Sunday, January 24, 2016

My Official Royal Rumble Predictions


FATAL 4 WAY TAG MATCH, ROYAL RUMBLE QUALIFIER: The Ascension versus The Dudleys versus Darren Young/Damien Sandow versus Mark Henry/Jack Swagger

MY PICK: The Dudley are going to the Rumble. These are the only guys that have a feud with someone in the Rumble (The Wyatt Family), and can make a big impact together. It also gives a chance for Bubba to turn and become Bully Ray (as rumors have spread this is being considered).

DIVAS TITLE MATCH: Charlotte (c) versus Becky Lynch

MY PICK: Becky Lynch. A Flair need a rival. Losing the title and chasing it will only make Charlotte stronger and tie into her father’s legacy.

US TITLE MATCH: Alberto Del Rio (c) versus Kalisto

MY PICK: Alberto Del Rio. The League of Nations needs a title. Del Rio needs a feud. Kalisto needs a goal. Del Rio wins here (perhaps with help), but Kalisto continues the chase and wins by Mania.

WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The New Day (c) versus The Usos

MY PICK: The Usos, new tag team champions with some help by Chris Jericho.

IC TITLE, LAST MAN STANDING MATCH: Dean Ambrose (c) versus Kevin Owens

MY PICK: Kevin Owens survives. He’s made career in the WWE of hurting people and putting them out. Ambrose makes a career of never staying down and going on even when hurt. Owens win, but Ambrose shocks the world by still entering the Rumble and going after Owens.


MY PICK: My top picks to win are: Brock Lesnar, Kevin Owens, Bray Wyatt, AJ Styles (yes, I wrote that), Sheamus.

My ideal choice would be to let someone who has never held the title before, a mid-carder who may never win it again. Someone like Heath Slater, Darren Young, Big E. They don’t have to hold it long and it would be unpredictable.

Of course, someone from NXT could win, Zayn, Joe, Corbin, Aries.

My Official Pick for the last few weeks has been Bray Wyatt, but this week scuttled that. WWE booking 101, whoever looks strongest going into the PPV usually loses. Bray has stood tall on RAW and Smackdown. Bray is now my #2 pick.

It cannot be Reigns. If he does win, his victory would completely devalue the entire WWE locker room, and prove he has no peers and thus no credible challengers for Mania, or ever.

My REAL Pick to win the Rumble: Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Think about it, HHH hasn’t been seen in months, since Reigns beat him down. That beat down is why Vince returned and has gone after Reigns.

It also makes sense, what better way to build up to the rumored Mania HHH versus Reigns match and put Reigns over. HHH wins the title tonight, Reigns overcomes everything, has his moment and wins at WrestleMania.

Wrestlementary WrapUp Week 3


This was the Go Home Show for the Rumble?

Lame, Pathetic and Sad.

The only saving grace to this train wreck was Chris Jericho. He was all over this broadcast. But even he, try as he might, was unable to save the WWE Universe from this terrible edition of RAW.

The opening segment with Jericho, Roman Reigns, the League of Nations and a Reigns versus Rusev disaster was 38 minutes long. 38 minutes too long. It would have been better just to have Jericho talk for 38 minutes – that would have been awesome.

For the most part the show was uninteresting and boring. It didn’t bring anything to the table until around the two hour mark, where we had the Ambrose/Kalisto versus Sheamus/Del Rio Match.
We also had a pathetic low point where Vince and Stephanie were to choose a name from a tumbler for the first entrant into the Rumble. Wow! Roman Reigns. Three Times chosen! Lucky Guy.

Sad. Predictable. Stupid.

The Main Event Segment with the Highlight Reel was the best part of the night. And the only part that did a decent job of promoting the Rumble. Jericho, Reigns and Brock on the Highlight reel? Good.
They teased a Jericho/Brock confrontation (I Want to see that), but instead we had Reigns spearing Brock. The League become involved, and finally the Wyatt Family destroyed everyone, and Bray stood tall.

Is he your winner?

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Vince and Steph.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Ambrose and Kalisto versus Sheamus and Del Rio
WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: Chris Jericho – No, he didn’t wrestle, but he did outperform everyone and tried to save this disaster of a Go Home Show.



