Sunday, June 1, 2014

WWE Payback Predictions

For the last couple of weeks on my personal Facebook page ( and this past Wednesday evening on the actual Wrestlementary Facebook ( and Twitter Pages, I announced that Wrestlementary would return today, Sunday, June 1 – the same day as WWE Payback.
On a personal note, for those who don’t know, I started Wrestlementary back in January. It came to a screeching halt (along with my comic book blog, The Burning Mind), due to the fact that I suffered a cranial blood rapture on January 29, requiring 6 hours of immediate brain surgery, a three week hospital stay and lots of recovery.
As of this writing, I am mostly recovered, healthy and back. I may not have been writing the blog for the last four months, but I have been watching.
These predictions mark my official return to Wrestlementary.
Ace Masters.
Mask vs Hair Match:
El Torito vs Hornswoggle
Does anyone care? Really? This feud between El Torito and Hornswoggle is bad at worst, sad at best and doesn’t serve to help anyone. Slater, McIntyre and Majah have been pinned by El Torito recently, so how can we believe Hornswoggle stands a chance?
Hopefully, this will end this 3MB vs Los Matadores feud and we as fans don’t have to view this anymore.
El Torito wins.
El Torito can pin Slater, McIntyre and Majah so Hornswoggle should be no problem. Plus, the WWE probably wants to start the show off on a good note, and El Torito winning will make some fans – especially the younger ones in attendance – happy.
No, I will NOT mention El Torito losing his tail.

Rusev vs Big E
Twice Big E has come down to save someone (Duggan and Ryder) from a Rusev beat down. The first time lead to Rusev beating down Big E, the second (this past Monday), had Big E knocking Rusev out of the ring.
This match is built upon the idea that Big E is standing up for America against the big, bad Russian (Rusev – Bulgarian – standing in for Putin).
Rusev wins in what could be a squash match.
Big E should win; he is the better of the two. However, the WWE is playing up the Russian angle to much (to play off current events) to have Rusev lose this early.
The problem with building up someone like Rusev in this manner as dominate and unstoppable, is that his first loss could potentially derail his career (for example Vladimir Koslov, or Ryback).
Diva Championship Match:
Paige (Champion) vs Alicia Fox
Paige pins Fox, Fox throws tantrum. Fox pins Paige, Fox throws a celebration tantrum. Fox wins another match on Raw, throws another tantrum.
Winning doesn’t seem to matter, as Fox loses most of her match – but throwing temper tantrums, destroying personal property, theft and beating up some poor guy at ring side is gold.
Paige retains.
It is too soon for Paige to lose the title. Fox hasn’t been built up as a strong enough competitor.
Plus, I want to see Fox throw an epic tantrum when she loses. If Fox does when, she might riot and no one would be safe.
Intercontinental Championship Match:
Bad News Barrett (Champion) vs Rob Van Dam
RVD wins a beat the clock challenge, then is attacked from behind by BNB, which lead to a segment last RAW that saw BNB cost RVD a match.
This match is more just an attempt to keep RVD relevant, play on his popularity and possibly some contract fulfillment.
Bad News Barrett retains.
BNB is there full time. RVD is a part timer, who probably has some schedule time off coming up soon. If the IC title is to be elevated, it needs a dominant titleholder, which would be Bad News Barrett.
U.S. Championship Match:
Sheamus (Champion) vs Cesaro
What a good build this feud and match has had: Cesaro pins Sheamus, albeit with some controversy and then slights Sheamus on a handshake.
Cesaro then lays out Sheamus, and shakes his hand. Sheamus lays out Cesaro. Then Cesaro lays out Sheamus again leading into the PPV.
These are two massive bruisers who have set this match up the right way, through matches and a series of confrontation that both men have gained the upper hand.
This is the match that has the potential to steal the show.
Cesaro wins, new U.S. Champion.
Cesaro is too good not to have a title on him.
Last Man Standing Match:
John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
What can be said about this that hasn’t been said all over the internet? How about this, I am not a fan of either of these guys – but Cena is the better of the two.
This is the third straight PPV in which these two will have a match, and the second match with a stipulation. The cage match was supposed to make it one-on-one, but that never works out. Now this Last Man Standing Match will be the match that settles it all.
There has been a lot of talk, lots of promo, and some physicality.
Cena told Wyatt that this past Monday he crossed a line going after The King. That was crossing the line? What about involving a bunch of children?
On a side note, I wouldn’t be surprised to see The King or JBL try for a little vengeance on the Wyatts. The King in is prime was FAR more dangerous then Bray Wyatt – Fireball anyone?
Bray Wyatt wins.
That said; don’t be surprised if they pull a screwy finish where neither man can continue. Remember the Cena vs Ryback Last Man Standing Match?
Cena can afford a loss, Bray can’t. He can talk and mouth off all he wants, but there needs to be more in ring action from Bray – and that means a win. If the WWE wants to spread the Wyatt Family message, Bray needs a win – for now.
Also, a Cena loss can have him fall further, doubt more and lead to a more meaningful rise up to eventually dispose of the Evil.
No Holds Barred, Six-Man Elimination Tag Team Match:
Evolution vs The Shield
We’ve all seen it: The Shield and Evolution beating each other down, with Evolution having help at times.
It’s gotten badly repetitious; every Raw has ended with these two groups fighting lately. It works though – as it has finally led us to a point where we are glad to see a match that may end this war.
An elimination style match can leads to a number of scenarios, including a potential 3-on-1 situation. It can be an exciting and entertaining type of match. With the six guys involved, it should stand out.
Just what lengths will Evolution go to, to make sure The Shield perish?
Can The Shield adapt and overcome Evolution?
The Shield wins with Roman Reigns as the sole survivor.
I can even see a potential scenario where it comes down to Triple H, Orton and Batista versus Reigns – and Reigns eliminates all of them. How better to build him up and set up his status as the future of the company?
The Shield should win because they are, honestly, the better, younger group who have a brighter, better future.
Evolution needs a win though, but they shouldn’t – it would only serve Egos for them to win.
The Shield win is best for business.
Final thoughts:
Okay, so those are my thoughts and predications on WWE Payback. I could be right, or I can be wrong on all of these. We’ll have to wait and see.
Overall I like the card, and think it has potential to be a strong event (with the exception of El Torito vs Hornswoggle).
I bet you thought I forgot about Daniel Bryan and his choice: Brie’s career or the World Title. What is Bryan to do? We all know something screwy is going to happen. So here it goes, I predict that we will come out of Payback with a new World Champion (Kane anyone?).
Ace Masters