Friday, April 21, 2017

Glitter & Slam - HugaMania!!!

Bayley is over, BUT she is not the phenomenon she should be. In this edition of Glitter and Slam we examine why and how to fix it so Hugamania runs wild.

(Kids can't get enough and the merch is moving, but staying power is a question. Source:

From her first day in NXT, Bayley evolved from a fan girl comedy gimmick into a classic old-school baby face. She was humble, but perseverant. She was a lifelong fan of professional wrestling, but she wasn't just happy to get a foot in the door. Bayley wanted to live her dream and dish out as many hugs and smiles along the way as she could – and fans ate it up, especially young kids.

By the time she left NXT, the world's most prolific hugger was a woman who never lost sight of who she was while she found the will and aggression to become a champion. She debuted on July 22nd 2016 at the Battleground pay-per-view as the partner of her main NXT rival and now best friend Sasha Banks. She officially joined the main roster a month later to a huge pop.

After that, even with t-shirts, bears and scaled down versions of her inflatable Bayley Buddies selling everywhere, hugger #1 seems almost a regression of the woman that said goodbye to NXT after losing her championship rematch with Asuka.

(Only John Cena may have a stronger connection with youth than Bayley. Source: @ItsBayleyWWE twitter)

Bayley's connection with young children, wrestling skill, and feel-good persona are all prime ingredients for a champion. Being the women's standard bearer in 2017 was never a bad move. Her smooth road to the title and stagnation of her character, however, are making a potential phenomenon into a star with a limited shelf life.

Following Charlotte Flair's victory over Sasha Banks in their Roadblock Ironman match, the feud started well enough. Bayley was full of bravado and showed some canniness as she told Charlotte that she deserved a title shot – because she was the one woman Charlotte had yet to beat on Raw. The Queen used her lawyer, Dana Brooke as an uber shady referee, the power of Stephanie McMahon and sometimes her trademark brutality to keep Bayley away from a title shot.

This only lasted until the Royal Rumble, where they had a solid match in which Flair saw her opening and shut down Hugger #1 with Natural Selection to retain. A trial by fire to break Flair's pay-per-view winning streak and gain the title were on the horizon.

(Victory was a feel-good moment booked too early. Source:

Fans embraced her on this journey and a WrestleMania moment of the highest order was on the horizon. Instead, she earned another title shot in a mixed gender tag match with Sheamus and Cesaro against Charlotte with Anderson and Gallows. She would win the title on the February 13th Raw after Sasha Banks prevented Dana Brooke from interfering. This surprisingly short journey did not end the rivalry. Suddenly the story became very crowded.

Sasha was the Apollo Creed to Bayley's Rocky Balboa as she factored into the champ's rematch against Charlotte at FastLane, popping the Queen in the chest with a crutch in retaliation to Dana once again interfering. Suddenly this wasn't a personal journey for Bayley, as she found the strength to vanquish her polar opposite on the world's biggest stage. She was part of an ensemble story revolving around the title in which there was no need for her to evolve any longer.

(Their match was epic in scope, but with no swerves and Bayley merely retaining instead of finally achieving ultimate victory, great became very good. Source:

The WrestleMania contest was solid, despite being overbooked to maximize exposure on a world stage. Plus, it is evident WWE knows what they have in Sasha Banks, who is still the most over female baby face on Raw. The title match needed her. Jax had been built up to the point they felt compelled to inject her into the match as the resident monster after her feud with Banks. Bayley breaking out a more compelling finisher – the Macho Man Elbow – brought a positive ending and a good pop as she pinned Charlotte.

That was it. Further examination shows we received something fun, that could have been the epic feel-good moment of WrestleMania. In the broader context from Mania 32 to 33 nothing in Bayley's ascent outdoes Charlotte's rivalry with Sasha Banks when it could have set the stage for Bayley to eclipse them all. In order to right the ship and take Bayley to that next level as a multimedia icon, WWE needs to remember what made Bayley NXT's biggest female star.

(Bayley's integrity never wavered, but she showed the world she wouldn't take any crap. Source:

In NXT, Bayley was over not only because of the kids, but also because adults of all ages could buy into her even if she wasn't the sort of persona they readily embraced. She was stalwart, a stand-up person, but she wouldn't tolerate a bully. She never gave up, but gave a window into moments of self-doubt she had to overcome. She was visibly downtrodden in the aftermath of losing to Asuka at NXT Takeover: Dallas in 2016, but came back strong in her goodbye match at Takeover: Brooklyn, defiant to the end in a losing effort. We have yet to truly see the woman that screamed at Asuka to hit her in the face.