Whereas RAW was Lame and Pathetic, SMACKDOWN was a much better show and smoother production. It actually did a much better job of leading into and setting up the Royal Rumble card than RAW did. Everything that happened on SMACKDOWN directly lead into Rumble.

Take the opening segment: Smackdown started out very similar to RAW, with Jericho in the ring. Only this time he was interrupted by the New Day and set up a match between the New Day and The Usos and Dolph Ziggler. The promo and the match took up the first 45 minutes of Smackdown, very similar to the Promo and Match taking the first 38 minutes on RAW.

The difference, this was a better match. Plus, New Day and Jericho play off each other better the Jericho and Reigns.

This match directly leads into the Usos versus New Day Tag Tile match at the Rumble.

Becky Lynch looked strong against Foxy as Ric and Charlotte were on commentary tearing her down. Saxton did a good her of going after Charlotte, he should be more forward and aggressive like this.

MIZ TV did a good job of setting the stage for the IC Title Last Man Standing Match between Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens. Dean took over the show, then was cancelled when he was laid out by MIZ. MIZ was then laid out by Owens and Dean.

Ryback and Bray faced off in a match that furthered the beginnings of this feud and highlighted a potential showdown in the Rumble. It was a good match where both guys looked strong. Bray only won because of the Wyatt family presence, showcasing how they could have a major impact on the Rumble.
Would someone please explain to me what is going on between Titus and Stardust? Both guys are better than whatever it is they are doing. Totally forgettable.

The League of Nations actually do something right! During an interview with Renee Young, it is revealed that Kalisto will get his rematch for the US Title at the Royal Rumble. The interview ending with Del Rio leading a League of Nation beat down on Kalisto.

The beatings continued in the main event: Roman Reigns versus the League of Nations. The League of Nations at least looked strong in their DQ loss to Reigns. Reigns was briefly save by the Usos, who were than beaten down by the League.

Reigns made a comeback, only to fall at the hands of the Wyatt Family. Bray stood tall once again.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Titus O’Neil versus Stardust
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: The Broadcast itself.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: The Usos and Dolph Ziggler versus The New Day
WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT: Bray Wyatt – Perhaps the best he has looked in a long time. If ever.



Three weeks in and TNA finally delivers.

First, there is only one things anyone needs to know about TNA. EC3 is, should be, and needs to be the face of TNA. He is the best things about TNA and honestly the best pro wrestling has to offer. Period.

We started the show with Jeff calling out Matt and airing his concerns over the main event. Matt wins Jeff over, who gives Matt his full support. Tyrus interrupts this and goes on to have a match where he takes out Jeff’s leg.

This lead to Matt convincing Jeff later in the show to go the hospital. Matt obviously didn’t want Jeff around for the main event.

We learn that next week is Money in the Bank! . . . I mean Feast or Fired. Right after that we see Crazy Steve and someone (Abyss?) attack the Wolves.

In a good knockouts match Awesome Kong, and the DogHouse, failed to win the Title from Gail Kim. After a little help from the Beautiful People, Kim overcame the odds and pinned Kong.

Beer Money made in their Impact in-ring return, destroying the upstarts Eli Drake and ‘The Modern Day Adonis.’

Mike Bennett has his first match on Impact, and looked fairly good.

Our main event. Last Man Standing: EC3 versus Matt Hardy for the World Title. This match went for over 30 minutes and used every second. Great Match. Matt Hardy’s best match in a decade. Halfway through the match, unable to keep EC3 down, Hardy low blows EC3. A heel move. I was honestly surprised how many fans turned so quickly on Hardy for a low blow. Is EC3 more popular than anyone believes?

Hardy would go full heel. Included getting help from his wife Remy in the form of a hammer, but still unable to put down EC3. It isn’t until Tryus turns on EC3 that Hardy wins.

