches. Nowhere is this more evident than Ronda calling out Banks on the first BLISS.

I know this is a match a lot of fans want to see and am expecting a great match. Me not so much, I like Ronda and as a Pro Wrestler she is so much better than she was last year – which is no surprise. Sasha, I personally think Sasha is average at best, who can have good matches with talent of equal or better skills. She is a damn good personality and good on the mic though.

I can see the WWE putting Sasha over Ronda for her first loss, I’m just not sure if Sasha is the right person. If it goes that way, I believe a Sasha pin fall victory would be better than Tap Out.

  • Who Should Win: Ronda Rousey

  • Who Will Win: Ronda Rousey

WWE Championship Match: Daniel Bryan (c) versus AJ Styles

Oh Man – Here it is for the fourth time The Indie Dream Match for the WWE Championship.

The first match was won by AJ Styles during the Crown Jewel controversy.

The second started The NEW Daniel Bryan movement and his hot run. But will the real AJ Styles step up?

This might be the most even match up on the card – and just like the Brock/Balor title match, Vince himself is smack dab in the middle, given the match an extra feel to it.

Daniel Bryan has truly gone total heel as he champ. AJ is showing his passion again chasing for the title. Who will win? But does it matter? Both guys have shown they can carry SD LIVE and do what needs to be done.

  • Who Should Win: Daniel Bryan – to continue a hot heel run.
  • AJ Styles – perhaps to keep him in the WWE?

  • Who Will Win: AJ Styles.

Universal Championship Match: Brock Lesnar (c) versus Finn Balor

What an upgrade here. Finn Balor against Brock Lesnar is more compelling and has more avenues to what can be done with it, than Braun versus Brock, again. Brock’s brawn versus Finn’s speed. Brock’s skill versus Finn’s finesses. The Beast versus All Heart.

If they are allowed to go, then this could be an epic contest – which Finn is used to putting on and Brock badly needs.

The WWE and RAW need a change of guard badly – will this be it?

  • Who Should Win: Finn Balor – Balor is the best chance, best choice and best hope for the WWE moving forward. He will bring in more ratings and give them more versatility in the ring and better creative concepts.
  • Most importantly, he WILL BE THERE.

  • Who Will Win: Finn Balor

I pose this question, after being laid out to start RAW, will Brock Lesnar be facing Finn Balor or The Demon King . . . Or, if WWE truly wants to make a massive statement and prove they are going to adapt and change: PRINCE DEVITT.

Woman’s Royal Rumble Match

I am not going to list all the competitors in this match. I don’t think the participants are fully rounded out and there are always replacements and surprises.

I do wish the WWE had built this match up better. Shockingly I think RAW has done a better job of building the Women’s Rumble then Smackdown has. Smackdown has seemed more content to build Asuka/Becky and just showcase Charlotte as the Defacto winner of the Royal Rumble.

That’s the one problem with this match, this year: It feels like it is set in stone that Charlotte is going to win. I don’t think anyone else has even been built up as a potential winner. Of course, Asuka or Beck and Sasha or Ronda could show up in the Rumble depending on the outcome of their matches and position on the card.

Charlotte Bailey
Naomi Nia Jax
Auska or Becky (if one enters) Ruby Riot
Carmella Natalya
Mandy Rose Ronda or Sasha (if one enters)

The most compelling in-ring confrontation for the Rumble coming out of RAW is still Natty and the Riot Squad. For SD LIVE is it Naomi and Mandy Rose. This storyline is the only reason I have Mandy as a possible pick.

  • Who Should Win: Bailey – Bailey is floundering, she would benefit the most from winning. There are also greater creative possibilities with her. Is Sasha wins, would Bailey choose to face her Best Friend at Mania, or go the Smackdown Route?
  • Or, imagine this: Bailey versus Ronda at Mania? The Hugger versus the Baddest Bitch On The Planet. Could Ronda bring out the edge in Bailey? Maybe a heel turn.

  • Who Will Win: Charlotte Flair – We are talking WrestleMania here. I don’t think the WWE is going to pull the trigger and go with a shocker here. I think Flair versus Ronda is still the Mania.

Men’s Royal Rumble Match

As I wrote for the Women’s match, I am not going to list the participants.

Unlike the Women’s Rumble, I think the WWE has done a good job building this match – even if SD LIVE has lacked a little.

You can build up the Royal Rumble by having people announce that are in the Rumble, dueling back in forth on the mic claiming they will win the Rumble, and – best of all – tease confrontations in the Rumble itself.

So far, at least half a dozen guys have announced they will WIN the Rumble.

As for confrontations, the WWE has built up the possibility of many: there could be a moment where Rollins and Ambrose are in the ring alone. We could see the AOP dominate then face off against Heavy Machinery.

Of course there are storylines that seem to have no implications for the Rumble that could pay off. Think of this: After the RAW Go Home Show Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins could team up in the Rumble to make an impact and move on forward reteamed and gunning for the Revival.

That is how you build the Rumble.

Of course, RAW seems to be building the Rumble around the possibility of Drew McIntyre humiliating everyone.

Samoa Joe Drew McIntyre
Andrade Dean Ambrose
Rusev Seth Rollins
Nakamura Apollo Crews
Byan or AJ Styles (if one enters) Brock Lesnar or Finn Balor (if one enters)

How Awesome would it be if Apollo Crews won? But again, I don’t think they’ll pull that trigger.

Samoa Joe, Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre are the best picks – but I’m not sure how the WWE views Joe since he has lost all his title matches.

  • Who Should Win: Samoa Joe – Have Joe win, go on a tear to prove himself, and take the title from Lesnar at Mania (if he still has it).
  • Seth Rollins – He’s too hot not to give it to him, and he’s turned it up. Imagine if Finn wins, we could get Rollins/Finn at Mania.
  • Drew McIntyre – It’s time for the Chosen One to not be the Future, but become the Present.

  • Who Will Win: Drew McIntyre


Across the board this is a stacked card and any of these matches could steal the show. It would be nice if for once in the last few years of the ENITRE PPV stole the show.

Expect to see my commentary on the Rumble (and perhaps the month of January) by next weekend.


Ace Masters.

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