(Integrity and reckless bravado aren't mutually exclusive and both keep fans coming back. Her final NXT match with Asuka Source: Fringekid Youtube)

The emotional depth and the window into a wrestler's strengths, weaknesses, hopes and fears make these characters relatable and that is symbiotic with the story told inside the ring.

Sasha Banks goes for broke, and would rather risk ending her career in an instant in a drive to be the greatest ever than be just another wrestler. Charlotte Flair wrestles inside with embracing her father's legacy while simultaneously ripping him from her life to forge her own identity. These women's characters connect with fans across a broader age spectrum once little kids become tweens and then start their high school years and beyond. Take a look on Twitter, Instagram, etc. You'll notice more young people in their teens and beyond embrace personalities like Banks, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, etc.

Kid friendly can still feel grown-up down the line.

(Sasha Banks, Christmas champ, reads "The Night Before Christmas" to children at Kennywood Park prior to her final title defense. Source: WPXI)

In other words, Bayley's peers won't seem childish as young people grow up watching their favorite wrestlers. While it's too easy to smile and feel good when those inflatable people come up and Bayley high-fives her way down the ramp, her off center topknot bobbing jauntily, there is an aura of corny. This would not necessarily go away if she changed her look and the sparkles and warm fuzzies were gone. The person in the tights has not gone through the personal struggles to the masses that her opponents have.

Even Nia Jax's anger is a subtle statement about a woman who is out to decimate opponents and perceptions about women and body image. Bayley just smiles and moves on. She needs to get mad, have her world and everything she has worked for challenged, then smile and move on. She already skipped over Rocky into Rocky II. Now if she is going to be one of the biggest stars in the entire history of pro wrestling, she needs to start her Rocky III.

We can't change her easy path to the title, but with character developments and the roster shakeup over the last two weeks, there is still a chance for fans to embrace Bayley as a broken champion trying to claw out of the darkness and back into the light. There are two very easy ways to set this in motion.

(Bravado and a hint of malice are a good foundation for ultimate betrayal. Source:

First, pull the trigger on the Sasha Banks heel turn. The body language, promo swagger and subtle changes in her wardrobe are in place for the Boss to turn on her best friend. Nothing says "day of reckoning" than shameless, violent betrayal. Banks' character has been given subtle complexity since losing the title in December. This arc is in an apparent creative holding pattern, but a simpler route can start as soon as this Monday.

(Shameless, coldhearted, yet adorable. Bliss could be the foe to help launch Bayley to the next level in as little as five minutes. Source:

Alexa Bliss took advantage of Nia Jax's hard work and pinned Banks to become the new #1 contender. Get the ball rolling now. Bliss snaps like she has never snapped before and savagely brutalizes Bayley on RAW.

Showing she doesn't give a damn, Little Miss Bliss grabs a chair, a kendo stick, a pipe, anything she can get her hands on and she storms down the ramp behind Bayley at Payback. The champ's feel-good entrance is snuffed out in a vulgar display of power as Bliss unleashes her savagery. Five Feet of Fury is smart enough to stop so the match can actually begin. Have paramedics come down to evaluate Bayley's condition. The champ, always the stalwart one, elects to fight through her injuries en route to certain defeat. Bayley is off TV for a couple weeks, then makes a return to demand her rematch.

Maybe title ping pong would be tough to swallow, but having Bayley find her "eye of the tiger" and reemerge as champion, overcoming the pain and fear that led to that point would be the compelling moment her run at the top needs. After that, Sasha Banks can stab her in the back and the former best friends can throw down from there to SummerSlam.

If WWE can remember that the warmth of sunlight is most satisfying after languishing in chilling darkness, then Bayley could become the biggest female star in the history of professional wrestling and Hugamania will finally run wild.

(Inner peace needs to be fought for as much if not more than world championships. Source:

In the next Glitter and Slam, analysis of the women of Raw, Smackdown Live and NXT will continue. As always I welcome your thoughts in the comments section and on twitter. Follow me and Wrestlementary for this and insightful commentary on WWE and American pro wrestling.