After the win Hardy cut a good promo, claiming it is the time of Big Money Matt and he needs to stop giving and start taking.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: MATT HARDY winning the Title. EC3 should be champ.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Matt convincing Jeff to leave for the hospital. Will this led to a feud?
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: TNA World Title Last Man Standing Match: EC3 versus Matt Hardy


LOW POINT OF THE WEEK: Vince and Steph on RAW
IMPACT OF THE WEEK: Austin Ares arrives in NXT Friday Night.
MATCH OF THE WEEK: TNA World Title Last Man Standing Match: EC3 versus Matt Hardy

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Wrestlementary Weekly WrapUp Week 2

Monday Night RAW

Well, that didn’t last long. Last week’s broadcast got the year off to a rousing start. This past week’s RAW fell flat, a mixed bag at best.

We started off with another overlong do nothing promo with the McMahon’s that hyped up the Royal Rumble in a terrible way and set up a ONE VERSUS ALL main event with Roman Reigns versus any number of the Royal Rumble entrants.

They presented this as something that has never been done before, even though it has. Numerous time, in very similar situations. Cena, Orton, Austin, Rock . . . always dumb and stupid.

The best parts of RAW involved Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel, the subsequent New Day/Uso’s Match, Del Rio versus Kalisto and the Social Outcasts!

The other best part of RAW was McMahon and Heyman going out it back stage, with Vince and then Stephanie cutting Heyman down.

The shocking moment of the night was also the match and impact of the night. The Del Rio versus Kalisto title match was a very good match. I don’t think anybody thought Kalisto would win, even if a lot of people wanted him in.

In the end Kalisto pulled off a massive upset and become the new US Champ. Boy was Del Rio pissed. Great moment. We need more moments like this, less like the main event.

The main event, as I thought, didn’t deliver and ended up being dumb and stupid. Roman was to face everyone until he couldn’t go anymore. Yet he only faced one person: Kevin Owens. Owens delivered for his time, and it didn’t seem like Reigns had a chance.

Lesnar finally made his way down when the gang beat down on Reigns started. Except for the Wyatt Family, who never entered the ring, Brock destroyed everyone, and laid out and already prone Reigns with an F5.

I’m sure some people liked this. But what good does it serve? None. It only makes the entire roster look weak and devalues everyone.

Final Thoughts:
After a good start to the year, RAW reverted.

LOW POINT: Brock Lesnar destroys everyone.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Kalisto wins the US Championship.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: US Title Match: Del Rio defends against Kalisto

I wish RAW would be more like SMACKDOWN a much smoother show. SMACKDOWN this week was a leaner, meaner broadcast than RAW, with limited promos and better matches.

The one drawback to SMACKDOWN is the same one that I always have: too much RAW recap. To the point where it can almost seem like a highlight show.

We almost started out hot with Dean Ambrose showing up, basically brushing off his girlfriend Renee Young and heading toward the ring to challenge Owens to a Last Man Standing match at the Royal Rumble. This lead to Owens and Sheamus almost beating down Ambrose, who was saved by Neville. This whole segment set up the tag team match main event.

Becky Lynch finally stepped up, dominating and putting away Brie Bella. We need more of this fiery Becky to go forward, no more miss nice girl, but the Lass Kicker.

The big moment of the night went to the rematch for the US Title, Kalisto and Del Rio delivered. Again. Third time. This time Del Rio came out on top, winning the US Title back a day after losing it. The only weak point of this match was Barrett helping Del Rio, not needed.

The main event didn’t quite hold up, but was good enough. It had a tough act to follow, just like RAW, with Kalisto and Del Rio beforehand.

Final thought:
Devoid of the fat that permeates RAW, SMACKDOWN was a much better show.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: All the recaps!
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Social Outcasts win a match!
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: US Title Match: Kalisto defends against Del Rio


Impact took a page out of the WWE RAW playbook – opening with a twenty minute go nowhere overdone segment. This set the tone for the whole show, from which it never seemed to recover.

We had a backstage segment with the Dog House and Beautiful People which lead to a street fight, then a Beer Money Beer Bash that lead to Bobby Roode losing the King of the Mountain Title to Eric Young. Next up we had a Ken Anderson talk show? Huh?

