Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wrestlementary WrapUp Week 3


This was the Go Home Show for the Rumble?

Lame, Pathetic and Sad.

The only saving grace to this train wreck was Chris Jericho. He was all over this broadcast. But even he, try as he might, was unable to save the WWE Universe from this terrible edition of RAW.

The opening segment with Jericho, Roman Reigns, the League of Nations and a Reigns versus Rusev disaster was 38 minutes long. 38 minutes too long. It would have been better just to have Jericho talk for 38 minutes – that would have been awesome.

For the most part the show was uninteresting and boring. It didn’t bring anything to the table until around the two hour mark, where we had the Ambrose/Kalisto versus Sheamus/Del Rio Match.
We also had a pathetic low point where Vince and Stephanie were to choose a name from a tumbler for the first entrant into the Rumble. Wow! Roman Reigns. Three Times chosen! Lucky Guy.

Sad. Predictable. Stupid.

The Main Event Segment with the Highlight Reel was the best part of the night. And the only part that did a decent job of promoting the Rumble. Jericho, Reigns and Brock on the Highlight reel? Good.
They teased a Jericho/Brock confrontation (I Want to see that), but instead we had Reigns spearing Brock. The League become involved, and finally the Wyatt Family destroyed everyone, and Bray stood tall.

Is he your winner?

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Vince and Steph.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Ambrose and Kalisto versus Sheamus and Del Rio
WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: Chris Jericho – No, he didn’t wrestle, but he did outperform everyone and tried to save this disaster of a Go Home Show.



Whereas RAW was Lame and Pathetic, SMACKDOWN was a much better show and smoother production. It actually did a much better job of leading into and setting up the Royal Rumble card than RAW did. Everything that happened on SMACKDOWN directly lead into Rumble.

Take the opening segment: Smackdown started out very similar to RAW, with Jericho in the ring. Only this time he was interrupted by the New Day and set up a match between the New Day and The Usos and Dolph Ziggler. The promo and the match took up the first 45 minutes of Smackdown, very similar to the Promo and Match taking the first 38 minutes on RAW.

The difference, this was a better match. Plus, New Day and Jericho play off each other better the Jericho and Reigns.

This match directly leads into the Usos versus New Day Tag Tile match at the Rumble.

Becky Lynch looked strong against Foxy as Ric and Charlotte were on commentary tearing her down. Saxton did a good her of going after Charlotte, he should be more forward and aggressive like this.

MIZ TV did a good job of setting the stage for the IC Title Last Man Standing Match between Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens. Dean took over the show, then was cancelled when he was laid out by MIZ. MIZ was then laid out by Owens and Dean.

Ryback and Bray faced off in a match that furthered the beginnings of this feud and highlighted a potential showdown in the Rumble. It was a good match where both guys looked strong. Bray only won because of the Wyatt family presence, showcasing how they could have a major impact on the Rumble.
Would someone please explain to me what is going on between Titus and Stardust? Both guys are better than whatever it is they are doing. Totally forgettable.

The League of Nations actually do something right! During an interview with Renee Young, it is revealed that Kalisto will get his rematch for the US Title at the Royal Rumble. The interview ending with Del Rio leading a League of Nation beat down on Kalisto.

The beatings continued in the main event: Roman Reigns versus the League of Nations. The League of Nations at least looked strong in their DQ loss to Reigns. Reigns was briefly save by the Usos, who were than beaten down by the League.

Reigns made a comeback, only to fall at the hands of the Wyatt Family. Bray stood tall once again.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Titus O’Neil versus Stardust
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: The Broadcast itself.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: The Usos and Dolph Ziggler versus The New Day
WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: Bray Wyatt – Perhaps the best he has looked in a long time. If ever.



Three weeks in and TNA finally delivers.

First, there is only one things anyone needs to know about TNA. EC3 is, should be, and needs to be the face of TNA. He is the best things about TNA and honestly the best pro wrestling has to offer. Period.

We started the show with Jeff calling out Matt and airing his concerns over the main event. Matt wins Jeff over, who gives Matt his full support. Tyrus interrupts this and goes on to have a match where he takes out Jeff’s leg.

This lead to Matt convincing Jeff later in the show to go the hospital. Matt obviously didn’t want Jeff around for the main event.

We learn that next week is Money in the Bank! . . . I mean Feast or Fired. Right after that we see Crazy Steve and someone (Abyss?) attack the Wolves.

In a good knockouts match Awesome Kong, and the DogHouse, failed to win the Title from Gail Kim. After a little help from the Beautiful People, Kim overcame the odds and pinned Kong.

Beer Money made in their Impact in-ring return, destroying the upstarts Eli Drake and ‘The Modern Day Adonis.’

Mike Bennett has his first match on Impact, and looked fairly good.

Our main event. Last Man Standing: EC3 versus Matt Hardy for the World Title. This match went for over 30 minutes and used every second. Great Match. Matt Hardy’s best match in a decade. Halfway through the match, unable to keep EC3 down, Hardy low blows EC3. A heel move. I was honestly surprised how many fans turned so quickly on Hardy for a low blow. Is EC3 more popular than anyone believes?

Hardy would go full heel. Included getting help from his wife Remy in the form of a hammer, but still unable to put down EC3. It isn’t until Tryus turns on EC3 that Hardy wins.

After the win Hardy cut a good promo, claiming it is the time of Big Money Matt and he needs to stop giving and start taking.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: MATT HARDY winning the Title. EC3 should be champ.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Matt convincing Jeff to leave for the hospital. Will this led to a feud?
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: TNA World Title Last Man Standing Match: EC3 versus Matt Hardy


LOW POINT OF THE WEEK: Vince and Steph on RAW
IMPACT OF THE WEEK: Austin Ares arrives in NXT Friday Night.
MATCH OF THE WEEK: TNA World Title Last Man Standing Match: EC3 versus Matt Hardy

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