Me: @WesKozalla
Ace & Wrestlementary: @WrestlementaryT

Friday, April 7, 2017

Glitter & Slam - Pre-2017 Draft Edition

Give Vince McMahon credit. He wants more asses in seats and more peepers watching WWE shows more than ever. He made that clear when he announced on Raw that the next brand split draft was happening on the April 10th. With this huge announcement coming in the wake of WrestleMania 33, we'll examine where some of the prominent stars among WWE's women could land and why.

(More than just lulz with adorable livestock? Source: @SashaBanksWWE twitter)

Sasha Banks, in an interview with Sam Roberts prior to Hell in a Cell, said she initially wanted to go to Smackdown for the opportunity to wrestle with different opponents. She's also dropped the occasional amusing tweet hinting that she still does. Her possible preference aside, she and Charlotte should be separated for the long term after locking horns consistently for a little over a year. Whether The Boss moves or not, her presence will be a factor in other roster switches.

(Bayley's connection with kids and the fact she retained at WrestleMania indicates she will probably stay on Team Red. Source:

Bayley, like Orton and Lesnar is a safe bet champion going into a roster split. She will probably stay on RAW, especially since the red women's title is named the Raw Women's Championship. The even slower burn on a Sasha Banks’ heel turn leaves it up in the air who her main protagonists will be. Keeping her and Sasha together sets the stage for the epic women's feud of 2017, but booking over the last few weeks indicates roster balance among the women may take precedence.

(The Lasskicker gives Ellsworth a definite WrestleMania moment with a forthcoming Bexsploder.

Bayley, Banks and Charlotte Flair already had more established star power on the main roster before the brand split. The fourth of the Horsewomen, Becky Lynch won over fans more organically on her arrival, as her persona was still developing when she was called up with her peers. Becky is the anchor of Smackdown Live and her roster mates are all enjoying breakout years in popularity and achievement in the ring.

Trending upward in WWE's view has not cemented star power and only a twitter hashtag blitz of #giveSDwomenachance got the six-pack challenge title match onto the main show at WrestleMania. This is a strong indication that WWE will want to balance out the glitz factor and have Banks go to Smackdown. A heel Boss mad at the world would set the stage for a great rivalry with Lynch. Early 2016 gave us great matches between them leading up to WrestleMania and whether it is personal or for the title.

(Lynch and Banks locking horns at the TLC 2015 Kickoff show. Source:

One tantalizing idea for a move not involving Banks is Charlotte. This seems unlikely to me given her status as the top female heel in the game as well as the fact she is still on the 3-hour flagship show, RAW. An enraged Charlotte Flair compelled by her ego to conquer two brand championships would start that first Smackdown after the draft with a bang for sure.

(A feud with Charlotte has helped both Bayley and Sasha Banks get over, even in defeat. She could do the same for many on Smackdown. Source:

Matchups with current champ Naomi, as well as Mickie James, Natalya, etc. open up good booking possibilities. Plus, in the drive for advertising revenue it's important to note that Sasha Banks has been front and center the most out of the RAW women in various ad campaigns from Muscle and Fitness features to DiGiorno to reading "The Night Before Christmas" to throngs of children at Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh.

It all depends on how much more WWE's creative team feel they can get out of a Bayley/Charlotte rivalry. The Queen, like her dad, doesn't lose much but feuding with her has gotten her opponents over and looking formidable – even in defeat. Given Smackdown's women are recently hitting their stride, she can do for them what she's done for others since NXT.

(Should one of RAW’s Big 3 go blue, Bliss could still have maximum impact on Raw. Naomi's star power would hinge on booking. Source:

For every star that moves, one will have to take her place. Alexa Bliss is still Smackdown's top female heel, but she could expand Bayley's rogue’s gallery on the thin RAW women's roster. More foes and another championship to go for would make her a solid choice should Banks or Flair head to Team Blue.

Beyond the wrestlers discussed above, the benefit of switching brands hinges more on booking philosophy. Naomi and Carmella can still capitalize on their emerging popularity if booked with the same opportunities they were given on Smackdown. Nia Jax may find a shorter road to her first world title as the new monster heel if she left Raw. Veterans Natalya and Mickie James could still enjoy their respective career renaissances on either show as long as WWE remembers fans still care about them.

Then there's the final big question . . .

(Source: WWE Network)

What if Asuka gets drafted? Current NXT titleholders have been called up before and the writing is on the wall her reign will probably end before the fall. It staggers the imagination, doesn't it? Just a little something to think about before Monday comes. . .