After a tag match, the only thing not set up by a pre-match talk, we had an in-ring confrontation between Matt Hardy and EC3. More talking. They set up a last man standing match for next week. If Hardy losses he leaves TNA.

Wow, EC3 was in ring twice, and did nothing. Lame.

Way too much talking on a show call ‘Total Non-Stop Action.’

Even if this show wasn’t talkative and boring, it would still be hard to get into. Why? Because of all the spoilers online. I tried to avoid them, but it didn’t work out. I already knew Bobby Roode lost the KOTM Title, and I know what happens between Hardy and EC3 next week.

Final thoughts:

IMPACT was boring.




LOW POINT OF THE WEEK: IMPACT being pre-taped.
IMPACT OF THE WEEK: Social Outcasts win a match!
MATCH OF THE WEEK: US Title Match: Del Rio defends against Kalisto on RAW

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Before I get into the new schedule (as it is for now) and commentary on RAW, SMACKDOWN and IMPACT, I think I would be remiss if I didn’t comment on the three big new stories this week.

This definitely was a news worthy week in pro wrestling. That is nothing surprising for a New Year, most companies try to pull out some big surprises for the New Year. These stories where a little more than surprising though.

Technically the return of TNA to first run TV. But that is not the big surprise, everyone knew TNA was debuting. I will cover my thoughts on TNA IMPACT below. For now, what few was expecting was two returns.

James Storm ran out of the crowd to save Bobby Roode from a beat down at the hands of Bram and Eric Young. This lead to:

Beer Money was to face Bram and Young at the One Night Only PPV this past Friday, but that may have been pre-taped a while back, even before Storm left TNA.

This is a big moment for TNA. A major talent is back. The best Tag Tea of this century is back. They lured James Storm away from the WWE.

This could have a major impact on how WWE handles their date-by-date contracts.

When news first broke Tuesday morning, I called bull on AJ Styles signing. Dave texted me early that morning, asking me if I had heard anything. I called bull because the blog he directed me to used interviews and clips out of context and from years ago to prove AJ signed.

Then the news broke that Styles, Gallows, Anderson and Nakumara, The Bullet Club, had signed. Now it is a little bit fan boyish to believe the Bullet Club is coming to the WWE, as the Club still exists in NJPW. Would these guys make great additions to the WWE?

Of course.

Gallows has been there. AJ Styles should be there. Anderson is a guy who can go with Joe, Oewns and Lesnar. And Nakumara . . .

Just wait for the WWE only fans to see this guy.

So far, only Nakumara has confirmed he has signed.

I would love to see all these guys in the WWE.

Weird things is, I found the timing of this to be suspect. First I thought TNA. IMPACT was returning LIVE that night on POP TV. They were nowhere to be seen.
Then all this because more suspect . . .

Wednesday evening Cena announced he needed shoulder surgery. According to rumors it may be a rotator cuff tear, which could keep him out most of 2016.

Looking at this timing, it makes me wonder if the WWE new about this injury for a while and if this was the impetus to pull the trigger and making offers and ‘possibly’ signing Styles and the others.

With all the guys out, Cena going down hurts. These signings could ease the pain. Plus, the WWE needs fresh blood.

I promised last week, that I would post about the Wrestlementary Schedule this weekend. Here it goes.

ACE MASTERS’ Schedule.
For the time being my schedule is going to go weekly. A Wrestlementary Weekly WrapUp. Every Sunday I will posts my thought on the RAW, SMACKDOWN and IMPACT, and other newsworthy events.

The plan at the moment is for this to remain a monthly feature.

The new schedule for these features have not been worked out yet, but should be soon.

These schedules could change at any time and as things do, we will let all know.

Also, either I, Dave or Chris will write review of local to Phoenix, AZ wrestling events that we attend.
Okay, onto the good stuff RAW, SMACKDOWN AND IMPACT. I’ll make my thoughts brief.


Like Vince said, it’s a new year and a clean slate. RAW started off the New Year with one of the best broadcasts since Summer Slam and a very newsworthy night.

Everyone delivered on this show, matches were good, promo were lean and everything seemed to build toward the Rumble and WrestleMania by default.

