Thursday, July 31, 2014


I have known Chris Rose for a few years. In the days before the WWE Network, we would go to the same Sports Bar to watch the WWE PPV's.

Like myself, Chris is a long professional wrestling fan, not just a WWE Fan. He has a breath of knowledge and insight that should serve him well in his commentary and reviews.

So, what exactly will Chris be writing about?

Well, his main task will be covering WWE NXT and WWE development, writing reviews and commentary on the WWE Network’s NXT program. His first piece is planned as statement of his love of pro wrestling and an overview of NXT with some analysis of the talent and broadcast – this may serve as a companion piece to my upcoming State of NXT article.
NXT is broadcast every Thursday; it is planned at this moment for Chris’s review/commentary, CJ's Sight, to be posted each Monday.

Beyond NXT, Chris will also write a monthly column to be posted on Wednesdays in rotation with the other writers.

Welcome Chris Rose to Wrestlementary, as we expand out and try to develop ourselves.

Ace Masters

Wednesday, July 30, 2014



Dave Parrish is a close friend and business partner of Ace Masters and part of Ace’s Rebel Dawn Creative Forces. Along with Ace, Dave co-produced the short films Did I Do Good and Smokes and the web series, Breakin’ the News, he also co-produced the documentary 3:11 Surviving Japan.

Dave’s monthly column, Dave’s Battle Axe (DBA), marks Dave’s first foray into writing about Professional Wrestling. Dave’s initial duties for Wrestlementary will be writing monthly opinion pieces on both TNA and WWE.

Dave’s Battle Axe will enter the ring on the first Wednesday of each month.

His first column will discuss the Rise of Dean Ambrose.

“The Rise of Dean Ambrose”

  • During the rise of the Shield in the WWE over the past 2 years, there were some ample highlights put forth by Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. The combination of strength, athleticism and theatricality hit just the right notes with the WWE Universe who only grew to love them more as time went on. All 3 held titles during their run, solidifying their ‘yes, we’re legit’ status but it always seemed to me that the Tag Team title run that Rollins and Reigns held were in higher esteem in people’s eyes than Dean Ambrose’s run as US Champion.

Beyond producing short films and web shows and writing this column, Dave Parrish is also the owner of Operation Save the Earth (, an NGO concerning the dangers of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster and the dangers of nuclear power in general.

Welcome Dave Parrish as the newest member of the Wrestlementary team, as we evolve this blog.

Ace Masters

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Official Relaunch Announcement!

Official Relaunch Announcement

Wrestlementary officially launched on January 1 of this year and was going strong until my aneurysm. Since that time, my Wrestlementary activity has been rare. Planned restarts of the blog haven’t exactly happened.

As of today, July 29 I can announce the official relaunch of Wrestlementary and changes coming to the Wrestlementary Blog!

 Mark this date on your calendar, as this is the day Wrestlementary will officially relaunch. This will be a ‘from scratch’ relaunch, though all my original post will still be kept on the blog.

Wrestlementary will relaunch with a State of Wrestlementary post that will detail what Wrestlementary was/is and will be. It will also cover the future plans of Wrestlementary and how we would like to expand.

Speaking of Future Plans and Expanding:


 I mentioned in a previous post that new writers would be coming on board. Each writer will cover a different aspect of the WWE, TNA or wrestling in general. This will lead us to having daily posts, starting next week.

While I (Ace Masters) will still write the reviews of Raw, Impact, Smackdown and the Week in Review, other days will feature articles by these three. As planned, there will be one article per day, posted at 6:00PM MST.

Who are these writers and what will they be covering? Stayed tuned over the next few days, as I will announce each writer separately, what their role will be and when you can read their articles.

This Saturday, I will reveal what the weekly posting schedule will be going forward. Each day will feature on article on a different subject – be that Review of Impact, NXT, Raw, Smackdown, Divas coverage or general wrestling commentary.

I am Ace Masters; please stay tuned for more info.

Ace Masters

Monday, July 7, 2014



By now if you have read anything I have posted over the last few months – on an irregular basis – you know that I had a massive medical issue (brain aneurism), that laid me up in the hospital for a number of weeks, and took a few more weeks to recover from.

I have written a little while ago about Wrestlementary’s return around the time of WWE Payback, that didn’t happen due to some personal issues.

However, it is happening now, but there will be some changes in the format.

I am not sure if I will return to doing during broadcast commentary on the Wrestlementary Facebook pages like I was when this originally launched.

As of right now my plan is this: to have a review up of Raw, Impact and Smackdown on the days following the Broadcast, with my week in review posted on Sundays.

Of course, if I do the broadcast commentary, that will count as the review.

Before I return to doing reviews though, I am going to write articles covering the State of The WWE, State of TNA and State of NXT.

I will also be posting commentary on recent indie wrestling events I have attended.

Also, at some point this week, I will be making an announcement concerning new writers to the Wrestlementary blog. These writers will add a fresh and original perspective to Wrestlementary and hopefully bring more depth to the commentary on this industry.

That is it for now, please, stay tuned for more news, commentary and reviews.

Until next time,

Ace Masters