Next time in Glitter and Slam we will examine the fallout from said impending draft, so hit me up on twitter: @weskozalla and hit up Ace Masters and Wrestlementary here: @WrestlementaryT

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


First I want to make my Statement on my State Of pieces. Originally I had planned on putting my third and Final State of RAW out tomorrow, and the second and final State of SD LIVE out on Friday, with part four of the State of WrestleMania on Saturday.

I realized last night how backwards and stupid it would be to put out the RAW and SD LIVE pieces dealing with the fall out of Mania, before putting out the Mania piece. Because that would be pretty stupid, I am going to do this differently.

I am pushing the RAW and SD LIVE pieces back to next week, and will have the Mania piece up this Saturday as planned.


Personal I think 33 was the best WrestleMania in a long time. There was only one run in (Gronkowski) and the only Celeb appearances were the musical acts. There were no in-ring or backstage promos, and no ROCK (YEAH!!).

The focus at WrestleMania was on wrestling. Almost every match delivered in some way and what shocks and surprises there were, were in the matches themselves. This is how a Mania should be done.

I will have a more detailed Breakdown this coming Saturday in The State of WrestleMania Part IV piece.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The State of WrestleMania – Part III Breakdown and Predictions

The State of WrestleMania – Part III
Breakdown and Predictions

Let’s talk Mania, shall we? Yes, I think so.

I wrote the following in Part II of the State of WrestleMania:
Between the Kickoff Show and the Main Card there are 13 matches on this card. One could say the card is stacked, I don’t. I think there are too many matches, even for a four hour show. I know this will not be popular, but not everyone has to be on the card.

I stand behind this statement 100% percent. Half the amount of matches I think would make for a better card – this would lead to longer matches, and lessen the chance of fatigue among the crowd. Just look at how many RAWs and PPVs that the crowd seems out of it by the Main Event.

Do matches have to be long to be good or great? Hell No. But in the day and age of the modern “Smart Fans,” you run the risk of alienating your fan base with short matches, especially at WrestleMania.

The Really Good News about this though: all the Titles (except NXT) are on the line. That is awesome.

Can this card be great? Maybe. The card is apparently set in stone, now it is up to the talent to deliver. If surprises and celebs and in ring promos are kept to a minimum, we could be treated to a surprising card. If, like in the past few years, a big chunk of time is giving to a surprise appearance (The Rock), then expect a lackluster result.

As of Today the following is the card as listed on WWE.COM

Kickoff Show
Cruiserweight Title: Neville (c) versus Austin Aries
Andre the Giant Battle Royal

RAW Tag Team Title: Gallows & Anderson (c) versus Cass & Enzo versus Cesaro & Sheamus
Alexa Bliss Open Challenge
IC Title Match: Dean Ambrose (c) versus Baron Corbin
Cena & Bella versus Mix & Maryse
US Title Match: Chris Jericho versus KO
RAW Women Title Fatal 4-Way: Bayley (c) versus Charlotte versus Sasha versus Jax
Shane McMahon versus AJ Styles
Roman Reigns versus The Undertaker
Seth Rollins versus Triple H
RAW Universal Title: Goldberg (c) versus Brock Lesnar
SD LIVE Title: Bray Wyatt (c) versus Randy Orton

The RAW Build: What? Really?

Has RAW really built up anything on this card other than Jericho/Owens and the Women’s Match? The answer is yes and no.

Yes: Jericho and Owens have had a near year-long build up – first as Best Friends, now as Enemies. This is the best thing coming out of RAW. The buildup has been amazing with these two. The only problem is, it should be for the Universal Title, not the US.

The RAW Woman’s Title has had a nice build, but it is overkill with a fatal four. The Entire RAW woman’s division is in this match (sans Dana), which leads to this: What the HELL next (of NXT)?

Rollins and Hunter have had a great build. Rollins chasing after a no-show Hunter. Joe doing Hunter’s dirty work. Rollins’s injury. When Hunter finally returned, it had impact and meaning. Their last two in-ring moment have truly lifted this to an emotional encounter. Is Hunter afraid, or playing games? Is Rollins’ truly that injured, or building toward something Hunter doesn’t see yet?

No: Gallows & Anderson, Cass & Enzo, Cesaro & Sheamus, nothing involving Enzo interested me unless he is getting destroyed or knocked out by the ring ropes (SAWFT anyone). These teams have been feuding for a while, so one can say there has been a decent build, but there are two reasons I say NO. First: ENZO. Second: Ladder Match? Why the hell is this a ladder match? There is no reason for that.