We had Owens Versus Neville, New Day versus Calisto and Dudleys, Becky versus Charlotte, and Roman Reigns with another uphill battle.

Charlotte finally turned full heel and it looks like we are heading toward a Lynch/Flair show down at Rumble for the Divas Title.

Ryback and Big Show became fodder for the Wyatt Family, as Bray and family put all on notice that they are in the Rumble.

Heath Slater! Yes, Heath was on the show! And Adam Rose, Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel.

In fact Heath beat Dolph Ziggler, with the help of his new faction, the Social Outcasts (Heath Slater, Adam Rose, Curt Axel and Bo Dallas). This was the best part of the night, and the best thing to happen to these guys in a while. Don’t screw this WWE.

What’s better than New Day? What about Chris Jericho returning and schooling the New Day on the mic. Well it happened and Chris is in the Rumble!

We once again had Reigns forced to defend the title against Sheamus, with Vince as the special ref. This was really a nothing main event, as it has all been seen and done before. Vince fast counts for Sheamus, slow counts for Reigns. Reigns takes out Vince, finally wins when a third ref comes down and counts out Sheamus.

After the match was the real story: Reigns will defend his title in the Royal Rumble match itself.
This is big. Depending on which was they go, this could be good, or could be disastrous.


One of the best in a while. Charlotte turned heel, Jericho is back, Wyatt’s all in the Rumble, title on the line in the Rumble and The Social Outcast!

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Another been there, done that main event
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Formation of the Social Outcasts (Heath Slater, Adam Rose, Curt Axel and Bo Dallas). Maybe creative can do something good with these guys. This is a good first step. Slater especially has a big upside.
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Becky Lynch versus Charlotte.


The Debut on USA Network! Usually, if your big news coming out of a show is the debut of Mauro Ranallo, a new commentator, that isn’t a good thing. This night, coupled with two titles match and a good card, it was a good thing.

SMACKDOWN followed on the heels of RAW and put on a very good show. Mauro helped a lot putting everything over, and making every moment feel big and new. WE saw SMACKDOWN thru new eyes. It was refreshing and different, but by no means great. He needs a little time to settle in, and we’ll see how he does when the newness has worn off.

Having Jerry be edgier is nice, I like more of a heelish Lawler.

The WWE is high on Calisto and with good reason. The started the show off hot with Calisto, Cena and Alberto, leading into a match where Calisto beat Alberto. Massive moment on SMACKDOWN.

Is Calisto the new Mysterio?

Somehow MIZ TV broke down into an eight man tag match. Neville, Goldust, Truth and Ziggler versus Miz and New Days. How this happened was . . . well, they are all idiots. The MIZ TV segment and match was fun.

Both the Diva’s Title match and the IC Title match delivered big time. It was nice seeing Ric up to his old tricks. I think we need more old school shenanigans like this a little more.

Not as newsworthy as RAW, but match wise maybe better. Best SMACKDOWN in months.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: Too much recap.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: Calisto beating Alberto Del Rio
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: DIVA’S Title Match – Charlotte versus Becky Lynch.


I’ll be brief on this. I’ve been up and down on IMPACT. For a long while I wrote that TNA was better than the WWE. For the last year, they have been a distant third, not even second.

They really hyped up this show, including The Miracle, but I don’t think they quite delivered. Did the World Title Series Matches deliver? To a degree, yeah.

Unfortunately that is tempered by the fact that these were not the original outcomes. Originally Bobby Lashley beat Hardy in the finals, in pre-taped matches, according to online reports. With that being the case, it softens the impact of EC3 winning the Series and the Title.

James Storm is back! BEER MONEY is back! Yeah. I wrote about this above.

The Miracle turned out to be the debut of Mike Bennet. Of course, I think most people believe the Miracle is truly Maria. Bennet is damn good, and a good piece to add, but is he that good? Let’s see how he does flying solo without the kingdom.

The main event match between EC3 and Matt Hardy is the best match TNA has had in a year. EC3 was the rightful winner. This whole World Title Series was a joke in the first place.

For All The hype, it just didn’t feel special.