Roman Reigns and The Undertaker. A couple of stare downs and a spear do not a build make. I could think of much better matches for the fans and both guys. And did Roman Really say on Monday he is going to do what no one else has ever done, put the Taker Down? Hey, Brock Lesnar anyone?

Speaking of Brock Lesnar, he, Heyman and Goldberg had have the worst build to a Mania Main Event in history. But that is nothing new with this two. Yes, this has been building since just before Summer Slam. But a squash, Rumble throw out, F5, spear, and Video Packages do nothing to make this compelling. When these two are rarely around, it only screws the build.

The SD LIVE Build: Good, Not Great.

To many times I have written RAW BAD, SD LIVE GOOD. That trend does continue here, but not in such a dominate way.

The Alexa Bliss Open Challenge is just confusing. What exactly is the point, what type of match and who couldn’t make up their mind in the back?

Power Couple Tag Match, the build for this match has been solid. Let’s be honest though, for Miz this is a little bit of a letdown. For Nikki and Maryse it’s great. For John, wow, this is a throw-away match. I know John is taking time off, but this type of match for him is surprising. Props to him for going into this full bore though.

Shane McMahon and AJ Styles: The build has been okay, but why? Is it because DB can’t go? Seriously, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Shane said AJ should get the Mania Spot, he supported him. But, really, Shane shouldn’t be in this match – this should be a spot for one of the boys.

Dave came up with a great idea for this match, what if Shane pulled a swerve, and called up a replacement from NXT (SN?).

Dean Ambrose and Baron Corbin. Violent, hard hitting, mind games is how to describe this build up. Shockingly the mind games have come from Corbin. Ambrose has become stale, and it is a shame as I used to really like him. Corbin has shown massive improvement in the last year. He has gone from being a guy whose matches I fast forwarded thru, to a performer to watch.

Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton. I can’t believe I am saying this, but I am looking forward to a Bray Wyatt match for the first time. How this feud has boiled and burned slowly over the last six months leading us to this point has been great. This may be the high point of any build to Mania.

Matches I am NOT looking Forward to

RAW Tag Team Title: Gallows & Anderson (c) versus Cass & Enzo versus Cesaro & Sheamus
Shane McMahon versus AJ Styles
Roman Reigns versus The Undertaker
RAW Universal Title: Goldberg (c) versus Brock Lesnar

Matches I AM looking Forward to

Cruiserweight Title: Neville (c) versus Austin Aries
IC Title Match: Dean Ambrose (c) versus Baron Corbin
Cena & Bella versus Mix & Maryse
US Title Match: Chris Jericho versus KO
Seth Rollins versus Triple H
SD LIVE Title: Bray Wyatt (c) versus Randy Orton

Matches that Could Steal The Show
Cruiserweight Title: Neville (c) versus Austin Aries
IC Title Match: Dean Ambrose (c) versus Baron Corbin
US Title Match: Chris Jericho versus KO
Seth Rollins versus Triple H

The Predictions:
Kickoff Show

Cruiserweight Title: Neville (c) versus Austin Aries


Andre the Giant Battle Royal


RAW Tag Team Title: Gallows & Anderson (c) versus Cass & Enzo versus Cesaro & Sheamus


Alexa Bliss Open Challenge

IC Title Match: Dean Ambrose (c) versus Baron Corbin


Cena & Bella versus Mix & Maryse


US Title Match: Chris Jericho versus KO

  • NEW CHAMP: KO, With help from Joe

RAW Women Title Fatal 4-Way: Bayley (c) versus Charlotte versus Sasha versus Jax


Shane McMahon versus AJ Styles


Roman Reigns versus The Undertaker


Seth Rollins versus Triple H


RAW Universal Title: Goldberg (c) versus Brock Lesnar


SD LIVE Title: Bray Wyatt (c) versus Randy Orton

  • RETAINED: BRAY WYATT (Yes, I am choosing Bray – I Can’t believe it either.)

Final thoughts

Well, those are my thought. Anyone who has read WrestleMentary will probably be surprised by some of my picks. Next Weekend, when all the smoke clears, I will post my thoughts on Mania, why I picked who I did, and what the fall out could be from what actually happened.

 - Ace

The State of WrestleMania – Part VI – Aftermath, Results and Final Thoughts Saturday 4/8/2017