LOW POINT OF THE NIGHT: IMPACT not delivering on the hype.
IMPACT OF THE NIGHT: The Return of James Storm and BEER MONEY!
MATCH OF THE NIGHT: World Title Series Final: EC3 versus Matt Hardy.


Overall a good week for wrestling fans. Very newsworthy, with hopefully more signings to be confirmed. RAW and SMACKDOWN were really strong. IMPACT didn’t quite deliver, but at least it is back on first run TV, with a new network and hopefully a new lease on life.

IMPACT OF THE WEEK: Nakumara confirmed signing with the WWE.
MATCH OF THE WEEK: SMACKDOWN DIVA’S Title Match – Charlotte versus Becky Lynch.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Official, Unofficial Return of WRESTLEMENTARY with the WRESTLEMENTARY AWARDS for 2015

As promised, it is 2016 and Wrestlementary is back. And we have brought awards with us!

Welcome to the 2nd Annual Wrestlementary Awards. I can promise you one thing, the wrong winner will not be announced for any of these awards.

With these Awards we have Officially, Unofficially relaunched Wrestlementary.

Next Saturday, I (Ace Masters) will post an update on the status of Wrestlementary and the writing schedule going forward for the foreseeable future.

But, at this moment, it is time to unveil the Awards!


Low Point of the Year:
Dave Parrish Says: The Return of Eva Marie.

Ace Masters Proclaims: Ring of Honor and Paragon Pro Wrestling losing their national TV Deals on Destination America and POP TV respectively.

Fail of the Year:
Dave Parrish and Ace Masters agree: This goes to WWE Creative.
  • Ace Masters’ Thoughts: It has been an up and down year for the WWE. Since Summerslam it has been downhill. This has been a recurring issue the last few years. The talent works their asses off, but sometimes it comes off like the guys behind the curtain could care less.

Spectacular Move of the Year:
Dave Parrish and Ace Masters agree: Randy Orton RKO’s Seth Rollins at WrestleMania

Impact of the Year:
Dave Parrish says: The Return of the Dudley’s to WWE

Ace Masters Proclaims: WWE, TNA, ROH and Paragon all have national deals!
  • Ace Masters’ Thoughts: This past summer for the first time in almost 20 years there were four wrestling promotions with national TV deals! This was awesome for wrestling across the board. I don’t included Lucha Underground in this group because they were not airing at the time. 
  • The four were WWE, TNA, ROH and Paragon. If Lucha had been airing, it would have been five! Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. ROH and Paragon still have TV Deals, just not national. Hence the reason for my above Low Point of the Year.

Breakout Wrestler of the Year:
Dave Parrish and Ace Masters agree: Neville!

Female Wrestler of the Year:

Dave Perish says: Bayley

Ace Masters Proclaims there can only be one: SASHA BANKS

Wrestler of the Year:
Dave Parrish says: Sasha Banks.

Ace Masters Proclaims: Jay Lethal.

  • Ace Masters’ Thoughts: Who the hell had a better year than Jay Lethal? No One. How long did he hold ROH’s TV Title? How long did he hold ROH’s TV and World Title at the same time?
  • Who was better in 2015? ‘Nuff said.

Match of the Year
Dave Parrish says: Cena Vs Owens I at Elimination Chamber.

Ace Masters Proclaims: NXT Takeover Brooklyn: Sasha Banks versus Bayley!

Promotion of the Year:
Dave Parrish and Ace Masters agree – it is NXT.

  • Ace Masters’ Thoughts: Yes, Dave and I both now that NXT is not its own separate promotion and is part of the WWE. HHH has reminded people of that recently. However, it is its own brand, and the WWE promote it more-often-than-not as separate from the main WWE Roster.
  • In the minds of most fans, not only is NXT its own promotion, but it is better than WWE.


The Holy Sh*t Moment of the Year: The Skittles Match – Chris Evans versus Alex Sinister at AWF New Dawn.

That is it for this years’, err last year’s, awards.

Now it is time to ask, can these awards change? Will WWE Creative fail for another year? Can Jay Lethal remain champion throughout 2016? Will people still be chanting WE WANT SASHA by 2017?
